Lauren Tilston wrote a post on the Glen Park Parents’ online forum that attracted the attention of a lot of readers. She wasn’t looking for a high chair or asking about an after- school program or seeking a nanny share.
The mother of two, ages 6 and 8, was leav- ing the neighborhood and wrote an ode to Glen Park. Her words can serve byas reminders of what makes Glen Rachel Park marvelous. She experienced what so many of us experience but sometimes take for granted: our downtown offerings, good civic amenities and friendly neighbors.
And hers is a story like so many others: A San Francisco family packing up to buy a roomier house with a big yard—something she and her husband, who had been renting, could not get here—in a neighborhood that her kids can explore by bike on their own. Her husband also commuted for eight years from Glen Park to the South Bay, and now he’s only 15 minutes from work.
“So commute plus lack of space plus finances are the things that really drove the decision to move,” she said in an interview.
It is clear from her letter to Glen Park that the decision, then, was bittersweet; her written tribute to Glen Park speaks for itself:
Our family has lived in Glen Park for eight wonderful years! In less than two weeks, we will be moving (to San Jose) and we would like to say THANK YOU for being our commu- nity for the last eight years.
Little Artistas, thank you for taking in our children and teaching them to love art and Spanish!
break out of their shells and talk to you!
We have enjoyed the bouncy house and live music at the Glen Park Festival with all of youDestination Bakery, you brought us to Glen Park, when we used to drive through for a treat on the way to work.
Glen Park Dental, how in the world will we say goodbye? Our closest neighbors, our favorite dentists, our nanny share, smiles in the morning, smiles in the evening, extra treasures for our kids—our friends!
and endured the years of reconstruction at the park and celebrated the return of a (new and improved) playground and rec building.
Canyon Market, you have been a staple, bringing great nutrition and smiles to our entire family each day!
Besides that, the Glen Park community: We have borrowed your muffin tins and your chairs and we have swapped unwanted items—remember when you gave me that bottle of Pisco? We made some great Pisco sours! Remember when you needed a car seat and my kids had outgrown theirs? Thank you for your generosity!
Hooray for Rec and Park and the people in this community who were active in planning for a space that serves the community! We played soccer with you and Coach Shawn!
SFPL Glen Park Branch, what would we do without you? My kids and I LOVE the library, both for the books and the programs!
Chenery Street, we will miss you on Halloween! Thank you for your abundant candy (and wine!) and good times!
Cafe Bello, your coffee is sublime and your “office space” allowed for concentration when the house was full of rambunctious children.
Here I found moms with babes with whom I could enjoy (and commiserate) about mom life, and they grew to be trusted friends
with big kids. Thank goodness for you, mom friends! I also found Leo from UPS when I had a baby and a toddler and no parking and needed diapers and wipes and other house- hold goods that I could not drag from my car, along with the stroller and baby carrier; you delivered them right to my stairs without even judging, always with a smile.Thank you for being the kind of people who you want to have in your community—people who have got your back and make this life quite a bit more enjoyable! You people are awesome! Sometimes we ask ourselves why we are leaving. (But then we remember the no parking and the stairs! Also, the noise from the bus stop.)
Perch, you are the kings of last-minute and BEAUTIFUL gifts!
Pono, you are my new favorite (and you saved my skin!). Welcome to the neighbor- hood!
If I have forgotten to express any kind- ness or greatness you have shown, please forgive me! I hope you continue to support each other and bring goodness to the people around you! You’ve got a good thing going, Glen Park! I feel so fortunate to have been here and from the bottom of my heart would like to say thank you!
La Corneta, Gialina, Win Garden (and Osha Thai and Chenery Park), thank you for feeding my family when I had no more left to give.
Le P’tit Laurent, your French toast and des- sert wine was our favorite impromptu date night when grandma stayed over with the kids.
Cuppa, my kids will remember you forever, and probably never stop asking me to go there!
And Rhonda, everyone’s favorite crossing guard! Thank you for keeping us safe! And thank you for your persistence! You have known my children since they were babies and it has taken forever for each of them to
You are the best! We’ll miss you!