Shannon Weber’s art fence at the corner of Chenery and Diamond Streets. Feel free to stop by and add your thoughts. Photos by Michael Rice.
Park meeting tonight
Please join us to for the final presentation for the Glen Canyon Park Improvement Plan on Thursday, June 9th, 6:30-8:30pm at the Glen Canyon Recreation Center. After nine community workshops, a guided trail walk, several focus groups, meetings with city agencies and departments, and countless email and mail feedback from the community, this phase of […]
Got mice? Bring in the owls!
By Murray Schneider It’s not the best kept secret that each spring a mother Great Horned owl returns to the eucalyptus tree situated yards from the Elk Street Glen Park Canyon entrance, perches among its burnished branches and nurtures her chicks in a nest that is visible to battalions of canyon visitors. But if one […]
BBQ at Station 26 Monday afternoon
Firefighter with black band on his badge. Photos of Monday’s BBQ and community gathering at Station 26 on Monday, June 6. All photos by Chris Hardy. By Murray Schneider The American flag flew from the roof of Firehouse 26 at somber half-mast on June 6, 2011. Behind it were eight San Jose off- duty firefighters […]
Crime May 24 – June 4, 2011
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Ingleside District has a new captain, Daniel J. Mahoney. Captain Mahoney’s email address: Read about thm here: Meet him at the next community meeting, Tuesday June 21. Tuesday, May 24, 2011 8:00 am, 100 blk Lippard, Theft Officer Aslam was sent to […]
Honor our fallen heros: Monday, 12 – 6 at the firehouse
Station 26 has invited Glen Park to a community gathering starting at Noon at the firehouse Monday The San Jose Fire Department will be hosting a BBQ and the members of our local fire station would like to invite us in the community to come together during this very difficult time. Please feel free to […]
Scenes from the Firehouse
Photographer Chris Hardy, photo editor for the Glen Park News, was allowed in to the firehouse at 80 Digby Street Saturday afternoon. Here are some of his moving photos from his visit.
10th Anniversary Retrospective: Second firefighter dies, neighbors rally around Engine Co. 26
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years. San Francisco Fire Chief Joanne Hayes-White announced Saturday that Firefighter Tony Valerio died at San Francisco General Hospital at approximately 7:30am. The announcement came at a 10:30 am at a press […]
PG&E meeting about gas lines June 14
There will be a presentation by PG&E regarding their gas pipelines that run underground through our local neighborhoods and future gas pipeline work. This is the result of concerns raised by last September’s explosion in San Bruno: Tuesday, June 14, 2011, 6:30 PM @ Lick-Wilmerding High School, 765 Ocean Ave. Lick Wilmerding’s parking lot will […]
Dispatch from the Canyon
By Murray Schneider “Neither rain, nor snow, now sleet, nor hail shall keep the postmen from their appointed rounds,” said Friends of Glen Canyon Park volunteer, Mary Huizinga, while rain pelted down on City gardener Randy Zebell’s Rec and Parks truck as it eased its way along Alms Road. Huizinga had just completed her weekly […]
KiKi Yo closing after seven years in Glen Park
KiKi Yo, a long-time presence on Chenery St., will be closing its doors July 10 after seven years in Glen Park. In an email, owner Kirklan said “Change Can Be a Good Thing, If You Let it Be: Thank you Thank you Thank you. The loving feedback and kind wishes you’ve all offered these past […]
Capt. Cassanego transferred out of Ingleside
Capt. Louis Cassanego send a note out on Tuesday saying that he was being transferred to a new assignment as of Saturday and that Captain Daniel Mahoney would take command of Ingleside Station. According to the Examiner, “Mahoney works out of the chief’s office, which handles some of the more public aspects of the job […]
Diamond Heights Community Association meeting Thursday
What: DHCA Community Meeting When: Thursday, May 26th, 7pm Where: SF Police Academy Community Room &! nbsp; 350 Amber Drive, just off Duncan Street Dusson Yeung and Manito Velasco of SFMTA will present a traffic study on the main intersection at the Diamond Heights Shopping Center. The study describes several options for improving pedestrian and […]
Proof that Glen Park survived Judgement Day
Michael Waldstein was there as life went on.
Toast owner to launch Cup at 6 Monterey
The owner of the wildly popular breakfast restaurants Toast (in Noe Valley and on Polk St.) plans to open a coffee bar at 6 Monterey in June. “It’s the first building on Monterey just after it turns at the end of Diamonsays owner Kamal Naser. “It’s right next to Glen Park Chiropractic.” The coffee place […]
Crime Report May 14-19
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Saturday, May 14, 2011 6:30am, 400 Blk Congo St, Stolen vehicle Sunday, May 15, 2011 4:00pm, 400 Blk Arlington, Theft Officer Gomez responded to the call of a vehicle theft. Victim advised he parked and secured his vehicle and when he returned found the […]
Mayor Lee becomes member of Glen Park Association
Long-time Glen Park resident and new San Francisco mayor Edwin Lee became a member of the Glen Park Association on Sunday, May 15th. The occasion was the much-anticipated opening of the Glen Park Farmers’ Market. The real question is how Lee and his wife Anita managed to evade GPA’s vigilant Membership Secretaries for all these […]
Students learn from the earth
By Murray Schneider No ‘reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmatic for 21 Miraloma Elementary school children today as they played hooky from their textbooks and devoted their morning to weeding around natives plants they had planted west of Glen Canyon’s Islais Creek last January. Under the supervision of Zoe Burton, an AmeriCorp environmental specialist, and Kay Kirman, […]
Glen Park Farmers’ Market gets “thumbs up, plus!”
by Ashley Hathaway Despite Old Man Winter delivering unseasonal chill and rain just hours before, the first-ever Glen Park Farmers’ Market offically opened at 10am Sunday May 15th in the Glen Park BART parking lot at Bosworth and Diamond Streets. Market goers quickly warmed up to the unique shopping experience a local Farmers’ Market brings, […]
Crime Report May 9 – 13, 2011
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Monday, May 9 2011 10:00am, 300 Blk Monterey, Vandalism Officers Androvich and Khan were dispatched to a call of a vandalism. Victim advised that someone had been vandalizing his mailbox causing damage so that it could not be opened. Victim advised that the mailbox […]
10th Anniversary Retrospective: Glen Park Farmers Market Opening
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years. Photos by Michael Waldstein.
Lecture on digestion and nutrition
At the Glen Park library, May 18, 6:30 – 7:30.
If you just saw horses on Chenery, you weren’t hallucinating
They were headed towards St. John the Evangelist School, which is holding a Police Appreciation Day.
Learning to Live with Coyotes – Tonight
THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2011, 6:30 – 8:30AM SFRPD and Project Coyote present this special FREE educational event “Living with Coyotes” with Gina Farr of Project Coyotes County Fair Building 9th Avenue and Martin Luther King Junior Drive, San Francisco, California Accessible, On Site Parking, Restrooms Discover: Coyote behavior, biology, and the beneficial role coyotes […]
Art…dance…play at Sunnyside school
“WALL BALL/throw yourself in” A site specific dance for flying hula hoops, balls and jump rope propelling public school activism WHERE: Sunnyside Elementary School Yard Wall, 250 Foerster St (one block south of Monterey Blvd; 7 blocks from Glen Park BART) San Francisco WHEN: May 21-26, 2011 at various times Saturday, May 21 @ 11 […]
Searching for the elusive Purple Needle Grass in Glen Canyon
By Murray Schneider, Glen Park News On a cold and grey May 11th morning, two Friends of Glen Canyon Park volunteers angled up and then along a canyon slope high above Alms Road, their eyes peeled for elusive purple needle grass. Integrated among California broom and meadow barley, the perennial grass, which looks like a […]
Farmers Market Opens Sunday
GLEN PARK VILLAGE FARMERS’ MARKET OPENING SUNDAY MAY 15 BART Parking Lot 10:00 am – 2:00 pm GLEN PARK VILLAGE FARMERS’ MARKET CEREMONIAL RIBBON CUTTING will commence at 10:30 am on May 15 Guest and Speakers The Honorable Mayor Edwin M. Lee Supervisor Scott Wiener District 8 Ric Lopez President of GPMA John Silveira Director […]
Aurora Mandolin Ensemble fills Sunnyside Conservatory with eclectic music
By Bonnee Waldstein, Glen Park News When was the last time anyone heard someone sing the lyric “When the moon hits your eye like a bigga pizza pie — that’s amore!” ?? Those who came to the Sunnyside Conservatory on Friday evening can lay claim to hearing that bit of musical nostalgia, and to taking […]
Crime May 6 – 8, 2011
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Friday, May 6, 2011 9:00am, 200 Blk Whitney St, Vandalism A victim reported that she left her vehicle parked and unattended. Upon her return, she discovered that there were several key marks on both the driver and passenger side of the vehicle. Report 116055860 […]
Crime May 3 – 5, 2011
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Tuesday, May 3, 2011 Nothing in the report from GP Wednesday, May 4, 2011 11:55am, 00 Arlington St, Robbery Officer Preston responded to a report of a robbery. The victim was approached by four suspects who forcibly made him walk several blocks before they […]
Give Love, Get Love
Starting on Thanksgiving weekend 2010 and building to a crescendo Valentine’s Day 2011, a Cyclone fence near the corner of Chenery and Diamond has been has steadily and beautifully “blooming” art. It started with a single black and white painted wooden plaque stating, I love you, too, and over the next months blossomed. You […]
Sup. Wiener May newsletter
May Newsletter Office Phone: 415-554-6968 Email: Community Updates Earthquake Preparedness One of my priorities coming into office has been to make sure that the city is prepared for its next major earthquake. This can be seen in my Good Samaritan Rental Law (see below). Another key is making sure that our buildings are more […]
Crime April 30 – May 2, 2011
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Saturday, April 30, 2011 1:05pm, Unit blk Joost, DV Arrest Officers Jones and Otaguro responded to a domestic violence disturbance. Reportee stated that a man she resides with had slapped her during an argument they were having. Officers detained the gentleman in another area […]
Invasives out, natives in at the Canyon
By Murray Schneider, Glen Park News On a day that hit 80 degrees, volunteer Gary Fie, fighting a head cold, still found a way to contribute to the May 4th Friends of Glen Canyon Park work party. A 46-year veteran of the United States Merchant Marines, Fie spent several hours sewing together torn Recreation and […]
Aurora Mandolin Ensemble at Sunnyside Conservatory Friday
Enjoy the later sunsets and come hear six members of the Aurora Mandolin Ensemble at Sunnyside Conservatory this Friday, May 6. Doors Open at 6, Concert at 7. Light snacks. Suggested Donation $10, but no one turned away. Proceeds go to support music, art, and family programming at Sunnyside Conservatory. Sponsored by Friends of Sunnyside […]
Plan our park’s future – May 5
Dear Glen Canyon Park Community, The 2008 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond dedicated $5.8 million to improving Glen Canyon Park. SF Recreation & Parks (RPD) is partnering with The Trust for Public Land (TPL) to design and prioritize a park improvement plan at Glen Canyon Park. We will be holding the 5th community meeting […]
Glen Park Festival a huge hit
Take a beautiful sunny Sunday, hundreds of neighbors and the efforts of a horde of volunteers and you get an absolutely fantastic Glen Park Festival. Thanks to all the folks who made it possible – what a lovely day! (If you’ve got photos you’d like to share of the festival, send them to
Neighborhood self defense class May 25
The second annual neighborhood Safety Awareness and Self Defense Class, organized by the Patrol Special group in Glen Park, will be held on Wednesday, May 25. It will be instructed by Ken Craig, President & Grand Master Instructor, Triangle Martial Arts Association, who holds a 9th degree black belt in HapMooseKi-Do and an 8th degree […]
San Jose Clean up Pix
We’re running a little behind here at the Glen Park News, apologies to the amazing group of volunteers who worked on April 23rd to clean up along San Jose Avenue. At its height, there were close to 60 volunteers working with the Dept. of Public Works to clean up the trash-strewn corridor. Multiple neighborhood groups […]
Crime Report Arpio 20 -28, 2011
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Wednesday, April 20, 2011 1:25 pm, 400 blk Monterey, Vandalism Arrest Officer Aslam and Marino responded to a call of a suspect swinging a chain with a rock tied to it that was swinging it and hitting street signs. When the officers arrived, officer […]
See you at the festival Sunday!
Just a reminder that tomorrow is the…. Glen Park Festival Sunday, May 1st 10-4:30 Diamond and Wilder Streets (near the Glen Park BART) The kids’ band Orange Sherbert will play from 10-11, followed by a full line-up of awesome local bands. Also, we are excited to have tons of NEW fun activities for families this […]
Glen Park and Richmond together at last
By Murray Schneider, Glen Park News With the Dave Parker Quartet taking a well-earned set break Friday night at Bird and Beckett, Jimmy Ryan stepped onto the stage and pitched a cultural event that will bring two San Francisco neighborhoods together for a night of music and film. On May 19th, Jimmy, who has been […]
New Glen Park Village Certified Farmers’ Market To Hold Grand Opening on May 15
Pacific Coast Farmers’ Market Association 5060 Commercial Circle, Suite A, Concord, CA 94520 925-825-9090 • 925-825-9101 (fax) • PRESS RELEASE CONTACT: Market Manager: John Silveira Phone: (925) 825-9090 Fax: (925) 825-9101 Email: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New Glen Park Village Certified Farmers’ Market To Hold Grand Opening on May 15 Concord, CA (April 29, […]
Farmers Market launches May 15
Hello Glen Park and Neighbors! It is with great pleasure I officially announce the newest addition to our beautiful Glen Park Village: The GLEN PARK VILLAGE FARMERS MARKET It has been a long road, but well traveled with only a few bumps. I want to give thanks to all the Groups, Associations and neighbors for […]
Glen Park Environmental Review available
Glen Park: Home to the Red-back Jumping Spider
By Murray Schneider, Glen Park News High above Alms Road on April 27th, with the Miraloma Improvement Club behind him, Dylan Hayes, Recreation and Parks gardener, demonstrated to six Friends of Glen Canyon Park volunteers the art of pulling invasive Italian thistle, wild radish and poison hemlock that threaten native Douglas iris and aromatic yarrow. […]
Do you know this man?
San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center is seeking the help of city residents to identify a patient. The unidentified man is in fair condition. He was admitted on Monday April 11 after being found around 4:00 pm on Richland Avenue by San Jose Avenue. The patient is a Latino man in his 40s, with […]
BART supports Glen Park Farmer’s Market
Teenage boy seen aiming assault rifle at 30 and San Jose
Teenage boy seen aiming assault rifle at passers-by in San Francisco (From the SF Examiner, By: Mike Aldax 04/19/11 2:33 PM Examiner Staff Writer (Examiner file photo) A 14-year-old Oakland boy was seen aiming an assault rifle at random people in San Francisco on Monday afternoon, police said Tuesday. Shocked citizens called cops around […]
The Chron’s C.W. Nevius weighs in on cable boxes
In this town there is controversy over every sort of construction – high-rise condos, commercial buildings and residential renovations. But here’s a first. This is a fight over a 4-foot box. AT&T wants to upgrade its residential network so it can offer San Francisco customers their U-verse (who names these things?) phone, Internet and TV […]