Glen Park Association Winter Meeting
January 28, 2021, 7 to 9 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Meeting ID: 842 4961 2175
Passcode: 843562
Proposed Agenda:
Officer elections (slate to come in January meeting reminder — please renew to vote!)
Update from District 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman
Department of Public Health to discuss vaccine rollout in SF (unconfirmed)
It’s time to join or renew your annual membership with the Glen Park Association. For only $10 per person per year, your membership helps to keep our neighborhood vibrant, active and strong.
This has been a strange, challenging and tumultuous year to say the least, but our all-volunteer organization has been hard at work for our community. Here are just a few examples of how we’ve been working for our neighborhood this year:
The Glen Park News

The Glen Park Greenway & the Arlington Cut:

City Agency Relationships

Our robust neighborhood association means the Glen Park voice is louder at City Hall. Our meetings regularly draw state and local representatives and directors from San Francisco’s City agencies like the San Francisco Police Department. The decisions made by our city agencies affect the future and your voice deserves to be heard.
We’ve moved our meetings online since last spring, and if you can’t make our evening meetings, you can watch the video, or email us the questions you want answered beforehand and we’ll ask them. You can read detailed summaries of meetings on the blog or in the Glen Park News and let us know what issues you think are important.
There’s more work to be done together. Through our committees we work on issues you care about, and we’d love to add members to our Transportation and Public Safety committees!
Please join or renew your membership today with a $10 gift of community and continue to help keep our neighborhood the vibrant and safe community we all love.
There are several ways to join or renew! You can:
Mail a $10 check to:
P.O. BOX 31292