By Jodell Scott
Work appears to have slowed over the past few weeks on the Bosworth condos with the June 15th estimate for the demolition of the dilapidated Rousseau structure come and gone.
A phone call was made to Encore Housing Opportunity Fund Representative Robert Huggins, who states that delays in obtaining PGE permits, as well as renewing and paying for updated permits for other remaining work, has caused the original time line to be put back approximately one month. Another phone call to the contractor Eugene Keegan, confirmed that PGE had held up the permits for the sidewalks, but they have now been obtained, and sidewalks should be in within three weeks.
The condominiums are approximately 95% complete says Huggins, and the compromised structure on Rousseau will be taken down before the marketing of the Bosworth units in August, hopefully within a few weeks. Keegan states they are having meetings next week in order to plan that demolition. In addition all sidewalks, concrete, garages, and landscaping will be in place before being put on the market.
Huggins classified the delays as normal construction delays. An ongoing lawsuit between Borel Bank and the original developer Burt Hamrol have no impact on the current project.