By Jennie Rose Glen Park News staff A possible sexual predator is targeting middle school-aged girls in the Outer Mission area. The man, described as a Filipino male, 30-35 years old with a dark complexion with acne, has twice in the last two weeks tried to lure girls into his car, Ingleside Police Captain David […]
No Fire, Thank Goodness
It smelled like BBQ for awhile this afternoon on the 600 block of Chenery. But it had just a hint of grass fire as well, and that was enough to bring four fire engines and a chief’s van racing to make sure. They blocked traffic at Chilton and Thor and a good dozen fire fighters […]
Glen Park Plan Meeting Wed. Sept. 16
Wednesday is your chance to tell the City Planning Dept. what you think of their ideas for our neighborhood. Like density and the walkability that comes with it? Tell ’em! Don’t want the neighborhood the change much, it’s fine as is? Tell ’em! This is participatory democracy in action and your change to set the […]
Drive Carefully On Wednesday
From Capt. Lazar’s daily newsletter: There will be a pedestrian sting tomorrow, September 16th, led by Lt. Perea from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Lt. Perea will be focusing on Bosworth and Chilton, Bosworth and the SB280 on ramp, Joost and Brompton, Joost and Monterey and Geneva and London. Motorists will be cited for failing […]
Glen Park Planning Meeting: Wed. Sept. 16 6:30-8:30
Eds Note: The next Glen Park Planning Meeting is Wednesday, Sept. 16th from 6:30-8:30 at the Glen Park Recreation Center in the park. The date was printed incorrectly in the Fall issue of the Glen Park News. We’re really sorry! From the Fall (released Sept. 10) issue of the Glen Park News: By Elizabeth Weise […]
The Glen Park News is on the streets!
Look for it in the next few days on your doorstep or at your favorite local business. Here’s the team of your neighbors, all volunteer, that puts out this great community paper: Beth Weise, editor Rachel Gordon, deputy editor Liz Manglesdorf, Photo Editor Mary Mottola, Design Denis Wade, Copy Editor Nora Dowley, Advertising Reporters: Gail […]
Business Times article on possible Glen Park BART development Sept. 4, 2009 Article by J.K. Dineen published by the San Francisco Business Times. SAN FRANCISCO – “Five developers are in the running to build housing on the BART parking lot in Glen Park, a site across from the station that represents a rare chance for multi-family residential development in the village-like San Francisco […]
Lion Dancers at Eggettes
A pair of Lion Dancers from the JingMo dance troupe marched into Eggettes Sunday afternoon around 1:00, part of a big Chinese baby ceremony celebrating one very happy baby in a very red little outfit. The baby’s mom used to dance with the troupe, their director says.
Coolest car in Glen Park
A car so cool it had soccer moms screeching to a halt to gander and bikers and even so-so-cool skate boarders pulling up along side was parked on Chenery St. this afternoon. It’s the Tango, an all-electric ‘urban communter’ car that seats two – one in front and one in back. Glen Park News photographer […]
10th Anniversary Retrospective: They work for you
You may have spent Wednesday night cozy in your house or out on the town. But the Board of the Glen Park Association braved the foggy evening to trudge down Chenery to Heather’s house, and spent three hours talking about the details that made a difference here in Glen Park. Arranging for the Dept. of […]
The Parrots are Back!
In Fall 2005, the parrots of Telegraph Hill visited Glen Park. For the last few weeks, photographer and printmaker Trish Foschi has been hearing and seeing them fly by her home near Swiss and Sussex. Finally this weekend Foschi captured them frolicking on a nearby tree.
Bank Scam Info from Ingleside Station
Captain’s Message: Criminals are becoming creative in this age of technology. They are able to access a great deal of information through internet search engines if they could just get a little critical information from the victim. They will use a simple phone call to get that information by posing to be a bank manager, […]
Sewage odor reported across City
Multiple posters to various Glen Park electronic mailing lists reported a odor of sewage wafting across the neighborhood. It turns out it’s not just us…. Odor Across San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS) — The KCBS newsroom received calls Friday afternoon reporting an unusual and unpleasant smell in San Francisco.Most of the callers reporting the odor were […]
Bank Scam
Friday, August 21, 2009 Captain’s Message: Criminals are becoming creative in this age of technology. They are able to access a great deal of information through internet search engines if they could just get a little critical information from the victim. They will use a simple phone call to get that information by posing to […]
Watch for roofer scam artists
San Francisco Police Department Ingleside Station Captain´s message Wednesday, August 19, 2009 As the fall season approaches, we think of the new school year, football, Halloween and early rainfall. This is the time of year when scam artists portraying themselves as independent roofers solicit work. Commonly, the suspects target senior citizens tending to their front […]
A scam warning from Capt. Lazar at Ingleside
Captain’s Message: Tuesday, 8/18/2009 Today, I would like to talk to you about a scam called a Jamaican Switch or a Pigeon Drop. The criminals play on the victim’s vision of making a large amount of money in just an hour of time. There are usually two suspects. They can be men or women. One […]
Aug. 8, 2009 Chenery at Bosworth Five San Francisco Police officers confront five suspects in a stolen Lexus. One was later charged with stealing the car in Oakland. Glen Park News photographer Michael Waldstein was there.
Meet Capt. Lazar on Tuesday
Captain Lazar wil be holding the Ingleside District community meeting tomorrow night. It’s an excellent opportunity to ask the captain questions and gather information. Details: Police Community Relations Meeting Tuesday, August 18 at 7 p.m. Ingleside Station’s Community Room 1 Sergeant John Young Lane, S.F., CA 94112
Big Booms in the Night
By Elizabeth Weise Glen Park News staff writer Glen Park residents reported several loud booming noises Thursday night reverberating across the neighborhood. No one has yet come up with an explanation for them. One suggestion was that they might be roadway workers putting down large, flat metal covers over work holes, but no one has […]
Fire in Glen Canyon
By Elizabeth Weise Glen Park News staff writer Neighbors near Glen Canyon were awoken last night by the scream of fire engines racing to battle a one-alarm grass and brush fired burning in the western part of the park early Wednesday morning. The fire was first reported just after 1 a.m. according to the San […]
Elderly man injured in Diamond cross walk
On Friday, Aug. 7th, an elderly man was knocked down by a car turning into the Diamond and Bosworth pedestrian crossing. Local photographer Sybille Beltran was there.
Next Ingleside Station Monthly Meeting
August 18th 7:00 pm Ingleside Station 1 Sgt. John V. Young Lane (415) 404-4000
Officer Mike Walsh: Rest in Peace
By Paula Levine Glen Park News staff writer Michael Walsh, a Glen Park resident since 1983, passed away suddenly on July 2nd, leaving a tide of remembrances and a profound sense of loss among family, friends, colleagues and neighbors. Husband, father of four, active church member, a tenor in a local singing group called Oracle, […]
Given ’em your 2 cents: The Glen Park Plan
City officials will soon be holding a meeting for Glen Park residents to discuss the Glen Park Plan, which will help guide development in our area for year to come. There’s been heated debate on the topic of denser housing near BART (the City is officially for it, at least some vocal residents are opposed) […]
Restaurant Review: Worth a Trek to Angkor Borei
Recently Glen Park has become a bona fide destination for foodies from the neighborhood and beyond. Now couples and groups can be seen walking through the village in their dressy casuals, alongside the locals in their flip-flops getting their forty bucks from the ATM. Lest we become too insulated in our cozy restaurant cocoon, I […]