You can read the full story in the Chron here. Here’s the Glen Park scoop, which I got from speaking with the staff at GP library and then the library spokeswoman. Ross Ulbricht was arrested on Tuesday sitting in the science fiction section of a San Francisco public library branch. The FBI had between six and […]
News from our neighbors in College Park
Check out their video below, really a wonderful job of using basic video to really show a problem to officials. ==== Crosswalk coming to Richland at the Bernal Cut Path Last Friday, CHNA Treasurer Robert Lane and three mamas with kiddos attended an MTA hearing at City Hall about the long-desired “midblock” crosswalk for where […]
Balboa Park BART study meeting Sept. 30th
Glen Park Association on possible MUNI changes
Many in Glen Park have followed the Muni proposal to re-route the 35-Eureka bus line so it serves village and BART directly, but with questions about a route using Wilder Street. The Glen Park Association board of directors sent the attached letter of comment on the Transit Effectiveness Project EIR, supporting the overall connection, but […]
Creating a free-running bit of Islais Creek
Stories and photos by Murray Schneider Moses may have done well with bulrushes, but our creek does not. It’s not over fond of Cape ivy and Himalayan blackberry either. Which is why on two recent Wednesdays Friends of Glen Canyon Park volunteers dove in along the east side of Islais Creek. Steve Uchida, a retired […]
BART Parking Lot Meeting Sept. 18
The Glen Park Association would like you to know that they have received the following information: BART has announced a meeting on the Glen Park BART Parking Lot, and BART wants to hear from you. The BART Property Development Department invites you to a visioning meeting to discuss the development of the Glen Park BART Parking Lot. […]
Richard Linder’s Miguel Street Gardens
Stories and photos Murray Schneider Richard Linder came face-to-face with a cement wall, which he didn’t cotton to, so he transformed it into a fantastical alchemy of glass, marble, copper and clay. You can see the results with your own eyes on the first block of Miguel Street, where you’ll find his ceramic relief sculpture, […]
Daily parking fee to begin at Glen Park Station
Just received from BART 08.26.2013 Daily parking fee to begin at Glen Park Station A $2 daily fee parking charge will begin in the Glen Park BART station parking lot on Monday, September 30, 2013. The daily fee of $2 will be in effect on weekdays for all parkers, including those with a disabled person […]
Work at Chenery & Diamond may be done
It’s not quite the iconic “The War Is Over!” headline, but it looks like they may be done working on our village intersection Dan Harrington sent in these photos from Wednesday, August 21, 2013. They were taken at about 1pm on Diamond at and near Chenery. Dan reports that the workers from Synergy were really […]
Coming Soon: The Creeks to Peaks trail
What would it be like to walk from Portola Drive to Elk Street, using only Glen Canyon Park trails? We’re about to find out – this month the Department of Recreation and Park rolls out its “Creeks to Peaks” Trails Project, which means, among other things, pedestrians will eventually be able to avoid O’Shaughnessy Boulevard […]
It ain’t over ’till it’s over
And it clearly isn’t over yet. The corner of Chenery and Diamond is re-opened by our city workers on Friday morning. [Correction: The photo was taken by Michael Waldstein, the original photo credit was incorrect.]
Drag Queens, Pancakes and Episcopalians — all for a good cause in Diamond Heights
I’ve got to say, I’m loving St. Aidan’s…
Crime Report: July 12 – August 7, 2013
Wednesday, July 17th, 2013 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Thursday, July 18th, 2013 10:00am Bosworth/Oshaughnessy Theft from Vehicle Friday, July 19th, 2013 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Saturday, July 20th, 2013 3:00pm Unit Blk Addison Restraining Order Violation Sunday, July 21st, 2013 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Monday, […]
10th Anniversary Retrospective: Glen Park’s Silver Tree day camp: A San Francisco tradition
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years. As Silver Tree Day Camp prepares to conclude its seventy-third summer in Glen Canyon, visitors over the past few years have noticed that many things have changed . . .and yet […]
Glen Canyon volunteer gardeners take a field trip
Story and Photos by Murray Schneider On June 26, five Friends of Glen Canyon Park volunteers played hooky and took a field trip. They put aside their familiar canyon tools and headed for Golden Gate Park. Welcomed to the Recreation and Park’s nursery on Martin Luther King Drive by Licia De Meo, a Rec and […]
Supervisor Yee puts his gloves on (to weed on Monterey Blvd.)
By Murray Schneider On July 13, District 7 Supervisor Norman Yee put aside his legislative pen and picked up a pair work gloves and assisted 20 Sunnyside volunteers collecting litter and pulling weeds along Monterey Boulevard’s thirteen street medians. “The idea is to let my interns experience first hand a successful City and neighborhood project,” […]
Crime Report July 15 – 22, 2013
Tuesday, July 16th, 2013 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Monday, July 15th, 2013 10:10am Unit Blk Lippard Suspicious device San Francisco Sheriffs Deputies Padilla and Raleta were driving through the Glen Park area when they were approached by a concerned citizen who advised them that there was a suspicious package on Lippard Street. The […]
Street Parks workshop
from the College Hill newsletter: 7/27: Street Parks Workshop & Tour From Julia Brashares at the SF Parks Alliance: I’m also pleased to invite you to the Street Parks Workshop & Tour, on Saturday, July 27th, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The workshop will be at the California College of the Arts. This workshop is presented by the SF […]
Coyote pupping season is here
From Janet Kessler <> This is coyote pupping season — it might be helpful to know something about them. There have already been sightings of pups in Golden Gate Park. For a one-stop informational video presentation, please visit CoyoteCoexistence.Com‘s new video about Coyotes As Neighbors: Focus On Facts: . Let me know if you have any […]
Crime: June 27 – July 9
ALERT: There has been an increase in auto boosts in the area of O’Shaughnessy and Bosworth. The break ins are occurring around the hours of 9:00am to 12:00pm. Please report any suspicious activity to the police. Do not leave valuables in your cars. Thursday, June 27th, 2013 12:00pm 1000 Blk Bosworth Personation 2:32pm 5200 Blk […]
Caution: Poison meatballs targeting dogs
10th Anniversary Retrospective: Painters in the park
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years. It was one of those summer days in Glen Canyon when the temperatures tipped the low seventies and all was well with world. On scene to take in the canyon’s ambience, […]
Glen Park Association meeting July 18, 2013
Glen Park Association Quarterly Meeting July 18, 2013 at 7:00 PM Glen Park Recreation Center Agenda 700 PM: Call to Order · Committee / Treasurer Reports Program: · Evelyn Rose – illustrated talk on Glen Canyon history ( · Briefing on Sunday Streets in San Francisco. Could it come to Glen Park? […]
Temescal Quartet at Sunnyside Conservatory July 27
Greetings Everyone! The Friends of Sunnyside Conservatory are delighted to announce a Temescal Quartet Concert on July 27, in the Conservatory at 236 Monterey Boulevard. The doors will open at 2:30 PM, and the music will begin at 3:00 PM. We will hear Beethoven’s Opus 18 # 6 and Ravel’s Quartet. Another composer may be included. As usual, light refreshments […]
Beware: Poisoned meat left out on Twin Peaks
This comes from Jeanette Oliver, who manages the Diamond Heights Shopping center. ===== I have learned that a poisoner has left poisoned meat or dog treats all over in the Twin Peaks area (Crestline and Burnett streets especially). If ingested, the poison is very toxic, and at least two dogs have been take to emergency this […]
45 years of beauty at Dalere’s Salon on Chenery street
By Murray Schneider On June 8th, Dalere’s Beauty Salon celebrated its 45th year in Glen Park. A valued neighborhood merchant, Glory Dalere is retired now, but her business continues under the experienced eye of her daughter, Marian. Born in 1935, Glory Dalere emigrated from the Philippines to San Francisco in 1956. “My idea was to […]
Read this summer’s Glen Park News
Click on the back issues tab above.
Glen Park Crime report June 20 – 26, 2013
Thursday, June 20th, 2013 2:00am 5200 Blk Diamond Hts Vandalism Friday, June 21st, 2013 3:00pm 100 Blk Moreland Personation Saturday, June 22nd, 2013 12:33pm San Jose/Randall Traffic Collision 4:30pm 200 Blk Roanoke Stolen Motorcycle 5:30pm Bosworth/Arlington Stolen Vehicle 9:00pm 200 Blk Monterey Burglary Sunday, June 23rd, 2013 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Monday, June […]
A Busy, Confusing Morning on Chenery Street
By Bonnee Waldstein Photos by Bonnee Waldstein Monday morning was more than Chenery Street could handle. With Diamond Street closed for sewer work for the past month or so, the 54 Muni bus has been rerouted and travels easterly along the stretch of Chenery Street west of Diamond Street. On this day Chenery Street itself […]
Crime report: June 6 – June 19, 2013
Thursday, June 6th, 2013 4:25pm Unit Blk Arlington Battery/Resisting Officers Cross and Burke responded to a call of an intoxicated individual who was harassing people. They arrived on scene where various individuals pointed out the suspect. The suspect appeared extremely intoxicated and was drinking an open container of alcohol. He refused to comply with the […]
Garden party at the Conservatory
Story and photos by Murray Schneider On Saturday, June 15 Joost Avenue resident Sally Ross led a corps of over half a dozen Sunnyside neighbors in a quarterly Sunnyside Conservatory gardening work party. From nine to 11:30 A.M. the crew weeded the Conservatory grounds, rich with drought-resistant plants, grasses and a number of towering palm […]
If you couldn’t attend last week’s meeting on the canyon, give feedback here
Hi Everyone! As many of you may know, thanks to the community planning process in 2010-2011 which identified the needs for renovation and improvement of the facilities at Glen Canyon Park, not only is the playground and tennis court renovation in construction now, the Recreation Center Building Renovation was funded by voters in the 2012 […]
The Farm at SOTA
Story and photos by Murray Schneider Glen Park now has its own farm atop one of the highest hills in San Francisco. The one-quarter acre green space is perched on the cusp of Glen Canyon and bookended by Twin Peaks and Mount Davidson. The farm is tucked away on the grounds of the former J. […]
Saddle Trail popular in the Canyon
Story and photo by Murray Schneider Glen Canyon’s new Saddle Trail witnessed plenty of activity on Wednesday, June 5. Dozens of Silver Tree Day Camp children trooped up new box steps, sharing the recently completed steps with a group of bird watchers and volunteers from Friends of Glen Canyon who pulled invasive Italian thistle adjacent […]
Sunnyside Conservatory workday June 15
GPA responds to the Planning Department and Municipal Transportation
As follow-up to the Planning Department and San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency presentation at the April 11, 2013 Glen Park Association meeting, the GPA board met and reviewed the plans in detail. The board then sent the attached letter to Planning and other parties, with further comments and questions about the plans. We expect that […]
Crime report: May 23 – 29, 2013
Thursday, May 23rd, 2013 9:00am 900 Blk Chenery Fraud 10:45am 200 Blk Monterey Burglary 6:04pm Lyell/Cayuga Traffic Collision 7:25pm Unit Blk Laidley Warrant Arrest Friday, May 24th, 2013 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Saturday, May 25th, 2013 4:00pm Farnum/Moreland Hit & Run Sunday, May 26th, 2013 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Monday, May […]
Community meetings on Glen Canyon Park June 13, July 12
Hi Everyone! As many of you may know, thanks to the community planning process in 2010-2011 which identified the needs for renovation and improvement of the facilities at Glen Canyon Park, not only is the playground and tennis court renovation in construction now, the Recreation Center Building Renovation was funded by voters in the 2012 […]
Glen Park Association–info on traffic proposal
Mike Schiraldi offered up a quick overview of the posted minutes, which make it easier to envision what’s being proposed, and kindly let us post them: ========= These are the key points that jumped out : At the Diamond / Bosworth intersection, they’re looking into… …adding an extra cycle to the traffic lights, called a […]
Glen Park Sidewalk Sale today
GLEN PARK VILLAGE SIDEWALK SALE! Saturday MAY 18th from 9am – 8pm THANK YOU for your support and don’t forget to “like” us at:
Crime Report, May 7 – 13, 2013
Tuesday, May 7th, 2013 7:00pm 400 Blk Arlington Stolen Vehicle 9:30pm Chenery/Diamond Theft from Vehicle Wednesday, May 8th, 2013 9:39am Castro/30th Traffic Collision 5:11pm Unit Blk Natick Recovered Vehicle Thursday, May 9th, 2013 2:15pm 100 Blk Bosworth Vandalism to Vehicle Friday, May 10th, 2013 7:00pm 100 Blk Moffitt Theft from Vehicle Saturday, May 11th, 2013 […]
Concert at St. Aidan’s June 22
Crime report: April 26 – May 3, 2013
Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013 1:45pm Unit Blk Roanoke Recovered Vehicle Wednesday, April 24th, 2013 3:37pm 200 Blk Miguel Recovered Vehicle Thursday, April 25th, 2013 4:19pm Unit Blk Chenery Harassing Phone Calls 9:30pm 200 Blk Bemis Vandalism to Property Friday, April 26th, 2013 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Saturday, April 27th, 2013 Nothing to report […]
Gloria Koch: “Gardening is body joy”
By Murray Schneider After 28 years working as a horticulturist for San Francisco’s Recreation and Park Department, Gloria Koch simply couldn’t walk away from work she loved. So the 20-year Diamond Street resident, after retiring six months ago, began volunteering with Friends of Glen Canyon Park. Gloria Koch ready for a day volunteering along Glen […]
Lots of poison oak in the Canyon right now
A warning about poison oak in the Canyon I was emailing with Murray Schneider, who writes about the Canyon on the Glen Park News blog, and he warned me that there’s a lot of poison oak out right now. In fact his exact words where “Where isn’t there poison oak?” He suggests staying on the […]
Crime Report: April 16 – 22, 2013
Tuesday, April 16th, 2013 7:30am Diamond/Chenery Threats 11:13am Brompton/Joost Recovered Vehicle 12:30pm 200 Blk Randall Theft from Building 10:27pm Congo/Stillings Traffic Collision Wednesday, April 17th, 2013 2:58am Unit Blk Monterey Burglary Thursday, April 18th, 2013 3:06pm Oshaughnessy/Bosworth Traffic Collision Friday, April 19th, 2013 9:51pm 2800 Blk Diamond Theft Officers Lustenberger and Chew were patrolling the […]
Owl back in the Canyon
Last fall the male Great Horned Owl that lived in Glen Canyon was found dead. A necropsy revealed that he had eaten a poisoned mouse or rat. With his demise many all been concerned about the mating prospects this year. No nesting activity had been observed. But today Evelyn Rose of the Tramps of San […]
Native plant garden tour April 28
By Jeanne Halpern T. S. Eliot notwithstanding, April is not the cruelest month. In Glen Park, in fact, it may be the kindest month for the senses, when native plants in public and private gardens seem to have no goal other than to delight. Walk the trails in Glen Canyon Park and, at the boardwalk, savor […]
A Canyon Wedding
Story and photos by Murray Schneider Alison Draper came to Glen Canyon to pull mustard and returned a month later to get married. On March 9 she and her partner Neil Mitchell stood above the canyon floor next to the angelica rocks. That’s what the Friends of Glen Canyon Park call them, because the wildflower […]
High winds blow over tree on Chenery, crush car
Monday afternoon’s high winds blew over a tree in the 800 block of Chenery Street, crushing a car windshield and sheering off a mirror. Branches flew over 20 feet away. The roots of the tree had been bricked in to a small space, unclear if that affected the tree’s stability.