A notice from the group that sponsors Glen Park’s Patrol Special officer: The Glen Park Patrol Safety Program celebrates one year of patrol service dedicated solely to Glen Park, and is sponsored by an enthusiastic and growing volunteer group of merchants and residents! Come to the Glen Park Residents Association meeting Weds. Jan. 13 at […]
And the Race is On! – Political videos about Glen Park
The race for District 8’s supervisor’s seat is well underway, despite the fact that the election isn’t until June. Here at the Glen Park News we’ve been getting invitation for lunches, coffees , Facebook friendings and get-togethers, as well as requests for endorsements, for months now. Of course GPN doesn’t endorse candidate, we merely report […]
4.1 on the Richter scale here in GP
A 4.1 earthquake stuck the Bay area at 10:09 AM Thursday morning. The U.S. Geological Service pegged it at 4.1 on the Richter scale. It was 5.6 miles deep and the epicenter was just southeast of Fremont. Here in Glen Park it came through as a definite jolt, especially for people on second and third […]
Sword fern, alum and shining willow
Friends of Glen Canyon Park, January 6, 2010, preparing to plant sword fern, columbine, Douglas iris, alum root and shining willow along Islais Creek, adjacent to cedar fence they built in 2009. Plants will add to the diversity and color of the natural habitat. Photo: Murray Schneider
Drop in on Red & White Tonight
Happy Red and White, Glen Park’s new destination for the new year. The wine bar and café, at 678 Chenery St., began its “soft” opening Saturday and will be open Sunday evenings from 5-10 p.m. On Tuesday, Jan. 5, it will open the doors at noon. Co-owner Juliana Flores says that the artwork won’t be […]
A view of the Blue School from the Blue Tower
The winter issue of the Glen Park News featured a story on a hike to the Blue Tower, about a mile and a half to the southeast of Glen Park. It was one of Dolan Eargle’s on-going series of Interesting Things In and Around Glen Park. On Christmas Day the Clark family of Chenery St. […]
Keep an eye out for a soft opening at Red & White
Our newest destination here in Glen Park, the cafe/wine bar Red & White, is getting oh-so-close to ready. Look for a soft opening sometime in the week or two after Christmas. Which means if you walk by and the door’s open, they may well be serving. Stick your head in and say hi to managers […]
A “12 Galaxies” Gingerbread House
If you’ve been shopping in downtown San Francisco, you’ve probably run into Frank Chu, a well-known eccentric who walks near the Powell St. cable car turnaround carrying a sign that prominently features the phrase 12 Galaxies. A friend added a touch of local realism to a his holiday gingerbread house and Glen Park resident Devin […]
Trimming the tree
Bike Patrols to Tour Glen Park
The San Francisco Police Department’s bike patrol patrol program has been expanded into Glen Park, Capt. David Lazar announced Thursday. “I have added bicycle officers to Glen Park, seven days a week,” the neighborhood’s top cop said in his daily e-mail briefing. Three officers are assigned to the beat, which is centered around 30th and […]
Santa Visit Glen Park – 110 kids give him their lists
Santa Claus paid a visit to Glen Park on Dec. 8, when he and some helpers dropped in at Modern Past. Between 4:30 and 7:30 over 110 local kids stopped in to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas, get their picture taken and collect a balloon or a cookie. Modern Past owner Ric Lopez, […]
SF Chronicle on Conservatory opening
By Rachel Gordon More than a century ago, a British-born inventor and stargazer built on his remote San Francisco estate a whimsical conservatory with eight sides and a soaring ceiling to house his collection of exotic plants and flowers. Time, vandals and the threat of a wrecking ball nearly brought the structure to ruin. View […]
GPA Team & police hand out 500 safety flyers at BART
The Glen Park Association Safety Committee put together a great flyer covering safety issues, and on Thursday GPA’s safety coordinator Carolyn Deacy, Stephanie Hagio and Dist. 8 supervisor candidate Scott Wiener handed out over 500 flyers in 25 minutes at the Glen Park BART — with the help to two uniformed SFPD officers send by […]
Last call for the 26-Valencia
A nice story in the Chron about the demise of the 26 this coming Saturday. It turns out that the route began in 1892 as one of the city’s oldest trolleys. —– By Alissa Figueroa and Deia De Brito On a late Monday afternoon, nextbus.com predicted the 26-Valencia would arrive in 21 minutes at the […]
Kiki-Yo Food and Toy Drive for the Holidays
Food Drive: Now through December 18th, Kiki-Yo is accepting non-perishable foods – no glass containers, please – all of which will go to feed Glen Park neighborhood residents this holiday season. Plus Kiki-Yo will continue its tradition – now 13 years strong – of collecting toys to support the SF Fire Department Toy Drive. Unwrapped […]
Flasher Alert
From Ingleside station newsletter.. CRIME ALERT! On Sunday November 29th at 1:40 p.m, a 9 year old girl was in Crocker Amazon Park. A person approached her and exposed himself to her while she was in the children’s playground. The suspect is described as a white male, 50 to 55 years of age, unknown height, […]
Don’t expect new bike lanes before next summer
Glen Park is set to get new bike lanes — but don’t expect them to be striped until next summer at the earliest. Superior Court Judge Peter Busch ruled last week that the city can proceed with eight proposed bike lanes — none in or near Glen Park — but will have to wait to […]
Look out for Tourists: Glen Park Makes the NY Times Travel Section
Published: November 27, 2009 SAN FRANCISCO — As fires raged downtown after the 1906 earthquake, residents of this city fled to two nearby districts to the south, Bernal Heights and Glen Park. Though part of San Francisco, both areas looked more like countryside then, with open ranchland, vineyards and orchards, dirt roads and wetlands, and […]
Meet with Supervisor Dufty on Sat. Dec 5 at St. Aidan’s.
Have a gripe about City Hall? A compliment? A suggestion on how to make Glen Park better? People who live and work in Glen Park and Diamond Heights will have an opportunity to raise issues with Supervisor Bevan Dufty, the neighborhoods’ representative on the Board of Supervisors and a mayoral hopeful, at an upcoming community […]
A sewer-level view down Chenery St.
The San Francisco Water Dept. was out in Glen Park today with a totally cool 6-wheeled gizmo about the size of a small dog that slowly made its way down the inside of the main sewer line down Chenery and sent photos back up to the truck above ground. One worker stood near the manhole […]
Car break-ins on the rise – Watch out
Some advice from Glen Park’s Safety Committee Chair: Car break-ins (AKA Auto-Boosting) are on the increase in the area. Please take the following precautions to prevent it from happening to your car. Do not leave anything in your car, valuable or not, including GPS, ipod, phone chargers etc. All consoles should be closed, trunks covered, […]
Hateful graffiti quickly taken care of at Glen Park Rec Center
Update from Capt. Lazar at Ingleside Station: Captain’s Message: We have received reports of some very hateful graffiti in Glen Park. We take this crime very seriously. The Recreation and Park Department has painted over the graffiti and we have a plan in place to capture the suspects! ====== Quick work by the Park Patrol […]
Beware of fake door-to-door solicitors
A message from Captain Lazar: On November 7, 2009, Officers Carrasco and Dominguez responded to the 500 block of Laidley Street regarding a theft from a mailbox. The suspect was posing as a door to door solicitor. He knocked on several doors and once he realized there was no response, he slipped his hand under […]
Crash on Thor sends car through two fences, into backyard
A man in his 90s was unhurt, but two fences and a backyard were damaged when he lost control of his Mitsubishi Gallant coming down Thor St. towards Chenery at about 9 AM Tuesday morning.Witnesses reported that a garbage truck had stopped on Thor and when the man attempted to go around it, he lost […]
Transportation Planning Meeting at Glen Park School – Nov. 4
COMMUNITY MEETING Hosted by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Wednesday, November 4, 2009, 6:30-8 p.m. Glen Park Elementary School 151 Lippard Street (near the Glen Park BART Station) The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), which operates Muni, invites you to join fellow residents and business owners to discuss proposed transportation improvement projects presented […]
Verizon Antennas go up at GP BART station
The gentlemen installing these said they were Verizon cell antennas, to better reception. However, isn’t that supposed to be a piece of art they’re attaching them to?
Wild Parrots: They’re here and they’re LOUD
The wild parrots of San Francisco were taking a rest from flight in a pine tree in Glen Park on Wednesday. They’re cute, but noisy, says Glen Park News writer Ashley Hathaway, who got this photo.
World’s largest mural portrait is just down Chenery at Pritikin Mansion
October 21, 2009 Former Mayor Willie Brown will be the guest of honor during an invitation-only event Sunday at the famous Bob Pritikin Mansion in Noe Valley. As masters of ceremonies, Brown and former ad-executive Pritikin will unveil and celebrate “the world’s largest mural portrait, fifty feet by eighteen feet, displaying some seventy famous and […]
Friends of the Urban Forest to hold street tree planting event in Glen Park
Friends of the Urban Forest to hold street tree planting event in Glen Park neighborhood San Francisco, CA- October 23, 2009 – Greening organization Friends of the Urban Forest is currently preparing for their upcoming street tree planting event in Glen Park. The planting will take place on Saturday, December 12. Residents can purchase a […]
Children’s Health and Safety Fair at Diamond Heights Saturday
CHILDREN’S HEALTH AND SAFETY FAIR Saturday, October 24th, 10:00 – 2:00 The Diamond Heights Children’s Health and Safety Fair is a community event that has been organized to bring you useful resources relating to the health and safety of the children, youth, and young adults in our community. Come on out, get some resources, enjoy […]
Our coyote is alive and well and living in Glen Canyon
Chris Thorman spotted our resident coyote during the geology walk hosted by the Friends of Glen Canyon Park on Saturday, Oct. 3, 2009 and got this photo. There have been reports that she’s got a den and two cubs as well.
When it rained, it poured
Marian Dalere of the Dalere Salon got this great picture of St. John’s students at the bus stop at Diamond and Chenery Streets doing their best to avoid the deluge we had on Oct. 19th
Yet Wah at Diamond Heights Closing
Well-placed sources tell the Glen Park News that after 30 years, Yet Wah, the venerable if dated Chinese restaurant at the Diamond Heights shopping mall, is closing, probably next month. Once (still?) home to a thriving karaoke scene, Yet Wah also runs the little dim sum take-away stall on the ground floor next to Safeway. […]
Glen Park Rec Center Fall Drop-In Courses
Glen Park Recreation Center Fall Drop In Courses 70 Elk Street, San Francisco 415-337-4705 October 19, 2009 to November 20, 2009 No pre-registration is necessary! Early Childhood Development Mondays: Pitter Patter Painters*: 10:00 to 11:00 ages 2 to 5 Children and caregivers are given the opportunity to paint and create master pieces using a variety […]
Sunnyside Park Clubhouse Opening Celebration
PARK NEWS a publication by Sunnyside Park Families & Neighbors October 2009 Sunnyside Park Clubhouse Opening Celebration Saturday, November 7 The completed Sunnyside Playground & Park Clubhouse renovation will be celebrated by the neighborhood on November 7, 11:00 AM—2:00 PM; Ribbon Cutting at 11:30. Activities will be available for full-family fun in as many areas […]
BART’s going to get noisy on Friday
We Apologize For Noise In Your Neighborhood October 16, 2009 Dear BART Neighbor: Beginning Friday, October 23 at 3:00am through Monday, October 26 at 3:00am BART will operate a generator to provide alternate power to the Glen Park BART station so PG&E can safely complete necessary retrofit work. All regular power to the Glen Park […]
It’s pouring outside
For those who might be away from home, check your basements tonight.
Friends of the Urban Forest in Glen Park Oct 20
Friends of the Urban Forest invites Glen Park residents interested in planting trees or who have worked with FUF before. (They are inviting folks from the surrounding neighborhoods as well.) According to the evite, they have a planting scheduled for December, as well as new ideas for getting more trees in the ‘hood. The meeting […]
SF Municipal Transportation meeting in Glen Park Nov. 4
SFMTA will host an information/update meeting on the Glen Park Community Plan Environmental Impact Report process on Wednesday November 4, 2009 from 6:30-8:00 pm at the Glen Park Elementary School (151 Lippard Street). This meeting will focus on the proposed transportation improvement project from the 2003 Plan. Contact Kim Walton for more information at (415) […]
Metered Parking until later in the evening?
Sent to the Glen Park Association: Hello, I’m writing to give you an update on where the SFMTA is at with the Extended Meter Hours study we worked on over the summer for extending the hours of operation of parking meters. I wanted to make sure that you knew that the study will be presented […]
Suspicious man ringing doorbells on Miguel Street
From Carolyn Deacy, the safety officer for the Glen Park Association: I was asked, by a Miguel Street resident, to post this, to make everyone aware of the suspicious activity. Several residents of Miguel St. have recently witnessed suspicious activity: a 30-ish Hispanic man driving a late 80’s Honda Accord, rings the doorbell or knocks […]
Storm hits Glen Park, 280 briefly closed due to flooding
You might have though a game of garbage can soccer was being played by invisible giants throughout Glen Park this morning as extremely strong winds pushed newly-emptied garbage cans up and down the streets, sometimes blocking sidewalks and intersections. The San Francisco Chronicle reports that backed-up drains and gutters briefly shut down 280 at Monterey […]
Come see cool pictures of Old Glen Park – TUESDAY
GPA – October 13 Meeting at the Glen Canyon Rec Center Greg Gaar, activist, historian, collector, will present a slide lecture: Natural History of San Francisco and Glen Park, Mt. Davidson and Twin Peaks Greg has given his slide talks on San Francisco history and Glen Park before. This will be another great evening. AGENDA […]
10th Anniversary Retrospective: Well, at least someone likes our BART station
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/10/04/BAGK19VTST.DTL The San Francisco Chronicle’s Urban Design writer, John King, thinks very highly of the Glen Park BART: “With a name like Brutalism, it’s no wonder this blunt strain of modernism never caught on with the public. Yet the movement produced such evocative works as this BART station, where the shadowy charge comes from the […]
Saucy Joes’ Knife Sharpening comes to Glen Park
If you’re one of those cooks who dreams of a really good edge on your knives but despairs of ever honing them to such sharpness yourself, take heart! Saucy Joe has added Glen Park to his six-week schedule of mobile knife and scissor-sharpening. While many in the neighborhood swear by the knife sharpening service at […]
Our park is loved
The Neighborhood Parks Council does a monthly column about local parks. This month Glen Park is in the spotlight… http://www.sfnpc.org/ilovemypark1009 I Love My Park: October 2009 Welcome to “I Love My Park”, NPC’s monthly column featuring interviews with people all over the city talking about the personal connections they feel to parks in San Francisco. […]
Keep your chert on!
The Friends of Glen Canyon Park will host a Geology Walk this Saturday, Oct. 3, at 10 a.m. Retired geologist Neal Faye will explain the formation of Glen Canyon, the make up of our native rock, the Franciscan Formation of Radiolarian Chert and discuss the visual phenomena in local outcrops. Meet behind the Glen Canyon […]
They’re feeling the pain on Mangels
Wherever you live in Glen Park, someone always seems to be tearing up the streets. Much of the spring and summer saw Chenery dug up. Now the work — to update decades-old natural gas valves with new, high-pressure ones — has gotten to Mangels Street. Glen Park News reporter Jennie Rose talked to distribution supervisor […]
Glen Park Planning Meeting Notes: Sept. 14, 2009
Glen Park Planning Meeting Sept. 14, 2009 This meeting was coordinated between the Glen Park Association and the San Francisco Planning Dept. as an open forum for the neighborhood to hear from Planning and for Planning to hear from the neighborhood. More such meetings will be coming in the future. Sixty-five residents attended the meeting, […]
From Captain Lazar’s Daily Message Wed. Sept. 23 Glen Park robbers in custody! On September 17th the victim was walking home from BART on Monterey when a white vehicle stopped and the suspect exited the passenger seat and robbed the victim of his briefcase. We believe the suspects committed another robbery days later in the […]