The Greenway between Lippard and Chilton, 9 am to 12 pm.
Meet on the Greenway between Lippard and Chilton streets (last time, we did the stretch between Brompton and Lippard). We’ll celebrate and get to know each other over a lunch time community potluck.
You should bring:
* A salad, dessert, casserole or finger food to share (no raw meat, please — we won’t be grilling)
* A sunhat and/or sunscreen
* A chair or stool if you’d like to sit down
We will have:
* Gardening tools and gloves provided by SF Public Works (SFPW)
* Tables on which to set food
* Water
* Utensils, cups, and paper plates
Please RSVP to stephany.wilkes@gmail.com. This helps us know how many tools and supplies to ask SFPW to bring in advance. If you live on or near the Greenway, let us know if there’s anything in particular you’d like to see us accomplish that day.