Did you know that Glen Park Library offers free math tutoring for any school-age student just about every Tuesday from 3:30-5:00 thanks to Lick-Wilmerding High School senior volunteers? Have you heard that our own knitting circle participants are volunteering to teach anyone and everyone the basics of knitting and crocheting Sunday the 16th between 1 and 3pm? Can you believe we are lucky enough to have a volunteer dog, Jeffrey, who youth ages 6-8 can read to as part of our Junior Readers Book Club once a month on Fridays at 4:00?
Which is all to say, we know you’re grateful for the amazing library we have in Glen Park and the unsurpassed library system we have in San Francisco, but it wouldn’t be half the library it is without all the wonderful energy you infuse in your libraries. Thank you for being here to teach and learn with your neighbors about Glen Park History, fiction writing, the abundance of native and interesting plants we can find in our neighborhood, or how to get started painting with watercolor! We appreciate you and all you bring to the library. We wouldn’t be able to offer the wealth and depth of community-making programming we do without you.
And now for my ask (queue devious grin). Would you happen to know someone who just loves chess and wants to help others become chess lovers? We’ve hosted a chess club at the library for many months now that ebbs and flows, and it’s currently ebbing. We recognize the best opportunity to maintain the club is to enlist the support of a chess-loving volunteer, or seven, who can be here to support youth and adults looking to learn or for a good opponent. If you happen to know a neighbor who’s looking to connect with and grow community, please send them my way — gpamgr@sfpl.org or stop in to have a chat.
As always, this update shares a very small sampling of the many programs and experiences you can enjoy free at the library this month. To find out about all the Glen Park Branch Library programs, we recommend you stop by the library to pick up an events pamphlet, visit our website, and subscribe to the monthly Glen Park Branch Library newsletter.
In community,
Darren Heiber
Glen Park Library Branch Manager