If you’re one of those cooks who dreams of a really good edge on your knives but despairs of ever honing them to such sharpness yourself, take heart! Saucy Joe has added Glen Park to his six-week schedule of mobile knife and scissor-sharpening.
While many in the neighborhood swear by the knife sharpening service at Drewes Brothers in Noe Valley on Church www.drewesbros.com or Jivano’s Cutlery Service in the Mission on 18th www.jivanos.com, having it come almost to your doorstep might be the difference between a blade that laughs at dismembering a chicken and one that quails in terror at slicing a mere tomato.
Joe travels with his mobile knife and scissor-sharpening service on the back of a pickup and posts his itinerant sharpening rounds on the internet at www.saucyjoe.com. He also tweets about where he is.
Which on Monday was on Diamond just in front of the Library.
Looks like this week he’ll be in Glen Park Tuesday and Wednesday from around 3:30 to 7:00.