GLEN CANYON PARK RECREATION CENTER PROJECT UPDATE MEETING: Controversy Over Tree Removal Remains By Bonnee Waldstein Photos by Michael Waldstein The old recreation center auditorium in Glen Canyon Park was standing room only on Jan. 7, 2013. Over 150 interested people gathered–rather, huddled–in what felt like subfreezing indoor temperatures. Those who came early enough for seating […]
Irving Saraf, Oscar-winning Glen Park filmmaker, dies
Irving Saraf dies – Oscar-winning filmmaker Nellie Bowles Updated 1:05 pm, Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Irving Saraf, a renowned figure in the Bay Area filmmaking community who won an Academy Award in 1991 for his documentary on the San Francisco Opera Chorus, died Dec. 26 after battling Lou Gehrig‘s disease for three years. He was 80. Mr. Saraf and […]
Two crime reports from Richland Avenue near the Bernal Cut
Mugging on Richland Avenue A young woman walking alone was mugged tonight (Wednesday, Jan 9) at 8:20 p.m. on the “unit block” of Richland Ave., the stretch between the Bernal Cut/Arlington and Mission. I witnessed the mugging from my second-floor porch at about mid-block. I heard hysterical screams and went out on my porch to […]
Construction work begins on Glen Canyon Renovation Project
From: “Mauney-Brodek, Karen” <> Subject: Construction to Start on Glen Canyon Park Renovation Project – Portions of the Park Around Elk Street Closed Stating January 10th, other portions closed starting the week of January 14th The contractor hired to start the Glen Canyon Renovation Project will be starting construction activities Thursday, January 10th. At times, […]
Glen Canyon update meeting tonight, 6:30 – 8:00
This is just a friendly reminder that tonight, from 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m., Supervisor Scott Wiener and the Glen Park Association are co-sponsoring a meeting at the Glen Canyon Park Recreation Center’s Auditorium. The Recreation and Park Department will be there to review the tree-related work included in the Glen Canyon Park renovation and to answer […]
Glen Park Association Meeting Jan. 16
The Glen Park Association Please Plan to join us for our 1st quarterly meeting of 2013. It will be held at 7:00 P.M on Wednesday, January 16th, at Glen Park Elementary School on 151 Lippard Street. The agenda includes the annual election of GPA officers. This is your official election notice. Officer nominations may be made at the meeting. Voting […]
New Year’s Day in the Canyon
Rec Center closed for renovations
Greetings and happy holidays from the Recreation and Park Department! We are looking forward to starting park renovation project at Glen Canyon Park. As you may have heard, the schedule has been delayed from the original start date of October 16 due to an appeal of the project’s building permit and an appeal of the […]
Chenery Park in the New York Times
Eat, Drink, Be Nice Moris Moreno for The New York Times Robin Wells, of Etiquette Manor, goes over the ins and outs of napkin use. By MATT RICHTEL Published: December 26, 2012 IT’S dinnertime, and 6-year-old Joaquin Hurtado is staying in his seat. He hasn’t stood up, run around the table or wrestled with his little […]
GP Rec Center Update meeting: Jan. 7, 2013
Crime Report: Dec. 13, 14, 2012
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Thursday, December 13th, 2012 3:20pm Baden/Monterey Hit and Run Friday, December 14th, 2012 10:40am Unit Blk Chenery Drug Arrest Officer Aslam responded to Fairmount Elementary School regarding a trespasser on school property. Officers Chang and Park responded as well and had the suspect detained. […]
This week in Glen Canyon: Planting flowering current, California rose and juncas
By Murray Schneider On December 12 six Friends of Glen Canyon Park volunteers turned their green thumbs to planting dozens of California native plants along Islais Creek as the creek, swollen after days of rain, disappeared into a culvert destined to empty into the Bay not far from AT&T Park. The volunteers worked at the […]
Dead great-horned owl in park ate poisoned rodents
The Glen Park News received this today: PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE A Completely Different Kind of Neighborhood Watch in San Francisco! WildCare accepted Great Horned Owl Patient #1709 on November 8, 2012. He was DOA, dead on arrival. He was a neighborhood mascot of sorts, now gone, but not forgotten. He was found […]
Dusk in Glen Park
Glen Park Crime Dec 12, 2012, and Captain’s community meeting Dec. 18
Ingleside SFPD Captain’s community meeting Tuesday, December 18, 2012. at 7 p.m Community Room 1 Sgt John V. Young Lane (in Balboa Park) 415/404-4000 Mr. Furlishous Wyatt, Jr. of SF SAFE will be making a presentation on home security. He will discuss locks, lighting, and other steps you can take to secure your home. The […]
Another lovely sunrise in Glen Park
Treefall at Diamond and 29th Streets
By Murray Schneider On December 11, a Monterey Pine tree toppled in the open space on the crest of a hill at Diamond and 29th Streets. Receiving a 311 call, Recreation and Park arborists arrived at the site, within view of both Castro Street and Zircon Place, and quickly cleared the fallen tree. “No one […]
Watch out for fake PG&E person
A fake PG&E person has been making the rounds in Glen Park and the Excelsior. One Glen Park family received a service request last week and when they called PG&E to confirm, they were told that the utility had NOT sent anyone out to their house. This was on Arlington near Mateo. The PG&E staffer […]
Sunrise over Glen Park this morning
NO Board of Appeals hearing on Glen Park plan today
3:45 PM UPDATE The original appeal, filed last month, has been withdrawn, so the Board of Appeals hearing WILL NOT happen on Wednesday as was posted below. However the NEW appeal, pasted into this document, will have a hearing, it appears, but that has not yet been scheduled. === The Board of Appeals meeting that […]
Police make arrests in massive theft of electronics—is your stolen iPhone in this stash?
Crime and safety update from our Collage Hill Neighbors. Police make arrests in massive theft of electronics—is your stolen iPhone in this stash? San Francisco police have arrested three suspects in a massive stolen property fencing ring operation specializing in electronic items. Over a thousand items, consisting almost entirely of electronics, including laptops, cell phones, […]
The Mickelsens of Glen Park
By Murray Schneider In 1926 Chris Mickelsen built a two-bedroom house at 201 Joost Avenue. Afterwards he decided he didn’t want to stop with a bungalow that straddled the uphill side of Baden Street, so he went on to construct a good portion of western San Francisco, including homes surrounding Stonestown. Still not done, he […]
Urban Agriculture Town Hall Dec. 8
Urban Agriculture Town Hall When: Saturday, December 8th, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Where: Veterans War Memorial Building at 401 Van Ness Ave., in the Civic Center area of San Francisco What: The Office of the City Administrator and other City Agencies is hosting a third and final public town hall in order to get public input […]
Crime Report: Nov. 28 – Dec. 3, 2012
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Wednesday, November 28th, 2012 3:06pm Monterey/Circular Hit & Run Officer Hart, Johnson, Obot, and Phillips responded to assist Sergeant Manning who observed a wanted subject. Manning informed dispatch that a green Ford Mustang was last seen traveling at a high rate of speed eastbound […]
Wreath-making at Sunnyside Conservatory
Greetings to All: The Sunnyside Conservatory will be holding its 4th Wreath Making, in the Conservatory on Sunday, 12/16 from 11:30 till 3:30 pm. It is a free event. And all are welcome. Please join us! Materials Provided: Lots of greens; some with red berries, some variegated foliage, flax, blue juniper, cherry laurel, Queen Ann […]
Crime Report: Nov 21 – 27, 2012
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Wednesday, November 21 – Sunday, November 25, 2012 Nothing in the report from Glen Park Monday, November 26th, 2012 2:00am 300blk Arlington Burglary Tuesday, November 27th, 2012 7:35pm Diamond/Bosworth Traffic Collision
Can you find this house in Glen Park?
A teaser for a great story of the history of a Glen Park family coming early next week. See if you can guess where this house is.
Santa At Modern Past Dec. 11, 2012
Crime report, Nov. 17 – 20, 2012
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Tuesday, November 20th, 2012 Nothing in the report from Glen Park Monday, November 19th, 2012 3:40pm 100 blk Rousseau Recovered Vehicle Sunday, November 18th, 2012 Nothing in the report from Glen Park Saturday, November 17th, 2012 11:23pm 900 blk Chenery Vandalism _________________________________________________ To view […]
GPA Holiday Party Dec. 9
Letter to the Editor: More on park renovation
This is a reply to what was posted as a Letter to the Editor on the Glen Park Association blog. It was written by Glen Park resident Stephen Labovsky, who gave his reasons for going before the Appeals Board to halt the removal of eucalyptus trees on Alms Road in order to enlarge the playground […]
Letter to the editor: Glen Canyon renovation issues
By Stephen Labovsky Each and every day, scores of dog owners, nature lovers, and parents escorting their kids to Silver Tree pre-school, walk down Alms Road, a road that dates back to the 1870’s. Now unless something happens in the next couple of days, parts of historic Alms Road, and many of the 150 year-old […]
Dept. of Public Works trims broken branch on popular dog walking path
The Dept. of Public Works came out to the Green space between Bosworth and Chenery and cut the dangling tree limb into smaller pieces, Michael Waldstein reports. It’s now clear that the branch/limb had a large cavity on the top where it was connected to the main tree. It had appeared to be half cracked […]
Save the date: GP holiday party Dec. 9th
Save the Date for the Glen Park Association Holiday Gathering Sunday, December 9, 2012 Sunnyside Conservatory 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm Invitation & details will follow (there will be an opportunity to donate to the following: the Sunnyside, Glen Park, and Fairmount School PTA’s or the San Francisco Food Bank)
Careful on the Green Space between Lippard and Brompton
The limb on a tree that last week has merely been cracked has now broken halfway through and fallen onto the path. Neighbors have contacted the city and Sup. Wiener’s office. They did that last week when it was just cracked as well and nothing came of it. We’ll see what happens now.
Crime Report: Nov. 12-16, 2012
Tonight at 7pm, bring you concerns directly to Captain Timothy Falvey: Ingleside Station Monthly Community Meeting 1 Sgt John V Young Lane San Francisco, CA 94112 The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Monday, November 12th , 2012 Nothing in the report from Glen Park Tuesday, November 13th, 2012 Nothing in […]
Board of Permit Appeals denies appeal, Rec Center Renovation can go forward
At a meeting at 5:00 o’clock Wednesday, the San Francisco Board of Permit Appeals denied an appeal by Anastasia Glikshtern that had stopped renovation of the Glen Canyon Rec Center, playground and tennis courts. The vote was four in favor of denying the appeal, zero opposed. A standing room only crowd filled the room at the […]
Crime Report Nov. 8 – 11, 2012
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Thursday, November 8th, 2012 9:34pm 100 blk Moffitt Robbery Officer Benavidez responded to a call involving a robbery with a gun. The victims stated that two males had robbed him with a gun and fled the scene in a green Toyota Camry. The victim […]
A fall walk in Glen Canyon with garden volunteers
By Murray Schneider Unlike past Wednesdays when pulling hillside thistle or pushing back Cape ivy on canyon slopes were the order of the day, on October 31 three Friends of Glen Canyon Park volunteers simply took an amble around Willow Creek Trail. It was a Halloween stroll in the park, ending in a lazy loop around […]
Glen Park Parks Bond vote totals
By Lewison Lem Glen Park and Sunnyside Precinct – Vote Totals San Francisco Proposition B – Parks Bond The summary below shows the vote results for 7 voting precincts in San Francisco that include the Glen Park and Sunnyside neighborhoods. The 7 precincts are placed into three groups: (Precinct Group 1) Glen Park […]
Rec Center: Yea or Nay? You say — Nov. 14
The hearing on the Rec Center appeal is on Wednesday, Nov. 14. Whether you think the Rec Center and playground shouldn’t be rebuilt and the project stopped or whether you want the multi-year process to come to a close, Wednesday is your chance to be heard. A neighbor sent this to the various Glen Park […]
Crime Report: Nov. 4 – 7, 2012
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Sunday, November 4th, 2012 Nothing in the report from Glen Park Monday, November 5th, 2012 Nothing in the report from Glen Park Tuesday, November 6th, 2012 6:30pm 1000 Blk Chenery Traffic Collision Wednesday, November 7th , 2012 10:47pm 600 Blk 30th Recovered Vehicle
Crime Report: Oct. 26 – Nov. 7, 2012
The following are Glen Park crimes from the Ingleside Station Newsletter Tuesday, October 30th, 2012 Nothing in the report from Glen Park Wednesday, October 31th, 2012 8:30pm 1200 blk O’Shaughnessy Stolen Vehicle Thursday, November 1st, 2012 9:30pm 200 Blk Monterey Theft from Vehicle Friday, November 2nd, 2012 3:00am 200 Blk Joost Theft from Vehicle 3:30am […]
Glen Park strongly supported Prop. B
A contribution from Lewiston Lem The precinct on Chenery Street in Glen Park posted the printout last night from their vote count. The summary is: Voted Yes: 263 votes (75.4%) Voted No: 86 votes (24.6%) ————————————————- Total Votes 349 votes (100%) This is the ‘Glen Park Village’ […]
Election day, Glen Park
Careful: Potentially hazardous branch along Bosworth
Michael Waldstein noticed that the large pine tree on the ‘green space’ between Brompton and Lippard and along Bosworth seems about to lose a very large branch. Careful if you’re walking your dogs there. The City has been notified.
Halloween in the ‘hood
A firefighter back from a hard day putting out fires And the firestation’s faithful panda. Wow. Chenery street was packed this Halloween. In 13 years here, it was the busiest I’ve ever seen it. We went through 900 pieces of candy, at one per kid (well, I might have eaten a few while handing them […]
Update on Vandal attacks
I checked in with several businesses on the Diamond St. corridor yesterday and there have been no vandal attacks for a week. Miguel at Glen Park Mail Depot thinks perhaps the colder, wetter weather is keeping the man who’s been targeting businesses away. No one knows for sure, but the business owners are happy he […]
Glen Park celebrates a Giants win
By Elizabeth Weise Just as they did two years ago, Glen Park residents poured out of homes and businesses Sunday night to celebrate the Giants’ second World Series win in two years. Minutes after the game a steady stream of shouting, screaming, pot-banging people headed to the corner of Chenery and Diamond Streets, where they […]
Uptick in muggings, car thefts
Hi All, There has been an uptick in crime in Glen Park: two street robberies (with injuries), commercial district vandalism and home robberies. Unfortunately, car theft and theft from cars continues to be high. There was Glen Park Association meeting Oct 18, the new Captain from Ingleside, Timothy Falvey, spoke at the meeting. This was […]