To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years.
The scene was one of unabashed fun as canine guardians watched their dogs enjoy their inaugural romp in the newly renovated dog park at Walter Haas Playground in Diamond Heights. Dignitaries made their speeches brief, as the antics of the dogs in attendance dominated the proceedings.
The dogs couldn’t care less that the weather in Diamond Heights on Sunday, July 1, was anomalous, even for this high altitude neighborhood. The wind howled and the fog enveloped, as shivering humans watched the oblivious pooches chase balls and each other, and indulge in treats, on the sparkling and spacious new turf.
As with most projects undertaken in the City, whether for two-legged creatures or four-, it was a long time coming. Around 2014-15, Supervisor Scott Wiener snagged $155K during the budget process, in which he was able to reallocate funds to various projects in the district. He noted the disgusting situation in the old dog play area. “The urine soaked, decomposed granite dust would blow into people’s windows and into the kids’ play area,” he said. It was a hazard to public health of nearby residents. After that, Supervisor Sheehy obtained an additional $300K through the same means to fund the maintenance of the artificial turf, which needs to be irrigated and cleaned routinely. There was also some bond money from the 2012 parks bond that went into the pot.

The happy dogs were too busy to do any pontificating on the weighty occasion. After receiving commemorative plaques, Senator Wiener and Supervisor Sheehy, rather than cutting a ribbon, proceeded to throw the “first fetch.”
Allan Low, president of the Recreation and Park Commission, declared the occasion, “not just Wow, it’s Bow Wow!!”
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