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Community Input Regarding Chief of Police Selection Process
The purpose of this post is to inform you about the recruitment process for the San Francisco Chief of Police and ask for your help in soliciting community input.
To complement the comprehensive recruitment process for your next Chief of Police, the Police Commission has authorized and is initiating the following:
• Internet surveys to obtain input from both community members (“Community Input Survey”) and Police Department members, both sworn and civilian (“Department Survey”). Click on the following link to take the community input survey now:
• An email account ( has been established as a method of receiving additional input beyond the Internet survey.
• Five community meetings will be held during the last three weeks of August at various locations throughout the City and County of San Francisco to obtain the characteristics and qualities the community is looking for in the next Chief of Police.
This public process has been developed by the Police Commission to widely encourage the community and Department participation and ensure transparency in the evaluation of attributes and characteristics of candidates for the Chief of Police position.
Ralph Andersen & Associates will collect all internet surveys and additional input received via the email account. They will also receive all hard copies of the completed Community Input Surveys. A summary of all collected data, information, and comments will be presented to the Police Commission and the public in advance of the candidate interviews in late September.
The Commission encourages you to participate in the process by taking the Community Input Survey. Neighborhood associations, community and advocacy groups and other groups with an email list are encouraged to forward this email and link to their members so they can participate in this process. Individual responses are anonymous and will be De-identified when reported. Please answer all of the survey questions and utilize the comment boxes as desired.
If you have any questions about or difficulties accessing the survey, you can contact, Mr. Gary Peterson, Senior Consultant – Ralph Andersen & Associates, at 916-630-4900 or