See what the median price buys in secret gem neighborhoods locals prefer Share 20 When people pore over listings in the San Francisco Bay Area, where do they most often want to live? Pricey Pac Heights? The trendy Marina? Family-friendly Noe Valley? Certainly, out-of-state home buyers fall back most quickly on the more famous of our […]
The Chron’s Carl Nolte tells us to Be Here Now – and check out Bird and Beckett while we’re at it
Make memories of the S.F. that you’re living in today Carl Nolte, Chronicle Columnist Sunday, February 5, 2012 Those of us in the San Francisco column business get a lot of mail from old San Franciscans -and they all claim that somehow, some way, the city was a lot better years ago. It was […]
Twin Peaks Trail approved as a concept
On Feb. 1, the Capital Committee of the Recreation & Park Commission voted to move approval of the Twin Peaks Trail concept plan to the consent calendar of the full Commission meeting to be held on February 16 at 10am at City Hall in Room 416. This is great news, not just for Twin Peaks, […]
Crime report: Jan 15 – 30, 2012
Sunday January 15 Nothing in the report from Glen Park Monday January 16 6:30pm Whitney/Fairmount Vandalism A victim responded to Ingleside station and told PSA Zabarte that she parked and secured her vehicle and when she returned found all sides of the vehicle with scratch marks. The victim did not see anyone damage the vehicle […]
The Lawrence LaFlamme Ensemble at the Sunnyside Conservatory March 9
The Friends of Sunnyside Conservatory present: The Lawrence LaFlamme Ensemble at the Sunnyside Conservatory March 9th, 2012 Doors open at 7 PM Music begins at 8 PM $20 suggested donation at the door Legendary Rock violinist David Flamme, from the iconic 1960’s San Francisco group ‘Its a Beautiful Day’ and vocalist Linda LaFlamme join mandolin virtuoso […]
Make your own Valentines at Sunnyside Conservatory Feb. 11 Our Next (free!) Event: Be My Valentine! Show your Sweetie(s) some Love. Returning Saturday afternoon, February 11, 2012. *Note New Time this Year: 2-4 pm. Rain or Shine The Valentine Card Party – the first community event held in the restored Conservatory – is now in its 3rd year. We will have lots of examples and inspirations […]
Maintaining Our Street Trees and Park Trees
From Sup. Scott Wiener: Maintaining Our Street Trees and Park Trees We don’t devote nearly enough resources to maintenance of our City’s urban forest. As a result, our park trees are rarely inspected – which can create safety hazards – and the City is gradually turning over responsibility for street trees to adjacent property owners who may […]
Glen Park resident named Chair of the SF Bay Area Federal Executive Board
SAN FRANCISCO, CA – Glen Park resident Doug Betten, regional administrator for the Department of Labor’s Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management, San Francisco region, has been appointed chair of the San Francisco Bay Area Federal Executive Board (FEB). The FEB appointment is for a one-year term. The FEBs were established in 1961 under President […]
Neighborhood updates and some history at the Glen Park Association Meeting
Glen Park said “Fie!” to term limits last Thursday, January 19, as the incumbent officers of the Glen Park Association were swept back into office by unanimous vote. For President Michael Rice, it will be his seventh term. No superpacs, debates or direct mail hit-pieces were to be found on this campaign trail either. The […]
Basketball at Glen Canyon: A social institution that may be going away
By Murray Schneider Several middle-aged athletes gathered one recent afternoon around the free-throw line at Glen Park Recreation Center’s basketball court, tuning up for the first of dozens of afternoon and evening half-court pick-ups games. “They’re our senior statesmen,” said Oskar Rosas, 46, recreation coordinator at the Depression-era Rec Center, which would remain open until […]
College Hill Neighborhood Assoc. cleans Bernal Cut on Monday
. Our growing College Hill Neighborhood Association (which serves both sides of the Bernal Cut, btw : ) is teaming up with DPW to do a major clean-up of the Bernal side of the Bernal Cut path, and since so many GP residents loop across our shared bridges to our Bernal side of the path, […]
Save the date – Next GPA meeting Jan. 19 with historic photo slide show
FYI the next GPA Meeting info January 19, 2012 7pm St. John School, 925 Chenery Street Program – Southern Pacific Railroad Line through the Mission and Glen Park: Slide Show with Richard Brandi, Architectural Historian ADJOURNMENT Social hour to follow
2011 in review
The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: The concert hall at the Syndey Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 32,000 times in 2011. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 12 sold-out performances for that many […]
Crime Report, Dec. 9 – 27, 2011
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station newsletter: Friday December 9 Nothing in the report from Glen Park Saturday December 10 1:09am 100 Blk Bemis St Recovered vehicle Sunday December 11 6:15am 200 Blk Chenery St Vandalism Sgt. Miller responded to a report of a suspect with a tire iron vandalizing vehicles. […]
Helping the Canyon thrive through judicious pruning
By Murray Schneider Willow Creek Trail isn’t named on any official map that San Francisco Rec and Park has shelved at McLaren Lodge. Nevertheless, the Glen Canyon path circles Glen Park’s Islais Creek. It begins near a boardwalk that leaves Silver Tree Day Camp in its wake, runs parallel to a seep that collects run-off […]
Vendors – sign up now for the Glen Park Festival
We are now accepting applications for 2012 Glen Park Festival which will be held on April 29, 2012. Please follow the link below to find out more information about becoming a vendor. You can link to the vendor application from the page above or find it here: Please do not hesitate to contact […]
10th Anniversary Retrospective: Manzoni – a fuller review
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years. To the unexpected accompaniment of large earth-moving machinery, the long-awaited Manzoni restaurant opened its doors Monday evening and filled up with Glen Park diners almost immediately. Owner Manhal Jweinat, beaming high-wattage […]
Canyon Market: Five years and going strong
By Murray Schneider The Canyon Market turned five years old on November 21st, so owners Janet and Richard Tarlov threw a birthday party for their village grocery on December 10th. “We wanted to show our appreciation to the community,” said Janet Tarlov, sitting in her postage-sized office, which she shares with her bookkeeper. In the […]
Collapsed sewer clogs evening traffic on Diamond St.
A collapsed sewer on Diamond street just past Chenery clogged evening traffic (and distracted from the opening of the new Italian restaurant Manzoni) Monday night. City workers told Ric Lopez of the Glen Park Merchants Association. “it was an emergency spot repair so the street would not cave in.” The workers say we can expect some […]
Manzoni restaurant finally opens
After several years of waiting, Glen Park’s Italian restaurant, Manzoni, finally opened Monday night. We’ll post a full review Tuesday, but it’s open until 10:00 tonight if you want to head to 2788 Diamond Street at Chenery.
Kids Might Still Have Sand in their Shoes in New Playground
By Bonnee Waldstein Photos by Bonnee Waldstein The new playground in Glen Canyon Park, slated for completion in winter 2013-14, will feature the newest, most up-to-date play structures for Glen Park’s youngsters to run around and frolic in. Yet, the burning issue in the new design couldn’t be more low-tech: Sand or no sand? Most […]
GPA Meeting Thursday, Jan 19.
Please Plan to join us for our 1st quarterly meeting of 2012. It will be held at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, January 19th, at St. John’s School, 925 Chenery Street. Meeting Agenda: 700 PM Call to Order, followed by Committee and Treasurer Reports 715 PM Glen Park Association Annual Officer Elections *** 745 PM Program: “The Southern Pacific Rail […]
Sushi in the ‘hood – Tataki opens in Sel & Vin space
By Gail Bensinger Got a yen for sushi? Tataki Canyon, Glen Park’s newest restaurant opened Tuesday, Dec. 13, at 678 Chenery St., the space most recently occupied by Sel & Vin. Hours are 5-10 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 5-10:30 Friday and Saturday; and 5-9:30 p.m. Sunday. During a happy hour from 5 to 7 each […]
GPA Holiday Party, Pritikin-Style
by Ashley Hathaway On Sunday December 11th the Glen Park Association held its first-ever holiday event at the Pritikin Museum, the home of Mr. Bob Pritikin. The mansion is also known as “Chenery House.” After several weeks of planning and coordination, the party-of-all-neighborhood-parties was a huge success. An invitation was sent to all current Glen […]
Sunnyside Conservatory winter concert Fri. Dec. 9
Holiday Greetings to All! Don’t forget: the Sunnyside Conservatory is hosting a free Winter Concert on Friday, December 9th. It will feature the Old First Presbyterian Church Choir presenting a variety of seasonal music, including a sing-a-long. The doors will open at 7:30 PM to harp music, and the Concert will begin at 8:00 […]
“I’m not a Tourist, I live here!” author at B&B
By Murray Schneider On November 27th, Elizabeth Boardman, 70, returned to Bird and Beckett and read and signed her latest book, I’m Not a Tourist, I Live Here! She was accompanied by Doc, a dulcimer-playing street minstrel whom she’d befriended over a decade earlier while commuting from her Glen Park home to her Tenderloin office. […]
Glen Canyon Park Community Meeting Saturday
Mark your calendars and help spread the word! The Glen Canyon Park Community Meeting is just a few days away! Glen Canyon Park Community Meeting Learn about the proposed improvements! Come give us your input! Saturday, December 10, 2011 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. At Glen Canyon Park Recreation Center’s Auditorium (located inside the park, […]
Crime Report Nov. 29 – Dec. 1, 2011
FYI: When you call 911 from a cell phone, in SF, the calls are frequently routed to dispatch in Vallejo — SFPD claims it’s improved. The emergency number to call from a cell phone is 553-8090 (SF only). Save this number to your cell phone NOW! The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside […]
Birdwatching in Glen Canyon
By Murray Schneider November 13th proved warm enough to slip on a simple sweatshirt, and the nearly 50 bird lovers who gathered behind the Glen Canyon Recreation Center, ready to begin a two-hour Islais Creek bird watching outing, had earlier outfitted themselves in cotton, flannel and fleece. Allan Ridley, the expedition leader, donned a wide-brimmed […]
Ornament & Card making Saturday at Sunnyside Conservatory
Upcycled Holiday Cards + Ornament Making Saturday, December 3, 2011, 12-3. Free . Rain or Shine! Sunnyside Conservatory, San Francisco 236 Monterey @ Baden Multi-media artist and recycler extraordinaire Monica Lee is back to inspire us at our card making party. She and her fellow artist Dorothy Yuki this year are adding an Ornament Station to the wonderful mix. […]
Glen Park Assoc. Holiday party at the Pritikin Museum – Dec. 11, 2011
The Glen Park Association and Bob Pritikin invite the community to the GPA Holiday Party at the Pritikin Museum, Sunday, December 11, 2011, 47 Chenery Street, near 30th St., Glen Park, 2:00 pm until 5:00 pm Admission is free for current GPA Members and their children. Non-GPA members have two options for admission: $10 charitable donation or […]
Crime Nov. 16 – 19, 2011
Wednesday, November 16 1:30pm Unit Blk Chenery Burglary Officer Ma was dispatched to investigate a burglary. The victim stated that he left and secured his residence and when he returned he noticed there were several items missing. He stated that one of the sliding doors was unlocked and believed that’s how the suspect exited and […]
A Jazzy riff on a jazzy little bookstore we know of…
FRIDAY EVENIN’ MUSIC & SOCIAL CLUB AT THE B&B …ain’ never heerd such pluckin’ an’ blowin’ since the close of Miss Pearl’s feets are tappin’ heads are noddin’ all the chilrens are dancin’ everbody’s smilin’ at everbody else Eric Whittington, presiding fellow of Bird & Beckett Books, announces, “Folks, it’s been happening […]
Card and Ornament making at Sunnyside Conservatory Dec. 3
Holiday Card + Ornament Making Party at Sunnyside Conservatory! Saturday, December 3, 2011, 12-3. Free Multi-media artist and recycler Monica Lee is back to inspire us at our card making party. This year, she and artist Dorothy Yuki add ornaments! Mark your calender for Saturday, December 3, from 12 noon to 3pm. Then…Gather up your […]
Santa’s coming to Modern Past Dec. 6 from 5:30 to 7:00
Stalking the wild yellow-eyed grass and fork-tailed damselfly in Glen Canyon
By Murray Schneider Canyon Correspondent By November 9th, pumpkin spiders had spun their final webs and sparrows hadn’t yet erected their new nests, so Rec and Parks gardeners and Friends of Glen Canyon Park volunteers took the opportunity to nip sprouting willow sprouts, roll back ivy and clip blackberry above the boardwalk adjacent to Islais […]
Van fire closes Monterey Exit on 280 South
Plumes of black smoke billowed up from behind Glen Park Elementary School just after 4:00 on Thursday. A van appeared to have caught fire on the off ramp. The driver and passengers appear to have been un injured and were transferred to another van by 4:20. The type of van was unknown. Glen Park News […]
Crime Report Nov. 13 – 15, 2011
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Sunday, November 13 – Nothing in the report from Glen Park Monday, November 14 4:12pm 5200 Blk Diamond Burglary Civilian Police Service Aides Navarro and Der were dispatched to a call of a burglary that had occurred the day before. They spoke with the […]
Crime Report: Nov. 8 – 12, 2011
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Tuesday, November 8 12:29pm 200 blk Monterey Recovered Vehicle Wednesday, November 9 9:00pm 300 Blk Miguel Theft A victim responded to Ingleside station and told PSA Zabarte that he parked and locked his vehicle in front of his residence and when he returned found […]
If you care about the Canyon – Meeting Saturday
If you care about what’s happening in Glen Canyon, this is a very important meeting to attend. This may be your last chance to voice your opinion about changes and “upgrades” to the canyon and trails. It’s been said that at previous meetings families with small children have been under-represented. But for all, for anyone […]
Crime Report, Nov. 3 – 7, 2011
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Monday, November 3 – Nothing in the report from Glen Park Friday, November 4 – Nothing in the report from Glen Park Saturday, November 5 – Nothing in the report from Glen Park Sunday, November 6 1– Nothing in the report from Glen Park […]
Get ready for a big alarm Wednesday at 11:00
From the Mayor’s office: Nationwide Emergency Alert System Test When: Wednesday, November 9, 2011 at 11:00 AM, approximately 30 seconds The first nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) is scheduled for Wednesday, November 9, 2011 at 11:00 am PST. The test will interrupt regularly scheduled television, radio, cable, and satellite programming, lasting approximately […]
Didge, tabla, oud, flute – Sunnyside Conservatory travels the world in music
Photos by Susan Levy It was a chance to break out of the confines of Monterey Boulevard and Diamond Street, Sunnyside, Glen Park, and beyond, and go on a musical tour to distant continents. On Friday, November 4, the Friends of Sunnyside Conservatory presented an evening of world music that spanned Australia, the Middle East, […]
Photo gallery: Glen Park at Halloween
Too busy herding the kids to really get a look at the highly creative decorations our neighbors came up with? Photographer Ellen Rosenthal spent a spooky evening taking in the sights — walk along with her and see what you missed..
Crime report, Oct. 25 – Nov. 2, 2011
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside station newsletter Tuesday October 25 – Nothing in the report from Glen Park Wednesday October 26 – Nothing in the report from Glen Park Thursday October 27 – Nothing in the report from Glen Park Friday October 28 – Nothing in the report from Glen Park […]
Farmers Market Nov. newsletter
Glen Park Village Farmers’ Market November 2011 Ode to OnionsJulia Child once said, “It’s hard to imagine civilization without onions.” She was right. These hard-working, ever-present root vegetables are the staple of every cook’s kitchen. Versatile, easy to prepare, and full of healthy vitamin C and fiber, they add layers of flavor and texture to a variety of dishes […]
Eliyahu Sills + Jason Ranjit Parmar Live in Concert @ Sunnyside Conservatory this Friday!
Eliyahu Sills + Jason Ranjit Parmar Live in Concert @ Sunnyside Conservatory this Friday! Eliyahu and Jason appear as a duo to bring their inspiring musical talents for an intimate evening of the ney, (reed flute of the Middle East), Bansuri (bamboo flute from India), oud, Indian tablas and various percussion, for a contemplative evening […]
Pumpkin spiders in the park for Halloween!
By Murray Schneider On October 19th, two Friends of Glen Canyon Park volunteers, Mary Huizinga and Jean Conner, watched a pumpkin spider lying at the center of its geometrically designed web. It looked as if it hadn’t skipped a meal in at least an hour, suspended from a silken guy-wire, rigged taut between willow branches […]
Glen Park Plan vote Nov. 10, 2011
Greetings Glen Park Neighbors, We’re about to reach a major milestone for Glen Park. The Planning Commission will consider adoption of the Glen Park Community Plan in two weeks! After years of community planning, we’re almost there. Thank you for your continued participation and involvement. We’re happy to report the Plan is enjoying broad support […]
Crime Report Oct 12 – 21, 2011
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station newsletter: Wednesday October 12 10:00am 200 blk Fairmont Theft/Trick Officer Lee prepared a report regarding a theft by trick. The victim was contacted by phone and told that the caller was a representative of her bank. The caller told her that they were watching […]