From Carolyn Deacy, the safety chair of the Glen Park Association
Notes from Diamond Heights/Glen Park Community Meeting, March 2, 1013, 4:00 pm at St. Aidan’s Church. This report is based on my notes–I apologize for any inaccurate information.
Supervisor Scott Wiener and Captain David Lazar, Captain of the Police Academy (nice to have him back in the area!)
Supervisor Wiener spoke about what’s going on at city hall:
— MUNI has been neglected, underfunded and needs Internal reform. Scott is requesting reports from MUNI on: Level of deferred maintenance; How many vehicles are broken-down for how long (or how many vehicles are out of service at one time); How many Subway meltdowns per week?
— CarSharing: It’s now easier for new development is include CarSharing by revising an antiquated code.
— Budget Season: The Police Academy will now have 3 classes per year. This should resolve the police staffing problems. Federal HIV cuts to come, city/county will need to pick up some of the slack; DPW will be getting additional funding, will be able to take care deferred cleaning etc.
–Glen Canyon Recreation Center and Christopher Playground will be updated benefit from passing Prop B.
Question: Jane Warner Plaza at Castro and Market has been trashed by the young people who camp there every weekend. They aren’t bad people but the plaza is a mess and unavailable to anyone else.
Answer: The kids with backpacks come from Santa Cruz, Portland. The problem has gotten worse since they have been kicked out of the Haight. Fights break out in the area.
Solutions: Scott is working with the Mission Police captain. The police can do only so much unless the kids are doing something illegal–fighting, sleeping. The benches have been removed. If you see a violation call police non-emergency number 415-553-0123. Walgreens at 18th and Castro has started call in the police. The homeless outreach team has visited the area but the kids don’t want services. Calling about Illegal camping is the only way to get them. Standards of behavior are broad in SF, we are hesitant to tell people what to do.
Question: What should I do when I see someone passed out in the sidewalk?
Answer: Call Homeless Outreach Hot Team: 734-4233
Question: Parcel Tax Assessments?
Answer: [Details a bit sketchy here] It’s a tax on all property, pass with 2/3 majority. Current assessments cover City College and SFSD, they are flat tax which isn’t fair, should be based on property value. Per prop 13 commercial property is not reassessed
Question: Property Tax Appeal Board, is very slow to respond, they lost out paper work (but did cash our check.) It’s obvious when visiting the office that it’s very disorganized.
Answer: They are backlogged and disorganized, the issues are deep. Should improve with new Assessor: Carman Chu
Question: Converting TIC to condo. It’s very complicated, read about it here:
Facts and Answers: 85% of the TIC are owner occupied. Conversions of Ellis Act ( buildings will not be allowed. Now it takes 15 years to convert from TIC to Condo. The lottery will be suspended for 4-7 years after the current 50 buildings covert. Fewer TIC are being sold–many of the current TIC owners didn’t have accurate information when they purchased.
Question: New housing condo or rental?
Answer: Mostly rental. When building housing in SF need to include affordable housing or pay for affordable housing elsewhere in the city.
Question: Is there a building height limit for new construction. Specifically on Market St. and at Market and Octavia
Answer: These buildings will be 6 stories high.
Question: From mother of 10 year old son. Panhandlers target kids, What’s SF doing to prevent guns in schools, and a Sandy Hook type shooting.
Answer: Captain Lazar. SF is a great city for kids, it’s safe for a city it’s size. Violent crime and homicide are down.
Re: Sand Hook type shooting: SFPD takes school violence very seriously. All officers are trained in the area of active shooting in a school or business. SFPD has been doing active outreach to schools.
Question: SFSP uses hollow cone bullets.
Answer: Captain Lazar, this type of bullet is not used by the SFPD. Officers are trained to stop the threat, bean bag? and baton are options they can use before shooting.
Question: What happened to the Community Police Academy?
Answer: Captain Lazar It was put on hold, now reinstated. There is a new program ALERT (think NERT for police.)
Question: Recently there have been a few dogs shot by police. What’s the policy?
Answer: Captain Lazar. An officer will shoot when they feel their life is in danger. They will avoid shooting a dog but sometimes feel it’s necessary. Captain Lazar will look into the policy.
Question: There has been an increase in car break-ins in Twin Peaks.
Answer: Lazar. Auto break-in is a hot topic in in SF, it’s up all over the city. Lazar’s own car was recently broken into. DO NOT LEAVE ANYTHING IN YOUR CAR. At least then you only have to fix the window or door. It’s amazing what people leave in their cars.
Question: There have been periotic spikes in muggings in Glen Park.
Answer: Lazar. SFPD uses undercover officers, they caught a few suspects, the mugging s gave quieted down. [there was another violent mugging last week]
Question: [My notes on tis are sketchy] Are you aware the person that bought the foreclosed house in Diamond Heights has been charged with [some sort of illegal finical dealings]? What can you do to help out here.
Answer: Not aware of the situation, will look into it. Working with people in foreclosure.
There will be public meetings for Christopher Park mid year and GP rec center later in the year.