Time to Step It Up and Have Some Neighborhood Fun!
Join us on February 23, 2019 from 12 noon until 2 pm to celebrate the kick-off event for two approved proposals that will be on the the District 7 Participatory Budget ballot for 2019:
- Lighting Sunnyside’s Detroit Steps for Safety and Visibility
- Preparing Sunnyside’s Detroit Steps for Landscaping and Art
Complementary food, drinks, crafts for the kids, and more information about both projects will be available. The two proposals are part of a multi-step process that will culminate with a public art and landscaping project on the Upper and Lower Detroit Steps. These two proposals and the kick-off event are supported by the Sunnyside Neighborhood Association.
Of this double proposal, project leader Rosaura Valle said “This is an exciting, truly community-led project!” This year District 7 is the only district in San Francisco where constituents propose projects to improve the safety, beauty, and livability of their neighborhoods. This year there is $650,000 in funding set aside for projects that all District 7 residents (16 years and older) may vote for in mid-March. Residents can vote for multiple projects in each category and projects are located all over District 7. This event is a celebration of two such projects.
- Detroit Steps Kick-off Party on Saturday, February 23 (12 noon-2 pm).
- Come to the bottom of the Detroit Steps at Hearst Avenue.
- Free food, drinks, and arts and crafts for kids.
- Open to everyone, regardless of the District you live in.
More information on the Detroit Steps can be found online here: http://sunnysideassociation.org/detroit-steps and a video compilation here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10o049hvo3m8uVl3BSK1ID7p_cETRHtox/view
About Sunnyside Neighborhood Association
Sunnyside Neighborhood Association (SNA) was established in 1974 to empower residents in efforts to better the neighborhood. This long-lived association is a valuable tool that brings residents together to preserve, enhance, and empower the livability of Sunnyside. More information about SNA can be found at: http://sunnysideassociation.org/
For more information, contact
Suna Mullins