A broken water main at the corner of Chenery and Diamond Streets sent a gusher of water two feet up into the air Sunday afternoon around 2:00 PM, flooding the street and sending water down Diamond.
The water pressure was so strong that parts of the asphalt and concrete at the edges of the hole kept breaking off, giving the spout an almost musical sound of rocks burbling in water as dozens of neighbors gathered to see what was happening.
Click here for a video of the scene Sunday afternoon:
San Francisco Water Department trucks pulled up within minutes and began working to figure out what had broken and how hard it would be to fix.
The Diamond Street break came about an hour after a water main at Chenery and Castro Streets also broke. That one affected water service to customers throughout the Sutro Reservoir Pressure Area, which includes pockets of customers in the Castro, Glen Park, Diamond Heights and Bernal Heights.
It is not known if the two breaks were connected.
The Public Utilities Commission said the portions of the pipe they were working on dated back to the 1920s to 1950s.
Crews worked late into the night to fix the roadway before the Monday morning commute.