Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway,

Saturday June 4 is a big day in Glen Park: as well as being the day of our Greenway’s June Work Party, it is the Neighborhood Beautification Day (“NBD”) for our supervisorial district. So it’s going to be a busy day in District 8 as well as on the Greenway. I hope that you will make the Greenway the focus of your NBD efforts.
Please email me as soon as you can to tell me if you plan to join our June 4 Work Party.
Email: greenway@glenparkassociation.org
Here are the details of the June 4 Work Party:
- Meet at 9am for coffee from Canyon Market
- Look for us at the head of the Chilton Ave cul-de-sac (nearest street address is 88 Chilton Ave)
- Break at 12pm for our sandwich lunch under the Stone Pines. Be sure to tell me that you’re coming so that we have a sandwich for you!
We’ll have tools and gardening gloves that you can borrow. Bring your own tools if you wish and also remember to bring:
- Sunscreen and a hat. Remember that we’ll be about two weeks away from the summer solstice and we are at the same latitude as the north shores of Africa
- Sturdy footwear so that you will be comfortable on rough ground.
The tasks for this workday will be mostly weeding and pruning. For more information about this work party please email me or telephone me (number below).
It’s hard to know what the pandemic rules will be in two weeks time. We will be working in the open air so generally need not wear
masks. However, please bring a mask with you and, if you find yourself congregating to chat or need to work closely with any other
volunteers and they feel more comfortable wearing a mask, please wear yours too.
I hope that you’ll be able to join in this work on the Greenway even if you can only drop in for an hour or so. I look forward to working with you and enjoying a sandwich with you at lunchtime.
Many thanks for all that you do for the Greenway.
Nicholas Dewar
Friends of the Glen Park Greenway
– a project of SFPA
The Greenway is on the unceded ancestral lands of the Ramaytush Ohlone peoples