Neighborhood Zoning Discussions
Saturday February 19 and 26
3:00 to 5:30 p.m.
Glen Park Library
The Glen Park Association (GPA) is organizing two meetings to discuss changes to zoning in Glen Park that are considered in the Draft GP Community Plan. The meetings’ objectives are:
• Develop a clearer understanding of the interests and concerns felt by community members about a few of the zoning issues that are of particular interest to the Planning Department as they work on the GP Plan
• Effectively provide input to the City about this limited number of zoning issues
The agenda is focused on five items in the proposed zoning. I expect that we will discuss the same topics on both Saturdays. However, we may adjust the agenda for the second meeting depending on how we get on at the first meeting. The Agenda items are:
• Parking
• Housing density
• Building heights
• Street frontage requirements
• Legalizing a pre-existing commercial use
Here are a few points about these meetings that need to be clarified:
1. These are not library-sponsored events;
2. These meetings are in addition to, and separate from, the normal community outreach efforts of the Planning Department;
3. These meetings will not develop any recommendations on behalf of GPA or any other organization: we’ll simply develop a deeper understanding of the community’s range of opinions about these zoning issues, and the concerns and criteria that drive these opinions. We will give a brief summary of our discussions to the Planning Department.
If you have any questions about this, please contact me at
If you plan to attend the meetings please tell me you’re coming so I can send you some more documentation. I look forward to working with you on this.
Nicholas Dewar (Chair of GPA Zoning & Planning Committee)