Hi everyone,
The northwest and southeast corners were completed last week and the curbs entirely reopened to foot traffic. The new bus shelter on the BART corner will remain cordoned off until the bus routes are returned to normal. The electrical work for the northeast corner (formerly Citibank) was completed. This week, our crews will be working on the corner of the northeast curb, pouring part of the curb and the gutter. This is to prep for the Glen Park Festival on Sunday. We are clearing out as many of the barricades as we can in order to provide the festival with the full use of that area around Diamond. Crews will also continue to saw-cut and removed the existing sidewalk on the southwest corner (Glen Park Market).
Next week, we are expecting to install the new Glen Park sign on the northwest corner. Crews will be doing some electrical and sub-ground work for the southwest corner, which will take all of next week. After that, they will form the new bus bulb and begin to pour the foundation. We’re expecting to finish both corners by mid-May. Because we have completed two of the corners, we are looking to move some of the Muni bus stops back to their regular stop locations. I will provide that information next week when it is confirmed.
The graphics contractor tasked with creating the project boards experienced some delays last week. We are expecting to get the completed signs delivered on Friday, April 24. They will then be installed on Monday, as we are focusing our efforts on the northeast corner ahead of Sunday’s festival.
Kelley McCoy
Public Relations Officer
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
1 South Van Ness Avenue, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103
Phone: 415.701.5428