From Karen Mauney-Brodek of Rec & Park Department.
Recreation Center Renovation:
The detailed design is almost complete. This is based on the plans we have seen, which was presented here last July. You can view them through the RPD webpage:
We expect to bid and award the project to a contractor this spring, which would mean that the last season the recreation center would be open is spring, allowing for classes in the building through April and May of 2015. At the end of May the recreation center will close for construction to begin in June. The project is expected to take until Fall or Winter of 2016. As with all construction, we will have to follow this closely and we will inform you in advance if there are any unexpected conditions which delay the project, once in construction.
During construction on the recreation center, we plan to keep these areas open for public use: The ballfields, playground and tennis courts. Additionally, we will provide an ADA accessible portapotty like we did with the last phase.
The public will continue to have various points of park access including: the upper “Sussex” street stairs, the new trail from Elk street above the tennis courts, and the new ADA drop-off and entry constructed at Elk street. The contractor will be using Bosworth for access, deliveries, etc, so we will need to manage that area closely. During construction the areas that are expected to be closed to the public include the recreation center building itself and the lawn directly to the north “behind” the recreation center, where staging will occur.
Public Art Component of the Project: – Panel Selection this Friday
All projects of this kind require a public art component.
As many of you know, an artist and art proposal was not selected from the last round of proposals for art for the Rec Center Project Renovation, so there were four new proposals.
As you may see, this round of proposals is focused to the south of the auditorium space, where there is currently a planting and picnic area. We will work to make sure that picnic areas are provided in the upcoming recreation center renovation. In our current design, a new patio with picnic areas behind the renovated recreation center is included (near the lawn area to the north of the building) and we will work with the artists and others to find a good location to incorporate picnic near the playground as well, to the south of the building.
The artists will present their proposals to the artist selection panel on January 16, 2015, 10am – 2pm at 25 Van Ness Avenue, 8th floor conference room. At the meeting, the panel will select one proposal to recommend to the Arts Commission. The meeting is open to the public and will include a dedicated time for public comment.
For more information about the public art project at Glen Canyon Park, please contact Zoe Taleporos at, (415) 252-3215.
Tennis Court Repair
Tennis courts – The seal coat work is underway and striping work. There are some required cure times and these items are weather dependant. I will let folks know when they re-open, but it may be in a couple of weeks.