Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway,
I hope that your plans for Thanksgiving are coming together well. I also hope that, in the aftermath of that feast you’ll be longing to get your hands (and even perhaps your knees) a bit muddy on the Greenway! On Saturday December 3 – about a week after Thanksgiving – we will have a Planting Party on the Greenway’s Native Meadow and will put about 850 plants in the ground. That’s a lot of plants! Are you ready for this?!
We’ll start work at 9AM on Saturday December 3. We’ll break for lunch at noon and then we’ll have an afternoon session starting at about 1PM and continuing until we’re done! Come for one session, come for both, or join us for an hour or so when it suits you. We can lend you the tools that you’ll need.
There’ll be coffee to start the morning (donated by the Canyon Market) and sandwiches for lunch. Whether you plan to come for the morning session or the afternoon (or both), please plan to join us for lunch and email me to tell me when you’re coming so that there’ll be a sandwich for you. I’ll send you details of the meeting place later and will also send you the sandwich menu so that you can make your selection.
Almost all of our plants have been grown for us from seed this year, so they are very small and need to be handled carefully – but they’re relatively easy to plant because they don’t require a lot of digging! We’re very fortunate that about 250 of the plants have been given to us by the Presidio Nursery – part of the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy. We are very grateful to them for their generous support.
For more information about this Planting Party or, in case you want to bring your own tools, to discuss which tools we expect that you’ll need, please email:
I hope that you’ll be able to join in this work on the Native Meadow and look forward to working with you
Many thanks for all that you do for the Greenway
Nicholas Dewar
Friends of the Glen Park Greenway
– a project of SFPA

The Greenway is on the unceded ancestral lands of the Ramaytush Ohlone peoples.