Dear Glen Park Neighbors, The Board of Supervisors is back from August recess and we are busy! On October 7th, I joined Glen Park at the first-ever Glen Park Art Walk. Congratulations to Glen Park Merchants Association and all of the organizers on a successful event! I also joined Glen Park Association on October 12th […]
Autumn blooms on the Greenway
Come to the Greenway Native Meadow (between Brompton and Lippard Avenues) and see how many of these flowering plants you can find. The winter rains helped create a profusion of blooms. But hurry!
Four Glen Parkers lead tours of the City with San Francisco City Guides
Enjoy walking? Learning? Curious about your surroundings? San Francisco has a free resource for you: San Francisco City Guides, (SFCG) a 45-year-old nonprofit organization that offers walks throughout the City that take you on journeys through its endlessly colorful history. Each year about 30,000 people from the Bay Area and beyond walk with us. There […]
Happy October! This has got to be one of the best months in San Francisco. We’ve got our true summer, and then there’s Halloween, and everything fall related. Taking my son trick-or-treating on Chenery St. has always been so much fun. I love the energy and spirit in the neighborhood on Halloween, and how everyone […]
Volunteers still needed for Chenery Block Party Sunday October 8
Glen Park’s outdoor restaurant spaces start to come down
Outdoor dining is going away (for the most part) in Glen Park, after the City ended easy COVID-era rules that allowed restaurants to build outdoor dining areas in parking places in front of their doors. Glen Park gained four outdoor eating spaces during the height of the COVID emergency, at Tekka House, Higher Grounds, La […]
Greenway Work Party–Saturday, October 7
Please put Saturday October 7 on your calendar for our next monthly Work Party. It is acorn season so our California Oak Woodland is producing acorns. Here’s a picture of some acorns on tree #128 that was, itself, sown as an acorn by volunteers in December 2017. Your work is bearing fruit! I hope that […]
Ingleside Station welcomes new captain
The Ingleside Station has a new Captain, Amy Hurwitz. Even though Captain Hurwitz is new to the rank of captain, she is a veteran of Ingleside Station, having worked here from 2005-2012 as a patrol officer and a plainclothes officer. Captain Hurwitz is very familiar with the Ingleside District and has an excellent understanding of […]
Harry Lew is still going strong at (VERY soon) 101
It’s been almost a year and time for an update! You may remember a feature last year on Harry Lew, the 100-year-old tennis player, who regularly played in Glen Canyon Park. Now he’s moved on to play at Balboa Park. At age 100, Harry Lew stays healthy and happy playing tennis at Glen Canyon Park […]
We are officially in the fall market! To add to the delay in bringing some properties on, we even had an unexpected real estate crisis earlier in August. The crisis we dealt with was not very widely reported, so you may not have heard about it, but the provider of our MLS (multiple listing service) […]
Glen Park author writes book about San Francisco’s “buried history”
On Sunday, September 17, at 3pm, prolific author and journalist Beth Winegarner will be discussing her new book, San Francisco’s Forgotten Cemeteries: A Buried History, just published by The History Press, at Bird & Beckett Bookstore. She’ll be in conversation with Courtney Minick, chronicler on her website of all things macabre in California, Here Lies […]
CHECK IT OUT AT THE LIBRARY–Exciting events coming up!
Have you heard that Glen Park is going to host our very own Art Walk October 7th on Diamond Street? Not only are local businesses inviting artists to display their creations, we’re excited to display your artwork in our first ever Tiny Art Show in the library debuting October 7th. Stop by to see the […]
You’re not in a Western but those are hawks crying in the distance
Anyone who lives or spends time along Diamond and Chenery streets at Lippard could be forgiven for feeling like they’re living in a cheesy Western movie this summer because the soundtrack of city life has added a new track – the frequent, piercing and iconic screech of a bird of prey. What you’re hearing is […]
Greenway Work Party–Saturday, September 9
California native iris (Iris douglasiana) Photo: Kathy Keller Please put Saturday September 9 on your calendar for our next monthly Work Party. The Native Meadow is growing beautifully with more flowers emerging as the plants mature. Month by month, we see the efforts of our volunteers paying off. I hope that you’ll come and enjoy […]
AT&T proposes new wireless communication facility in Glen Park
Glen Park Women Hall of Fame presentation – Aug 29, 7:00 pm
The presentation by Evelyn Rose, founder of the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project, will be on Tuesday, August 29 at 7:00 pm. It’s being held at Temple Sherith Israel, 2266 California at Webster. If you can’t make it in person, you can join the San Francisco History Association to access it via Zoom. Membership info […]
Sunday gusher at Chenery & Diamond repaired in less than 24 hours
A broken water main at the corner of Chenery and Diamond Streets sent a gusher of water two feet up into the air Sunday afternoon around 2:00 PM, flooding the street and sending water down Diamond. The water pressure was so strong that parts of the asphalt and concrete at the edges of the hole […]
Two Closures, One Hearing Aug 24
SFMTA will consider two requested street closures in Glen Park at an August 24 hearing: Both items are on the Interdepartmental Staff Committee on Traffic and Transportation for Temporary Street Closures (ISCOTT) hearing agenda. The hearing will be held online August 24, 9 a.m., and can be attended either through Microsoft Teams or by dialing […]
Consider a block party this summer
D8 Residents – Warm Weather Is On Its Way, So Sign Up To Host A Neighborfest Block Party Today! As you know, in a few weeks the best weather of the year will be upon us – So get ready to enjoy it by signing up to host a Neighborfest Block Party today! Thanks to […]
Benefit for Bird & Beckett Thursday
Greetings Glen Park! We are nearing the end of the summer and there’s a lot of talk about what’s going to happen with inventory this coming fall. We have been stuck in a declining inventory pattern for quite some time, and this is primarily what is holding prices from falling further than they have during […]
Get used to the Laidley Street Water Main Replacement Project
If you’ve been in the area of Chenery and Castro Streets lately you’ve undoubtedly noticed an impressive scene like this: SFPUC is undertaking a massive project to replace worn out water and sewer lines in areas of Glen Park. Construction will extend to December 2024. As the project nears completion, road restoration work will begin. […]
New after school programs at Hawk Creek Farm
Hawk Creek Farm is a new non-profit organization that will be operating community programming for all ages at the Golden Bridges School Farm on Cotter Street. Programs will include family workshops, after school programs, school field trips, and more! Our intention is to create more learning opportunities on this wonderful farm for the greater community. […]
Greenway Work Party–Saturday, August 5
Please put Saturday August 5 on your calendar for our next monthly Work Party. The Native Meadow is growing beautifully and we just had our oak trees expertly trimmed. So all is looking good on the Greenway. I hope that you’ll come and enjoy it all with us. We’ll meet at 9am on Saturday August […]
Urban Angels needs help to provide school supplies to SF homeless children
Will you help? Urban Angels SF is in the middle of its most important and impactful program of the year, the 5th Annual School Supplies & Backpacks program. UASF has committed to giving 1,000 children who are homeless and living in shelters in SF brand new backpacks filled with new school supplies. Each kit costs […]
Gas line break on Sussex Street causes residents to evacuate
Sunday at 10:40am AlertSF blasted out a text: “Avoid the area of Sussex St. between Diamond St. and Castro St. due to Fire Activity. Emergency crews are on scene.” The incident occurred on the unit block of Sussex Street. There was no fire but there was the strong smell of gas. Roland Kniese of Sussex […]
Very bad accident at 280 offramp/Monterey this morning
(The Glen Park News will update as we get more information.) About 6:40 this morning, the car in this photo rear ended a car out of frame at a high rate of speed. There was an SFPD police car right there, and I may have heard its siren just before the impact. I took these […]
Fear not, Destination Bakery is still open
The Glen Park rumor mill shifted into overdrive this past Sunday when it appeared that Destination Bakery had abruptly gone out of business and just as quickly became a Mexican restaurant, Mamacita’s. Owner Joe Schuver got several texts as did as Deb Lunsford, the counter person who’s known to everyone. The Glen Park Association and […]
Glen Park Association Summer general meeting
Your favorite UPS driver hits a milestone
Leo Parker, Glen Park’s UPS driver, took a two-week break recently to celebrate his 60th birthday and 35 years delivering to Glen Park. He spent a week with family and another week in West Hollywood with friends that flew in from Australia. Leo always lets neighbors know via Nextdoor when he’ll be away. You […]
Research on Mayor George Christopher and Why the Park Named After Him Should Retain His Name
Glen Park News note: This Opinion Essay is reprinted here with permission of the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project. In February of this year, it seemed Christopher Park in Diamond Heights was at risk for becoming the center of attention as a new candidate for a name change. The reason? A District 3 representative on the Park, Recreation, Open Space […]
We are solidly in summer now and was that ever a hot pre-4th of July in the Bay Area! As a matter of fact, 4th of July saw the hottest average world temperature on the books. Lots of people are traveling, but we are seeing a good amount of renewed interest in the real estate […]
Recap of Ingleside Station Community Meeting June 20
Ingleside Station holds monthly in-person community meetings the third Tuesday of the month at 6pm at the station, 1 Sgt. John V. Young Lane. Acting Captain Kevin Knoble conducted this month’s meeting. The next monthly meeting will be Tuesday, July 18 at 6 pm, with Captain Derrick Lew. San Francisco Police Department: Acting Capt. Knoble […]
CHECK IT OUT AT THE LIBRARY—Stride through summer with us
We’ve been so busy welcoming new faces at the library and telling them how they can get a gorgeous free tote bag by participating in Summer Stride, we almost forgot to share with you all the amazing events and activities we have on tap for our community. Fortunately for us, many of you have already […]
Urban Angels launches 2023 school supplies and backpacks campaign
The donors, supporters and volunteers of Urban Angels SF are pleased to announce its 5th Annual School Supplies & Backpacks campaign will kick off on July 1, 2023. 1,000 unhoused elementary school boys and girls and others from families living below the poverty level in San Francisco will receive a free, new, high-quality backpack filled […]
From a destitute Okie to a “really good life” in Glen Park: Bob Seiwald of Burnside Avenue
On a normal day the cul-de-sac at Burnside Avenue off Chenery Street is a hive of activity. For one thing, it’s the terminus of the Glen Park Greenway, which begins at Brompton Avenue and is frequented by hikers and dog walkers alike. For another thing, there’s the beautiful Burnside Mural right there, a feast […]
Greetings Glen Park! Though the weather continues to be confused (raining on June 6th!?), the days are getting longer and people are gearing up for summer vacations. This past Memorial Day weekend was one of the busiest driving holidays we’ve seen since before the pandemic. But what’s happening in the market? Buyers are being more […]
SFMTA Traffic Calming Program–applications begin July 1
Did you know the SFMTA has a residential application-based traffic calming program where residents can request traffic calming for their block? Please take a look at the program website to learn more about the application and evaluation processes. In particular, the SFMTA is revamping their application-based process to be simpler, more responsive, and more expedient. Starting July […]
Come hear about a drag show in Glen Park 50 years ago – June 7 at the library
For a brief period in the mid-1960s, when the city’s LGBTQ community was beginning to find its voice, “San Francisco’s Finest Female Impersonators” performed at the Casa Blanca Lounge in Glen Park. Evelyn Rose of the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project shares how the story of the Casa Blanca not only reveals the rich Italian […]
Three local bus routes might come to a full stop
(This has been updated to add a third endangered bus line) The San Francisco Chronicle reported today that, due to the extreme financial crisis precipitated by the Covid-19 pandemic and resulting decline in Muni ridership, up to 20 of the least-used bus lines might be scrapped as soon as this summer. Those include the 35-Eureka, […]
Thieves saw down three light poles in Glen Canyon Park
Thieves cut down three metal light posts at the entrance to Glen Canyon Park Thursday, May 25. An alert park-goer called 311 that evening to report the vandalism and San Francisco Recreation and Parks responded. “Custodial staff cleaned up the fallen poles and put caution tape around the area and power was turned off. Electricians […]
Greenway Work Party–Saturday, June 3
We’re making plans for our June Work Party. Please put it on your calendar – Saturday June 3. The growing season is still going full-blast with long days and plenty of moisture still in the soil. The Native Meadow is growing beautifully and the oak trees are looking good. I hope that you’ll come and […]
Officer Involved Shooting Town Hall Meeting Scheduled for Friday
As part of the San Francisco Police Department’s commitment to accountability and transparency with our community, a virtual town hall meeting will be held on Friday, May 26, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. to provide the community with an update on the investigation of the officer-involved shooting that occurred on the 100 block of Bosworth Street […]
Glen Park icon Joan Seiwald: Long-time SFUSD staffer, park-saver and A’s fan
Joan Seiwald, 91, one of a trio of young Glen Park mothers who in 1965 kept San Francisco from building a freeway through Glen Canyon Park, passed away on Thursday, May 11. Seiwald and her husband Robert bought their home on Burnside Avenue in 1960, just one block from the park. As today, parents spent […]
Armed suspect shot and killed by SFPD Friday
Yesterday afternoon news broke from many sources about an hours-long standoff at the New Bosworth Market at the 100 block of Bosworth Street between Milton and Marsily Streets. Variously described in reports as occurring “in” or “near” Glen Park, the Glen Park News would say the neighborhood would more accurately be Bernal Glen or St. […]
Chenery will not be a Slow Street, SFMTA Board votes
Chenery Street will not become a slow street again, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency board voted Tuesday, May 16. After several hours of many heartfelt statements both for and against a reinstatement by Glen Park residents, the board said it felt there was too little consensus to vote to once again make Chenery a […]
Glen Park Welcomes Spring (and the Sun!) with a Block Party
Saturday, May 6th started with a torrent of rain, but by 10:00 am the sun was shining, allowing for residents of Glen Park to gather for a spring block party. About 100 people from across the neighborhood circulated through for snacks, chalk, bubbles and conversation to welcome warmer and drier weather. Some had planned the […]
Debra Lynn Hord, long time neighborhood figure, dead of injuries sustained in robbery
Debra Lynn Hord, a sometimes-homeless woman known to many in Glen Park for her kindness and helpfulness, died of an apparent head injury sustained after she was robbed outside the Glen Park Market at Diamond and Bosworth on March 2, 2023. It was at about 6:30 am, said Jung Ho Lee, one of the owners […]
Armed robbery on Chenery appears to have been teens who knew each other
Two teens were robbed at gunpoint at the corner of Chenery Street and Chilton Avenue at 2:39 in the afternoon on Wednesday, April 26. Video from a nearby house shows the two teens, a boy and a girl, walking backwards as two other teens, both apparently boys, walk towards them. One of them has a […]
Earth Day message–Glen Park needs your help to stay cleaned up
Photos by Marian Dalere It’s been a year since volunteers have been participating in monthly cleanups of the commercial and public spaces in Glen Park and, oh, what a difference! The first cleanup was in May 2022. Vince Yuen has built volunteer brigades all over the city through his RefuseRefuse organization, along with TogetherSF. Today, […]