Before their scheduled Wednesday work party, eight Glen Canyon Park volunteers were treated to a field trip along Islais Creek, in order to best view the fruits of their labors. Their guide on April 20th was Randy Zebell, a San Francisco Recreation and Parks gardener. Winding down a path leading to the creek bed, the […]
Cap. Cassanego message: Crimes around vehicles
Captain’s Message: I would like to talk about the crimes surrounding vehicles, namely car break-ins, stolen cars and stolen catalytic converters. Car Break-ins. Ingleside Police District has seen a rise in car break-ins. This type of crime typically effects the more affluent neighborhoods and where the streets are still during the late hours of the […]
Crime Report: April 15 – 18, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011 4:00pm, 500 Blk Joost St, Stolen license plate 10:00pm, 500 Blk Joost St, Stolen license plate Saturday, April 16, 2011 7:56pm, 700 Blk Bosworth St, Theft from vehicle PSA Flynn took a report regarding a theft from a vehicle. The victim stated he returned to his vehicle to find the trunk […]
Get ready for the Glen Park Festival – May 1st
Lots of fun for everyone, and here are the things specifically for kids: Glen Park Festival Sunday, May 1st 10-4:30 Diamond and Wilder Streets (near the Glen Park BART) We are excited to have tons of NEW fun activities for families this year! Look for our canopy located in front of 41 Wilder Street. Lakeshore […]
GPA Meeting: AT&T Boxes coming to a corner near you?
by Murray Schneider Glen Park News More than 20 Glen Park residents attended the April 14th scheduled informational meeting of the Glen Park Association, held in the Glen Canyon Park Recreation Center. Calling the meeting to order, Michael Rice, GPA association president, laid the ground rules for the two-hour meeting to learn about the possible […]
Tyger’s Fred Galarneau dead at 77
by Murray Schneider Glen Park News A fixture in the village for well over 30 years, Fred Galarneau, long-time Tyger’s cashier, died peacefully on April 1, 2011. He is survived by a son, Eric Utto-Galarneau, and a daughter, Anita Andrews. He is also survived by his former wife, Inge Loeffler. Fred, 77, was discharged from […]
Town Hall meeting with Mayor Lee and Sup. Wiener Thursday
From Sup. Wiener: Reminder: Town Hall Meeting with Mayor Lee and Supervisor Wiener I hope to see you tomorrow (Thursday) night at the District 8 Town Hall meeting I’m co-hosting with Mayor Lee, at 6:30 p.m. at Mission High School (18th St. between Church and Dolores). This is your opportunity to hear from me, the […]
Glen Canyon Improvement – Mockups
Dear Glen Canyon Park Community and Stakeholders, The 2008 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond dedicated $5.8 million to improving Glen Canyon Park. SF Recreation […]
Glen Park Assoc. meeting Thursday – AT&T street box installation discussed
Here is the agenda for the next quarterly meeting of the Glen Park Association: April 14, 2011 7 PM Glen Park Recreation Center AGENDA 700 PM Call to Order 1. Committee / Treasurer Reports PROGRAM Presentation on AT&T U-verse street box installation plans in Glen Park, by Marc Blakeman, AT&T. Staff from Department of Public […]
Crime report April 1 – 7, 2011
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Friday April 1, 2011 4:38 pm, 2900 blk Diamond, Robbery/Gun Officer Archilla responded to investigate a robbery. The victim told the officer that she called a friend and told her that she was interested in purchasing a gun. The friend agreed to help her. […]
Nutritional therapy lecture at Glen Park library
NUTRITIONAL THERAPY LECTURE ON DIGESTION Given by Ashley Hathaway Wednesday, May 18th, 6:30pm-7:30pm Glen Park Library Meeting Room – FREE Topics include: *How the digestive system works *How to improve your digestion naturally *What happens when it doesn’t work for more information, email AshHath (at)
Sup. Wiener’s April newsletter
April Newsletter Office Phone: 415-554-6968 Email: Community Updates District 8 Town Hall Meeting with Mayor Ed Lee April 14th, 6:30-8:30pm Mission High School, Auditorium* 3750 18th Street, San Francisco, CA 94114 Please come share your thoughts and concerns at this District 8 Town Hall I am co-hosting with Mayor Ed Lee. […]
Glen Canyon Park community meeting TONIGHT
Dear Glen Canyon Park Community, The 2008 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond dedicated $5.8 million to improving Glen Canyon Park. SF Recreation & Parks (RPD) is partnering with The Trust for Public Land (TPL) to design and prioritize a park improvement plan at Glen Canyon Park. We will be holding the fourth community meeting […]
Get yer snazzy Glen Park t-shirts!
As part of the upcoming 2011 Glen Park Festival (Sun. May 1st), we are selling Glen Park neighborhood t-shirts. You may remember last year’s snazzy tshirts that were snapped up like hotcakes! This year’s shirt maintains the same stylish motiff on an American Apparel t-shirt, but in dark blue with green logo and lettering. Adult […]
Sup. Wiener upcoming meetings
***District 8 Town Hall Meeting with Mayor Lee and Supervisor Wiener April 14, 6:30 p.m. Mission High School Also present at this town hall will be Interim Chief of Police Godown, District Attorney George Gascon, Rec & Park General Manager Phil Ginsburg, DPW Director Ed Reiskin, and representatives of other departments. Hearing on the J […]
San Jose Ave. clean up Saturday April 23, 9 – 2:30
A group of neighbors concerned about the blighted section of San Jose Avenue between Randall Street and Monterey Avenue, with the support of SFDPW and Friends of the Urban Forest, are organizing a community clean up and (hopefully) tree planting for Saturday April 23 from 9am-2:30pm. For more information and to volunteer (on the events […]
Crime Feb. 26 – March 1
Below are crime incidents that occurred in Glen Park over the past week. There was a street robbery late last Friday on Chenery, so please be very cautious when walking at night and try to avoid walking alone. February 26-March 1 No incidents in GP March 2 4:00 pm 300 Blk Arbor Warrant Arrest Officers […]
Attend our Sup’s meeting Saturday in Diamond Heights
Supervisor Wiener’s First Diamond Heights /Glan Park Quarterly Meeting Saturday, March 5 at 4 pm St. Aidan’s Church, 101 Gold Mine Dr. at Diamond Heights Blvd. A large turnout will help express concern about the recent shooting on the 5300 block of Diamond Heights Blvd. Sadly, a 20 year old man was shot in his […]
Check out the Park plans – at the library
Denise Sanderson, branch manager at the Glen Park library, has posted a board with photos and information about the Glen Canyon Park Plan The Glen Park Library is proud to have the Display Board with images of the options in the Library for all to view. It’s in the display area next to the restrooms. […]
Give feedback on the Glen Canyon Park Improvement Plan
Dear Glen Canyon Park Stakeholders and Enthusiasts: *** We want your feedback on conceptual design options for the Glen Canyon Park Improvement Plan! The Trust for Public Land (TPL) is partnering with SF Recreation & Parks to vision and design a Park Improvement Plan for Glen Canyon Park. At the community workshop meeting held on […]
Crimes, Feb. 18-25
Hi everyone – below is a list of crimes from February 18-25. Thefts, robberies, and burglaries continue to occur in GP, so please ensure that your homes/cars are secure and that you are aware of your surroundings when walking at night. February 18th 9:30 am 30th/Chenery Theft/Building Officers Toomey and Gamboa were sent to […]
Supervisor Wiener’s First Quarterly Meeting
Supervisor Wiener’s First Quarterly Meeting in Diamond Heights March 5 at 4 pm. St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church 101 Gold Mine Drive at Diamond Heights Blvd. Supervisor Scott Wiener invites the public to his first Community Meeting in Diamond Heights. The meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 5 at 4:00 pm at St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, […]
Weekend events and beyond at Bird & Beckett
Walker Brents on Dostoevsky’s The Idiot on Sunday at 2:30. A fascinating fella on a fascinating book… Sufi singer Riffat Sultana w/tabla & guitar on Sunday at 4:30. 500 years of family heritage on powerful display here! The Glen Park Garden Club is holding its meeting here next Tuesday (Mar. 1) at 7:00 pm. And […]
Red + White pairs with Laurent owner, to add oysters
By Gail Bensinger Attention oyster lovers – big changes are afoot at Red + White, and everybody’s favorite bivalve will play a starring role in the makeover. R+W owners Juliana Flores and Peter Bell are pairing up with Laurent Legendre, of Le P’tit Laurent, for a new and improved neighborhood hangout, complete with oyster bar […]
Cover your pipes and crops – freezing degrees coming
Sunnyside: Parking restrictions on Circular Ave.
The Sunnyside Neighborhood Association Board recently became aware that parking restrictions have been proposed for Circular. See the attached notice of public hearing. One proposal would ban parking from 10pm to 6am everyday on the south (freeway) side of Circular from Havelock to Monterey. The other would ban parking of vehicles of six feet or […]
Glen Canyon Park meeting Thur. Feb. 24
Dear Glen Canyon Park Community: The Trust for Public Land (TPL) is partnering with SF Recreation & Parks to vision and design a Park Improvement Plan for Glen Canyon Park. We will be holding the third of six community workshops this Thursday, February 24th, from 6:30-8:30pm at the Glen Canyon Recreation Center, located inside Glen […]
Weigh in on Monday on off-leash dog access at Fort Funston and Chrissy Field
Re: SF Residents: Call-In Day is TOMORROW Tues 2/15 From Sup. Wiener’s office: February 15, 2011—In response to a recent draft proposal by the Golden Gate National Recreation Area to restrict off-leash dog access in certain federal properties like Fort Funston and Crissy Field, Supervisor Scott Wiener is calling for a hearing to explore the […]
Crime Feb. 13 – 17, 2011
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Sunday, February 13, 2011 12:19 am, 100 blk Moffitt, Vandalism to Vehicle Officers Otaguro and Morse responded to an auto boost call. The officers met with the victim and a witness. The witness stated that she was at her kitchen window when she heard […]
A Sunnyside Update
Thanks to Chris Loughran for sending this, and apologies for getting it up late. === I was at the Sunnyside Neighborhood Assoc. meeting last night (seriously need more families to join and attend). Here are a few updates I said I would pass along. SFMTA presented on the new plan for bike lanes […]
Got thoughts on the Glen Park Plan? Tonight’s a night to share them
Saturday, February 19, 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. The Glen Park Public Library Hello everybody, We continue to work away on the Glen Park Community Plan. Right now we’re in the process of refining the Plan based on input we received at community meetings held last September and November. We look forward to working with you […]
Glen Park Community Plan UPdate
Hello everybody, We continue to work away on the Glen Park Community Plan. Right now we’re in the process of refining the Plan based on input we received at community meetings held last September and November. We look forward to working with you more over the next several months. Expect to see us later this […]
Sup. Weiner Feb. Newsletter
I’m now one month into my term as District 8 Supervisor, and my staff and I have hit the ground running. (Click here to read the Bay Area Reporter’s overview of my first month in office.) Thank you all so much for giving me the opportunity to work to improve our district and our City. […]
GP Planning meetings, Feb. 19 & 26
Neighborhood Zoning Discussions Saturday February 19 and 26 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. Glen Park Library The Glen Park Association (GPA) is organizing two meetings to discuss changes to zoning in Glen Park that are considered in the Draft GP Community Plan. The meetings’ objectives are: • Develop a clearer understanding of the interests and concerns […]
Crime report Feb 8 – 12, 2011
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Tuesday, February 8, 2011 Nothing in the report from Glen Park Wednesday, February 9, 2011 Nothing in the report from Glen Park Thursday, February 10, 2011 08:00 am, 100 blk Addison, False Personation for Money A woman responded to Ingleside Station and told Officer […]
Possible increase of off-leash dogs in parks could affect dog owners
From Sup. Wiener’s office: February 15, 2011—In response to a recent draft proposal by the Golden Gate National Recreation Area to restrict off-leash dog access in certain federal properties like Fort Funston and Crissy Field, Supervisor Scott Wiener is calling for a hearing to explore the impact of these restrictions, including how they may increase […]
Volunteers repair vandal-damaged railings at Islais Creek
By Murray Schneider On Wednesday morning, Friends of Glen Canyon Park, Charles Gresl and Steven Uchida, repaired damage done to a railing that protects Islais Creek habitat, including several species of California native plants. Earlier, vandals had kicked out several slats used to prevent unleaded dogs from trampling plants such as Columbine. Gresl and Uchida […]
Crime report Feb. 3 – 7
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Thursday, February 3, 2011 10:12 am, 200 blk Whitney, Burglary Arrest Officer Daniels was contacted by Officer Phillips of the S.I.T. office regarding a burglary suspect that has been identified in a photo lineup. The officers then coordinated with Alameda Police who had already […]
Canyon walk convinces skeptics of need for improvements
And no, no bike path is planned… By Bonnee Waldstein Glen Park residents had a great opportunity on a spectacular Saturday, weather-wise, to hike for two hours through the major trails of the park, led by folks from the Department of Recreation and Parks, Department of Public Works, and the Trust for Public Lands. This […]
Pulling mustard in the park
Eight volunteers from Friends of Glen Canyon Park spent a sunny winter day pulling up non-native mustard growing along the hillside slope above Glenridge Co-op nursery school. Four are pictured on February 2nd at 10 a.m. Loosened by winter rains, the invasive weed was easy to pull as it lay adjacent to hemlock, wild […]
Crime Jan 27-31
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Thursday, January 27, 2011 Nothing in the report from Glen Park Friday, January 28, 2011 01:45 pm, Mission/Randall, Unlicensed Driver Saturday, January 29, 2011 Nothing in the report from Glen Park Sunday, January 30, 2011 12:45 pm, Unit blk Van Buren, Stolen Auto Monday, […]
Tell Rec & Park about our trails – Feb. 5
Dear Friends of Glen Canyon Trails, Please join for an organized trail walk at Glen Canyon. We want to review trail conditions and gather your suggestions for the bond-funded trail renovations. Come and share your knowledge with us! Saturday, February 5th, 10am-12pm Meet at the picnic tables adjacent to the playground and the Recreation Center […]
Check out Bird & Beckett’s new blog
BIRD & BECKETT BOOKS RSS Archive 653 Chenery St in San Francisco (415)586-3733 Home • Events • Shop • Support • Visit • Twitter • Facebook Question? February 1, 2011 PUS Theatre Company sprang to life back in 1989, born from the ecstatic wine-soaked exclamations of the garrulous and Beckett-obsessed actors Charles Pike and […]
10th Anniversary Retrospective: Valentine Card Party at Sunnyside Conservatory
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years. Kids of all ages were caught red-handed at Sunnyside Conservatory on Saturday, making valentines from recycled materials. This was the second time this party was held since the official opening of […]
Kids in the Canyon
Four pre-schoolers from Centro Las Olas, a Spanish immersion school on 26th Street, climb and play on a Glen Canyon rock formation this morning under the vigilant eye of their teacher, Bethica Quinn. Altogether, 13 children wended their way along a narrow trail circling above Alms Road. Each week the children take outings to the […]
Take the Glen Canyon survey – help Rec and Park
Dear Glen Canyon Park Neighbors: Give your input about Glen Canyon Park by taking a few moments to fill out a survey. We’re hoping to get all responses by Feb 10: Project Background: In 2008, San Francisco voters passed the Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond, which set aside $5.8 million to renovate Glen […]
Recent Crimes
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Some days/dates are incorrect, the original report has three Mondays. Monday [Sunday?], January 23, 2011 1:33 pm, 5300 blk Diamond, Threats/Vandalism Officer Barcena was sent to investigate a threats incident. The victim told the officer that the suspect is known to him and that […]
New winter menu at Le P’iti Laurent
Le P’tit Laurent Restaurant in San Francisco Introduces New Winter Menu Items San Francisco, CA /January 2011 – Le P’tit Laurent in San Francisco is celebrating the advent of 2011 with the addition of new seasonal dishes to the restaurant’s signature country-style French menu prepared using fresh, often locally sourced ingredients. New hors d’oeuvres ($6.95 […]
Ingleside District Community Meeting notes
Ingleside District Community Meeting, January 18, 2011 Captain Louis Cassanego, Commanding Officer Ingleside Station. I. 2010 Year in Review, compared to 2009 II. Crime from last 4 weeks, compared to previous 4 weeks. III. Q & A I. I. 2010 Year in Review, compared to 2009 — 11% decrease in overall crime: Homicides unchanged (8); […]
Register for the 2011 National Chinese Language Conference
This is a great conference for administrators, teachers etc. We signed up to do a parent workshop, haven’t heard back yet if we got in. Join us for the fourth annual National Chinese Language Conference, April 14–16, 2011, in San Francisco, California. NCLC is dedicated to encouraging dialogue in the field of Chinese language […]