One trampoline, 643 bags of trash, one firehose and a commode. Such is the fruit of two years of monthly cleanups organized by the Glen Park Merchants Association and the Glen Park Association.

What started as a fun and productive way for neighbors to bond at a safe pandemic-influenced distance has become a regular smoothly run operation, in part thanks to the help of Refuse Refuse, the godfather of hundreds such cleanups across the city.
“I’ve bagged trash with people I used to know only in passing,” said Carolyn Deacy of the GPA. Deacy and Marian Dalare of the Glen Park Merchants Association are the heart of the operation, picking up brooms, rakes, orange trash bags, safety vests and pickers from San Francisco Public Works each month.

Tony Jerez of Critter Fritters sets up a home base table in front of the store, complete with donut holes and coffee to fortify the volunteers. Around 20 to 30 volunteers each month come to grab snacks provided by Avenue Greenlight, rubber gloves and a picker. Dalere hands out coupons donated by local businesses to thank the volunteers.
“People come from all over; it’s pretty amazing,” said Dalere.
The effort has expanded to include sweeping, weeding and graffiti abatement, giving generous do-gooders a range of options to make a difference.
The two-year anniversary cleanup will happen Saturday, May 11, from 10 a.m. to noon. Meet at Critter Fritters and choose your tool of choice!