Thieves cut down three metal light posts at the entrance to Glen Canyon Park Thursday, May 25. An alert park-goer called 311 that evening to report the vandalism and San Francisco Recreation and Parks responded.
“Custodial staff cleaned up the fallen poles and put caution tape around the area and power was turned off. Electricians have removed the posts and are currently looking for replacements,” said park spokesperson Tamara Barak Aparton.
It’s likely the thieves were after the copper grounding wire used in such poles, though stealing the wire is extremely dangerous.
It appears to be the first such can in a San Francisco park, though such brazen and damaging thefts have occurred elsewhere in the nation.
“There has certainly been vandalism at other parks but I don’t recall other cases of people cutting down light posts,” Aparton said.
The attack on the light poles comes just a month after thieves tried but failed to use a blowtorch to open up the ATM at Canyon Market.