Formal Garden
Paper collage, 1966
12 3/4 x 9
By Murray Schneider
Long-time Glen Park resident, Jean Conner, will have several of her collages displayed at Gallery Paule Anglim from October 9 – November 9, 2013. Collected under the banner “Sight Vision The Urban Milieu,” Conner’s works will be hung next to her husband Bruce Conner’s ink on paper art. The exhibit also features the art of Jay DeFeo, Wallace Berman and George Herms.

Paper collage 1964
Hand Mirror
Gallery Paule Anglim is a located at 14 Geary Street (Tel. 415-433-2710 – gallerypauleanglim.com).
Friends and neighbors of Jean, a Sussex Street resident, can join her for an exhibit Opening Reception on Thursday, October 10, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.