Grant Funding Guidelines
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To make grants to support goals of the Glen Park Association (GPA), as stated in the GPA By-Laws Sec. 201, specifically:
- To promote the collective interests of the San Francisco neighborhood known as Glen Park, and to provide its residents with a more forceful collective voice;
- To inform the public of matters concerning the Glen Park neighborhood;
- To promote sociability and friendship among Glen Park and other neighborhoods throughout the city;
- To initiate and/or support local beneficial projects.
In 2025, the GPA will offer up to $5,000 in grants to the community, with a maximum grant size of $1,500. The application deadline is February 28, 2025 and grantees will be announced by the end of April. Submit Applications here >x>
Grant Guidelines:
The grant proposals shall address how the requested funding will support the GPA mission as stated in the By-Laws.
Proposals will be accepted for the purposes described above, from organizations, institutions, and public agencies. With the exception of public agencies, all proponents must be recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as covered by the terms of section 501(c)3 of the code, or must have the fiscal sponsorship of such an organization.
The proposals shall include:
- the program budget,
- the reason funding is requested from GPA rather than from other sources,
- potential matching sources,
- timeframe of the request,
- organization’s contact person,
- qualifications of key people who will administer and implement the grant,
- description of the proponent’s track record as a grantee, and
- financial statements for the past two years.
Limitations on the use of funds:
Grant funds may not be spent on Fundraising.
A board sub-committee will review proposals, clarify proposals with submitter as needed, and make recommendations to the full board for action.
The Board of Directors will consider and may approve the grant recommendation at a regular board meeting.
Funding and Follow-Up:
Upon board approval, the Treasurer will issue a check to the grantee. This will be transmitted to the grantee with an appropriate cover letter.
The grantees shall provide a follow-up letter to the President, noting completion of the program or acquisition covered by the grant. This letter will include proof of payment for items covered by the grant and, if applicable, payroll records and payroll tax returns.
At least annually, GPA shall issue a brief report and list of grants, through Glen Park online groups and Glen Park Association website.
Conflict of Interest Policy
The GPA wishes to deal appropriately and openly with all potential conflicts of interest, including board members’ relationships with organizations that are applying for a GPA grant. This is extended to board members’ families’ interests in the applicant organizations.
Should such a conflict appear to exist, the GPA member is required to make disclosure of the relationship and the remainder of the board shall determine if a conflict exists. If it does, the applicant board member shall abstain from discussion of the application other than to answer questions from the remainder of the board members on that matter. If the grant is awarded, it shall be noted whether or not the abstention of any board member has occurred due to a conflict or the appearance of a conflict of interest, and this shall be recorded in the record of the vote and in the annual record of grant making.