Lots of fun for everyone, and here are the things specifically for kids:
Glen Park Festival
Sunday, May 1st
Diamond and Wilder Streets (near the Glen Park BART)
We are excited to have tons of NEW fun activities for families this year! Look for our canopy located in front of 41 Wilder Street.
Lakeshore Plaza’s Gymboree will lead two mini-class (10:30 and 12:00). Join Gymboree for songs, bubbles, parachute time and more.
Tree Frog Trek will be on hand from 11:00-1:00 with some friendly creatures. TFT will roam Wilder Street with small reptiles, and they will give brief talks at 11:30 and 12:30.
Our own Bird & Beckett bookstore is sponsoring Storytime with Walker Brents III (11am and 2 pm). Mr. Brents will also give away copies of beloved books such as Aesop’s Fables and Alice in Wonderland.
And of course, all of the old favorites are back:
the fire truck (1-2 pm at the corner of Wilder and Carrie)
the talking police car (all day)
2 jumpy houses
Stephen Hollis, the balloon-animal-making-partial-(so-not-so-scary)-clown
The kid friendly band Orange Sherbert performs at 10:00am on the main stage on Diamond at Chenery. Music for the entire family will be performed all day.
Please like us on facebook for updates and visit us at www.glenparkfestival.com
Entry to the festival and participation in all of the activities listed above is free. But we do ask for a donation for entry to the bounce houses and hope that you will tip Mr. Hollis for his wonderful balloon creations.