Since February of this year, BART has been single-tracking its trains on some Sundays. That means trains need to take turns running in each direction on only one track between the Embarcadero and 24th Street Mission stations. This is to allow time for work in the tunnels that will ensure a reliable power supply by upgrading the electrical traction power system in downtown San Francisco. As a result of the single-tracking there could be 15-20 minute delays from 8 am to 6:30 pm and 20-30 minute delays when crews are moving equipment.
Last Sunday, Glen Park resident and BART patron Nicholas Dewar, spotted the specially equipped trucks rolling in and stopping beside the southbound platform.
The trucks were fitted with flanged wheels beside normal truck wheels with regular pneumatic tires so they could drive along the top of the tracks. Three or four trucks were moving independently.
As BART had warned, service was slow, said Dewar. On the way downtown, there was a large crowd waiting for a train. Then there was at least another ten-minute wait at 24th Street Mission. On the way back, there was also a ten minute hold at Embarcadero station. The BART app had a warning about delays due to the track work.
BART says there will be single tracking in downtown San Francisco every Sunday in November and December.
The next scheduled single tracking on a Sunday will be 11/3/19.
For up to date information, go to this BART site where you’ll find ways to keep in the know in real time.
You can also download the BART (Official) app onto your mobile device.