Note: Several readers have asked for a downloadable version of the lovely poster created by GPA webmaster and designer Mary Szczepanik. You can click the link below to get a printable copy.
Halloween has always been a joyous time in Glen Park. Chenery and many side streets are awash in trick-or-treaters. There are so many children out that three years ago San Francisco police began blocking off the street to keep things safe for the mini Ruth Bader Ginsburgs, R2D2s and zombies roaming around.
Alas, the COVID-19 pandemic means there will be none of that this year — though we hope to be back stronger than ever next year!
The City of San Francisco has issued guidance asking residents to avoid many traditional Halloween activities, including trick-or-treating, indoor costume parties and sharing festive food or drink, that can post a high risk of possible transmission of COVID-19.
“Door-to-door trick-or-treating is discouraged because it can be difficult to maintain proper physical distancing at front doors and on crowded sidewalks, it is difficult to ensure that everyone answering or coming to the door is appropriately masked, and because sharing food is considered a high-risk activity for COVID-19 transmission. Additionally, ‘trunk or treating’ between cars is discouraged due to similar risks of transmission when multiple people gather in a shared setting.”
You can read more about San Francisco guidelines, and suggestions for safer alternatives, here.
Instead, the Glen Park Association is urging residents to take the party online to Instagram and the Glen Park News on October 31st.
“There will be no official Glen Park Halloween Haunt this year since gathering by the thousands is forbidden, but that doesn’t stop us from going virtual,” said GPA recording secretary Heather World.
Instead, send us pictures of costumes, decorated houses, carved pumpkins, costumed kids and pets to post to the GPA Instagram account and in the Glen Park News. You can reach us at or on Instagram @glenparkassociation
“Because we won’t be passing out pounds and pounds of candy Halloween night, we’ll spend the time posting photos to help our neighborhood get its Halloween fix,” said World. “And we hope to see everyone next year!”
In addition, GPA’s amazing webmaster Mary Szczepanik has created a sign you can print out and post in your window to get the word out that your family is sitting this Halloween out. Please find it below.