From Scott Wiener, our District 8 Supervisor: I’m sending this email to a number of neighborhood association leaders and other involved folks in District 8, in order to explain my vote yesterday on the AT&T environmental appeal. I would appreciate it if you would forward this email to your boards, memberships, and neighbors who have […]
Car crashes into Bernie Kelly’s office at Bosworth and Diamond
Photo by Carol Korycinski We’re still trying to get all the details on this dramatic car crash, which happened in the early evening on Saturday, July 9th. This car went into the side of Bernie Kelly’s office on the corner of Bosworth and Diamond. No one appears to have been injured, but the building suffered […]
Bengali director Chowdhury films in Glen Park
By Murray Schneider “Camera!” No, not John Huston directing Mary Astor in the “Maltese Falcon” on Stockton Street. “Action!” No, again. Not Alfred Hitchcock directing Kim Novak in “Vertigo” atop Nob Hill. “Take one!” said Aniruddaha Roy Chowdhury, directing Padmapriya, the young star of his film, “Aparajita Tumi,” on Chenery Street. On a sunny summer […]
Crime Report: July 11 – 16, 2011
Following are crimes from the Ingleside Station newsletter Monday, July 11th, 2011 4:25pm Unit Blk Chilton St Burglary Officer Fung and CPSA Wong responded to this location regarding a residential burglary. Victim reported that she had secured the front door to her residence that morning and gone to work. Upon returning to the house, she discovered several […]
Glen Park Plan update
Happy Summer! On the heels of two recent meetings in Glen Park, I wanted to give you a little briefing in case you missed them. Also, I’d like to provide a general update on where the Community Plan is headed over the next few months. We’re happy to be moving this planning process (which began […]
Want a Tree? Call FUF now!
Hello ‘Friends of the Urban Forest’ organizers and tree planters – Organizing for tree planting is going extraordinarily well throughout the city! In the next few months OMI, SOMA, Castro, Central + Outer Sunset, North Bernal, Crocker Amazon, and Glen Park are in contention for a coveted community planting date in their neighborhood. Can you help organize […]
It takes a lot of City workers to get a crosswalk ramp right…
At least two weeks behind schedule, a correction is made to the concrete apron connecting the new ramp to the street asphalt at Chenery and Brompton. There seems to have been a dispute between different sub departments of Department of Public Works about the design of this particular ramp. There’s hope, said the Dept. of […]
Sup. Wiener newsletter for July & August
July & August 2011 Newsletter Office Phone: 415-554-6968 Email: For more regular updates, follow me on Facebook and Twitter: Community Updates Open House and Art Show In My Office Thursday, July 21st 5:30PM-7:00 PM San Francisco City Hall, Room 274 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place Since I was sworn […]
Bird & Beckett upcoming events
Apparently no one told us that National Poetry Month was last April. We appear to believe it starts this coming Monday and runs through August. And in fact, it seems unlikely to stop even then. If you’ve got no use for poetry, well… there are other rewards. If that’s you, skip this email and go […]
Visit the SOTA Farm, learn about Glen Park microclimates July 23rd
Great event happening right here, at the rim of Glen Canyon, at The School Farm, School of the Arts (SOTA) 555 Portola Drive: Pam Peirce, Author of Golden Gate Gardening, is the keynote speaker at this event ( If you’ve never been to the SOTA Farm, you are in for a real treat. A hidden gem […]
Silver Tree Day Camp Reunion in the Canyon
More than 30 alumni who attended Silver Tree Day Camp in the 1980s and 1990s returned to the canyon on July 7 for the weekly campfire program to reminisce about their days as campers, JCs and counselors. There are plans for another reunion, probably next summer, and a donation drive is in the works. The […]
Crime report July 3 – 10, 2011
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter July 3rd 2011 – Nothing in the report from Glen Park July 4th 2011 – Nothing in the report from Glen Park July 5th, 2011 – Nothing in the report from Glen Park July 6th, 2011 – 4:20 pm 500 blk Chenery Recovered Stolen Vehicle July 7th, 2011 – Nothing in the report from […]
Cup is coming July 17th
GLEN PARK VILLAGE WELCOMES CUP a coffee and pastry spot located at 6 Monterey Blvd. (Monterey Blvd. and Diamond St.) This new member of our Merchants Corridor will be having A Village Friends and Family Party this coming Sunday July 17th 12:00 – 4:00pm Coffee, Tea, Pastries and a live Band! CUP will commence business with […]
Eat dessert, check out the Conservatory and catch up on neighborhood news
What’s not to like? Glen Park Association Pot-luck Appetizer and Dessert Social, (also known as the Quarterly Meeting) Wednesday, July 13, 2011, 6:30pm Sunnyside Conservatory (Monterey Boulevard between Baden and Congo) The Conservatory fronts on Monterey Boulevard between Baden and Congo Streets. There is also a back entry from Joost, where parking may be easier. […]
A tree falls on Chenery – will others follow?
Here’s a picture of the fallen tree’s root stump and the hole that it came out of. The lightened area shows the extra piece of concrete that was just underground and further crowding the tree’s roots. The question is: Who is making these choices when planting our street trees? If you thought you heard chain […]
Weeding out wasps in the Canyon
By Murray Schneider Glen Park News Canyon Correspondent On a sunny Wednesday morning, Lisa Wayne, Rec and Park’s Natural Areas Program Manager, went hunting in Glen Canyon. Small game — wasps to be specific. Freed from the administrative tasks waiting for her at her Stanyan Street office, Wayne thought she’d enjoy turning her green thumb […]
Neighborhood Emergency Response Training
WHAT: Neighborhood Emergency Response Training WHEN: Thursdays 6 – 9 pm (Aug 18, 25, Sep 1, 8, 15, 22) WHERE: Glen Park Recreation Center COST: Free to San Francisco Residents RSVP: Email: or Call: 415-970-2024 For more information online, __._,_.___
Pelosi staff at GP Library on Friday, July 8
WHAT: The Office of Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi will be in the Village WHEN: Friday, July 8th: 2 – 5 pm WHERE: Glen Park Public Library Her district staff will be available to offer assistance in resolving issues with federal agencies, such as problems obtaining Social Security/SSI, Medicare, Student lo! ans, Veterans benefits, etc. They […]
Crime report: June 30 – July 2, 2011
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Thursday, June 30th Nothing reported in Glen Park Friday July 1st Nothing reported in Glen Park Saturday July 2 12:37 am 400 blk Laidley Burglary Officer Morgante was sent to investigate a burglary incident. The victim told the officer that he left his home and that he observed someone […]
Fire Dept. report on 133 Berkeley Way fire
A Laidley Street 4th of July
Story by Murray Schneider Photos by Chris Hardy “Citizens. Citizens, news from Philadelphia” shouted Brian Brosnahan, the Sage of Laidley Street. He stood on his front steps, preparing to list the abuses of King George III. “Down with the King,” sang a chorus of Fairmount Heights and Glen Park patriots, their clothes festooned with red, […]
Crime report: June 26 – 29, 2011
Sunday, June 26th, 2011 Nothing reported in Glen Park Monday, June 27th, 2011 12:00pm Still/Lyell Robbery Officer Rand responded to the call of a robbery that had just occurred. Various other units from Ingleside Station also responded to the scene. Officer Rand made contact with the victim and received detailed suspect descriptions, the suspects having just […]
This week at Bird & Beckett
Ok, it’s the 30th… let’s start here… Tonight, June 30th, 7 pm, poet Neeli Cherkovski discusses zen buddhism, poetics & politics with Gary Gach, noted writer & practitioner of same… all in the course of a celebratory reading of Neeli’s new volume of poems called From the Middle Woods. Good detail on our website, […]
Woman who attempted suicide at BART unharmed
From the Chronicle. (06-30) 12:52 PDT SAN FRANCISCO — BART’s morning delays were caused by a woman who jumped on the tracks at the Glen Park Station in San Francisco, lay between the rails as a train rolled over her and then somehow emerged and climbed to safety, an agency spokesman said. The woman, who […]
Update on the half-finished Bosworth Condos
By Jodell Scott Work appears to have slowed over the past few weeks on the Bosworth condos with the June 15th estimate for the demolition of the dilapidated Rousseau structure come and gone. A phone call was made to Encore Housing Opportunity Fund Representative Robert Huggins, who states that delays in obtaining PGE permits, as […]
10:00 am GP BART reopens, but expect delays
(06-30) 10:00 PDT SAN FRANCISCO — The Glen Park BART Station in San Francisco has reopened after a medical emergency involving a person under a train, an agency spokesman said. The person’s condition and the circumstances leading up to the incident were not immediately known. Service through San Francisco was restored as of 9:50 a.m., but […]
9:24 am: GP BART station closed, person under train
(06-30) 09:15 PDT SAN FRANCISCO — The Glen Park BART station in San Francisco is closed because of a medical emergency involving a person under a train, and service through the area has been disrupted, an agency spokesman said. The person’s condition and the circumstances leading up to the incident were not immediately known. BART trains […]
GP Community Plan: Our historic buildings
By Bonnee Waldstein Those who attended, and presented, at the most recent Glen Park Community Plan update on June 22 discovered that late June is not the best time to hold a meeting about anything. There were about a dozen or so regulars who came out to hear about how the Glen Park Community Plan […]
Some other dreadful streets
Michael Waldstein went looking, to see what else is bad out there. And Roanoke at Arlington ain’t nothing…
We have a Glen Canyon Improvement Plan
Dear Glen Canyon Park Community, Thank you for your committed participation in the Glen Canyon Park Improvement Plan process. After 9 community workshops, 8 focus group meetings with city agencies, officials, and community groups, and hundreds of correspondences with dedicated park-goers and experts, we have a Park Improvement Plan with associated costs and phasing. The intent of this […]
Is our worst street really so terrible?
In a post yesterday, we reposted an article from 7×7 Magazine, discussing the City-designated ‘worst street in San Francisco.’ (posting reprinted below.) However then intrepid Glen Park News photographer Michael Waldstein went out to actually look at the street, and he found that Roanoake Street at Arlington is actually a fine street, except for the […]
Glen Park home to worst street in San Francisco
From the magazine 7×7 —– It’s no secret that parking in the city is a bitch. So we’ve enlisted local parking guru and author of Finding the Sweet Spot, David LaBua, to dish out weekly tips on navigating the ins and outs of city parking. In San Francisco, Mayor Ed Lee has proposed a $248 million […]
Circular Drive celebration July 17
From the Sunnyside News (the newsletter of Sunnyside Neighborhood Association) On July 17, we will have a block party to celebrate the completion of the major portion of work on the CIRCULAR AVENUE RIBBON GARDEN, that three-quarters-of-a-mile stretch of land that is on the freeway side of Circular Avenue. Those of you who have a […]
Concerned about recent muggings in Glen Park?
Captain Mahoney, the new Ingleside Captain, spoke about the muggings at the Ingleside Community Meeting last Tuesday. The plainclothes detectives are doing decoy operations and the bicycle police are spending more time in Glen Park. The muggers are very quick. I witnessed a mugging a few years ago, it was over before I knew what […]
Crime Report: June 23 – 25, 2011
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Thursday, June 23, 2011 11:21am, Unit Blk Lippard Ave, Theft Officers Martinez and Morgante responded to a report of a suspect breaking into a car. The victim dseveral items were taken from his car. Report 110504809 7:30am, 100 Blk Mateo St, Stolen/Recovered vehicle Friday, […]
Bird & Beckett doings: jazz, Sufi singing, poetry, readings
In a couple of weeks, we’ve got Pakistani Sufi singer Sukhawat Ali Khan (7/10) and then pan-Arabic music from Faisal Zedan, Husain Resan and Younes El-Makboul (7/17). But you know we’re sweet on the literary stuff and America’s classical music, a.k.a., jazz… so here’s what we’ve got in the short-term (in case you’re not in […]
Crime update: June 22, 2011 Careful with iPods
The muggers struck again at 8:28am! I posted 2 safety flyers from SFSafe in the file section, look to the left and click on “files” they are in a safety tips folder. Be extra careful and PLEASE DO NOT LISTEN TO YOUR IPOD ON THE STREET! The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside […]
Music at Sel et Vin
Tuesday, June 21: Sel et Vin, and places nearby, vibrated with North African and other eclectic music by Reda Bouali (guitar), Anis (keyboard), and M.C. Rai (vocalist) , among others. Manager of Sel et Vin, Julien Walck, was another one of the soulful vocalists. Guests at the venue couldn’t help but start swaying. Plans are […]
Crime Report, June 16 – 21, 2011
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Thursday, June 16th, 2011: No incidents reported in GP. Friday, June 17th, 2011 3:00pm, Unit Blk Monterey, Theft: Victim came to Ingleside Police Station to report that she had secured her bicycle in her garage which she shares with three other tenants. She later returned to […]
Cute owlets in the park
Ryan Holms caught these great shots of the mama owl and one of the owlets before it fledged in April.
Painters in the park
By Murray Schneider Nature lovers. Dog walkers. Rec and Park gardeners. Rock climbers. Tennis players. Children on swings. You’d expect to see any of them on any morning in Glen Canyon. But artists in aggregate? Such was the scene on June 22nd as 21 students enrolled in City College of San Francisco took a field […]
Beat poet Mel Clay at Glen Park library tonight
(From Eric’s email list at Bird & Beckett) Drop what you’re doing if you have any interest in the key beat poets that San Francisco is rightfully famous for having harbored… Mel Clay will speak at the Glen Park Branch Library this evening, Wed., 6/22, from 6:30-7:30 pm, on the late poet Bob Kaufman. […]
Owls in the canyon
Glen Park resident Steven Uchida snapped these photographs of a mother Great Horn owl, perched on a canyon eucalyptus tree on June 15th, after a three hour Friends of Glen Canyon work party. The owl sat on the tree limbs overlooking the west side of Islais Creek, only a few feet from the Recreation Center. […]
Glen Canyon Park Improvement Plan — Final Meeting (for awhile)
By Bonnee Waldstein Final plans for improvements in the active recreation areas and trails of Glen Canyon Park were unveiled at a community meeting on Thursday, June 9. By this time, residents who attended most or all of the nine community workshops and eight focus groups were almost chummy with the Rec and […]
Cutting brush to prevent fire in Glen Canyon
Story and Photos by Murray Schneider With both the June 2nd deadly Berkeley Way fire and the approaching summer fire season fresh on their minds, San Francisco Recreation and Park Department officials began their annual summer fire abatement program on June 8th. “We have a fire-prone situation at the rim of the canyon,” said Lisa […]
Latest issue of the Glen Park News hitting the streets this week
Here you see the children of our intrepid delivery coordinator, Grace Clark, sharing the back seat with this week’s printing of the Glen Park News. Our quarterly paper has a print run of 3,600 issues. We’re the only neighborhood newspaper in town that hand-delivers copies to as many houses as we have carriers for […]
Crime Report June 8 – 10, 2011
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Wednesday, June 8, 2011 No incidents reported in GP. Thursday, June 9, 2011 No incidents reported in GP. Friday, June 10, 2011 No incidents reported in GP. 2:00pm, 2600 Blk Diamond St, Vandalism A victim reported the window on his vehicle had been smashed. […]
Crime report, June 5 – 7, 2011
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Sunday, June 5, 2011 11:50am, Unit Blk Joost, Recovered vehicle Monday, June 6, 2011 12:30 pm, Unit blk Wilder, Stolen Auto Tuesday, June 7, 2011 No incidents reported in GP. ________________________________________________________ ___ To view the complete Ingleside Daily Newsletter, visit:
Glen Park, City, honor our firefighters
Scores of neighbors, fire fighters, police and others lined the bridges and streets along San Jose Ave. at 5;00 pm on Friday as the funeral procession for fallen firemen Vincent A. Perez, 48, and Anthony M. Valerio, 53. Ric Lopez of Modern Past got these photos.
Fallen Firefighters’ funerals tomorrow, many streets to be closed
Just a head’s up: SF Chronicle street closure notice here. After the funeral, a procession more than 200 fire trucks will travel south on Gough Street, then head west on Market Street, south on Valencia Street, west on 15th Street, south on Dolores Street and merge onto San Jose Avenue, police said. From San Jose […]