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Greenway cleanups are held the first Saturday of the month (except for July, 2025, when the cleanup will happen the second Saturday). Volunteers meet at the dead-end of Lippard. Tools and gloves provided.
Cleanups are announced about two weeks in advance. For the latest Greenway announcements, please scroll down the sidebar on this page and find “Previously on the Greenway” or email to be added to the mailing list.
Thanks to the generous donations of time and money to the Friends of the Glen Park Greenway, the Greenway Executive Group has facilitated many critical projects to implement the goals of the Concept Plan. These projects include tending the flora on the Greenway, maintaining and developing the Greenway and many administrative tasks. If you would like to help, please read the descriptions below. To sign up to volunteer with the Friends of the Glen Park Greenway, click here.
Learn more here.

Volunteer and help the Friends of the Glen Park Greenway and a Community Clean Team tend flora in several ways, including:
- Plantings – Many trees and shrubs on the Greenway were planted by volunteers and Friends of the Urban Forest (FUF). Some of the oak trees were grown from acorns harvested in the Oak Woodlands of Golden Gate Park and planted by volunteers. Volunteers also designed and created two raised beds that are now filled with drought-tolerant pollinator and native plants. The Executive Group works with the SFDPW to identify and remove trees that are dead or diseased and has plans to continually add more trees and shrubs to the Greenway over time.
Shrub sentinel
- Watering – Volunteers sign up to water the trees, shrubs and raised beds along the Greenway. This work is done by either teams or individuals, depending on personal preference. Some plantings require weekly hand-watered; others suffice with monthly irrigation. Thanks to the SFPUC the Greenway now has an irrigation system that is easily accessible for the entire length of the Greenway.
- Shrub Sentinels – The Shrub Sentinel volunteers tend several groupings of California native shrubs planted by FUF. They work either individually or in teams, according to each person’s preference. Shrub Sentinels monitor their assigned shrub groups on a periodic basis and perform necessary tasks as indicated: clear/weed around the base of each plant, add mulch as needed, trim dead branches and check for obvious issues such as disease, infestations, vandalism, etc. and report these to the Executive Group.

- Woodland Tending – The Woodland is a small, mostly shaded, triangular area of the Greenway located adjacent to the Bosworth Street sidewalk and the paved walkway that runs uphill from the terminus of Chilton Avenue (north). The Woodland was adopted by the Glen Park Garden Club (GPGC) after the Community Garden that they had tended for decades on Diamond Street was sold to a developer. The GPGC has established a beautiful area of drought tolerant California native plants in the Woodland.
Fern in the fern dell
- Fern Dell In November 2020, two volunteers created a small fern dell in a shady area to the west of the Chilton walkway near Bosworth. So far, they have planted only a few very small ferns; they will be responsible for keeping them watered. Your help will be greatly appreciated!
In addition to tending to the flora, volunteers assist in the maintenance and development of the Greenway by
- Public Planning – The Executive Group facilitates public planning sessions to gather feedback from neighbors and volunteers.
- Clean Up Days – Volunteers help the Friends of the Glen Park Greenway and the SFDPW remove weeds and trash during periodic community clean up days.
- Creating and Installing Signage – Volunteers helped design, develop and install a sign at the entrance to the Greenway near Brompton Street. The Executive Group plans to develop more Greenway signage in the future.
- Developing Trails – The Executive Group is raising funds, soliciting community feedback and developing plans for upgrading the trails along the Greenway. For more information about future plans for the Greenway’s trails.
The Executive Group serves as the administrative body for the Friends of the Glen Park Greenway. It can always use help with projects like:

- Event Organizing
- Signage Design
- Grant Writing
- Volunteer Management
- Website Development
- Communications