The first report of damage caused by Tuesday’s wild storm that the Glen Park News received was of a tree toppling down on the 500 block of Arlington Street, bringing down a power line. Residents on that block and others were without power for several hours.

It was among the trees that have fallen from the latest atmospheric river to wallop the Bay Area and Southern California.
Jodell Scott, a resident of the 500 block, says, “To be honest I’ve never seen such a hard-working crew out there for hours in the pouring rain. There were a lot of trees on the wires and it was a very dangerous undertaking. Still some clean up remaining, but looks like everybody is OK and the cars look ok too.”

The PG&E outage report as of 9pm Tuesday shows widespread outages in Glen Park. The site indicated crews had been dispatched but restoration of power was to be determined. Currently there are spotty outages of up to 49 homes in the neighborhoods near Glen Park.
On the Bosworth Street median at the 1100 block, reported nearby resident Meryl Glass, a large tree became uprooted and is leaning precariously against the tree next to it. “The Urban Forest Ranger was here last night for damage done to a number of our neighbors” on the 1100 block below Dorothy Erskine Park.

The storm took out several trees in Dorothy Erskine Park, once again damaging nearby homes on Bosworth Street. The previous story about storm damage to homes below Dorothy Erskine Park was picked up by the SF Standard.
This eucalyptus tree at the top of the park is uprooted and leaning, caught in the branches of another tree. No houses are in danger.

A large tree on the ridge was uprooted and is now in a precarious position right above two homes.

Two homes on the 1100 block of Bosworth were hit again, as well as a home on Burnside Avenue, with a tree falling on their property.

The most impactful event was a tree coming down the hill onto a house (the one with solar panels), breaking a skylight, causing some interior damage and water infiltration and ruining a bathroom.

Elsewhere in Glen Park a tree came down across the trail from the Bosworth extension to the Glen Park Rec Center. Rec & Park has caution tape up and a two-man crew sawed it apart.

At least a foot of water is standing on the ramp at San Jose Avenue and Monterey Boulevard. Cars slow to a crawl to get through it.

“Lake Monterey”

Intermittent showers are expected Thursday and Friday.
After the rough time we’ve been having in Glen Park, and if you’ve read this far, here’s something to ponder—think of a caption for this photo:

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