Brittany Clark was reading in the mini park between Alemany and Cayuga Street early Wednesday evening when a man came up to her and exposed himself. “I just wanted to give a heads up to the women of Glen Park to be hyper vigilant,” she said. “I called the police, but they never came.” The […]
Flasher alert in Glen Park
It’s almost here–The New Glen Canyon Park opens Saturday
Story and photos by Murray Schneider After months of waiting, the long-anticipated Glen Canyon Park Improvement Project is only days from completion. Mayor Ed Lee will be on hand for the ribbon cutting ceremony, scheduled for Saturday March 15 at 9:30 A.M. San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department General Manager Phil Ginsburg will welcome Supervisor […]
Mayor Lee will be at Grand Opening of Glen Park on Saturday
Who is this Mr. Park of whom you speak?
THEY CAME IN CONFUSION by Carl Wells The curious encounter was reported to me by Mortimer Phipps, one of our neighborhood’s milder and more sensitive residents. Mortimer is a splendid graphic artist, an owner-trainer of three talented hamsters (“The keyboard tricks are impressive,” says his wife, Bea), and a lover of cashews, spicy beets, and […]
The Sounds of B-flat on a Tuesday Midday
…in which I will relate sound to frequency to pitch to note Dolan Eargle (B-Mus, U Texas, 1972) One Tuesday morning, taking a break on my sunny deck, I sat listening to the sounds that emanate from or descend upon Diamond St. Valley (new name). These are sounds that most of […]
Poisoned meatballs again threaten dogs in Twin Peaks
We first heard about this yesterday afternoon from Supervisor Scott Wiener, who sent this note: “It’s important for people to know that whoever is engaging in this sociopathic behavior — trying to poison people’s dogs — is doing it again. It’s important to spread the word so that people and their pets can be safe.” […]
Glen Canyon Park trail update
Dear Glen Canyon Neighbors and Folks Interested in our Glen Canyon TRAILS Improvement Project, Our Contractor is finishing up on transforming old dysfunctional asphalt ditches on the northern side of Glen Canyon, downhill of the park entrance at Turquoise and Amber, into functional vegetated swales and is beginning work on new trails in […]
Glen Canyon Park Playground Opening Celebration March 15, 2014
You are cordially invited to join Supervisor Scott Wiener, San Francisco Recreation and Park Department General Manager Phil Ginsburg, Glen Park Association and park advocates for the opening celebration of the Glen Canyon Park Playground. Saturday, March 15th, 2014 9:30 a.m. Welcome Remarks and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony SF Rec and Park Department General Manager Phil Ginsburg […]
Memorial for Josh Drewes of Drewes Meats on Feb. 21
From Drewes Meats Facebook page: There will be a memorial service for Josh on Friday, February 21st at 1:30 pm at St. Paul’s Catholic Church (Church & 29th Street.) In addition there will be a celebration of this life on Saturday, February 22nd from Noon until 4:00 PM at McLaren Park on Shelby Drive in […]
“The Diary of a Teenaged Girl” filmed in Glen Park
A scene from a movie titled “The Diary of a Teenaged Girl” was filmed in Glen Park on Feb. 12, 2014. The film is about a teenaged artist living in 1970s San Francisco enters into an affair with her mother’s boyfriend. Publishers Weekly describe it this way: Gloeckner’s latest, a combination of comics and prose, […]
Josh Epple, one of co-owners of Drewes Meats on Church Street, dead in crash
SAN FRANCISCO — A man who died in a motorcycle crash in San Francisco early Saturday morning was a well-known local business owner. Josh Epple, 42, and his brother are owners of Drewes Meats on Church Street in San Francisco’s Noe Valley. Epple died early Saturday morning after losing control of his motorcycle and falling from an elevated […]
China House Restaurant is now open
China House Restaurant at 2794 Diamond St. opened Friday, Feb. 14, 2014. The new restaurant is in the same space as Hong Sing used to be. The space has been remodeled and the restaurant features a large menu and beer and wine. The focus is northern Chinese cuisine.
Long-time activist and Glen Park resident Barry Willdorf has passed away
Barry and Bonnie Willdorf lived at 556 Chenery Street for 41 years and just moved to Ingleside Terraces in September 2013. Barry was active on the committee that formed after the old market burned down and was instrumental in making the new development viable. Barry passed away peacefully at his home on February 1, 2014, […]
10th Anniversary Retrospective: A park story told in suitcases, cardboard boxes and journals
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years. Glen Canyon Park is a quiet natural space that can seem far removed from our enormous city, which surrounds its hillsides and thickets. The volunteers who spend their Wednesdays come with […]
Meeting Monday night on slowing traffic on San Jose Ave.
The SF Municipal Transportation Agency, Supervisor Scott Wiener, the College Hill Neighborhood Association and the Glen Park Association invite you to an upcoming community meeting on Monday, February 3 to discuss proposed safety improvements for San Jose Avenue between Monterey Boulevard and Randall Street. The City, after many years of working with Caltrans and other […]
Glen Park Crime Report Dec 16 – 31. 2013
Glen Park Crime Report, December 16-31 Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:52 pm (PST) . Posted by: “Hilary Schiraldi” hilary_ilene Monday, December 16th , 2013 5:00pm 200 Blk Bosworth Stolen Vehicle Tuesday, December 17th , 2013 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Wednesday, December 18th , 2013 8:40p 600 Blk Chenery Armed Robbery Two alert police officers patrolling […]
An Invitation to Join Glen Park NERT!
By Kevin Janssen There are many wonderful qualities that make Glen Park a very desirable neighborhood in San Francisco. Our rare and beautiful Canyon is certainly at the top of any list along with the expanding number of destination restaurants in the Village and easy access to public transportation. Despite this plethora of urban amenities, […]
A beautiful morning sky over Glen Park
See SFMTA’s proposed plans for Glen Park here
See the photos below this message. And note the survey form at the end. === At the January 15, 2014 Glen Park Association meeting, SFMTA, Planning, and Department Public Works landscape architects presented initial plans for streetscape amenities at the widened sidewalks now approved for the Diamond / Bosworth intersection. The concept plans include a […]
Our Barn Owl Was Killed by Rat Poison
The dead Barn Owl we found and took to WildCare for rodenticide testing, Patient #1754, was found, indeed, to have died of rat poisoning. Many people don’t know that when a hawk or owl or other predator eats a poisoned rodent, that animal gets poisoned too. Please STOP using rat poisons (rodenticides)! […]
All Season Restaurant in Diamond Heights closed for food safety violation
By Elizabeth Weise The operating permit of All Season Restaurant at 5238 Diamond Heights Blvd., in the shopping center that also holds Safeway and Walgreens has been revoked and the restaurant closed. The San Francisco Department of Environmental Health held a hearing on Jan 8 on the issue and subsequently revoked the permit on the restaurant, […]
A clear day, clearing out in the Canyon
Story and photos by Murray Schneider After taking off two weeks for Christmas and the New Year, nine members of Friends of Glen Canyon Park resumed volunteering on January 8. They were working along a trail high on the canyon wall that leads to Turquoise Way. Working under the supervision of Dylan Hayes, a Recreation […]
Rehabilitated One-Eyed Owl Returned to the Canyon!
A Glen Park printer makes her Christmas cards
Story and photos by Murray Schneider Mary Huizinga can add her name to a growing list. Glen Park has had its share of artists over the years. Sussex Street’s Bruce and Jean Conner’s work has appeared at Bird & Beckett and hung in neighborhood coffee shops; Michael Waldstein’s photos have graced the walls of a […]
Diamond/Bosworth intersection meeting Dec. 27 at 10:00 a.m.
Diamond/Bosworth Improvements Moving Ahead in 2014 This week, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) posted notices in Glen Park that the Diamond/Bosworth intersection improvements proposed since adoption of the Glen Park Community Plan in February 2012 will be considered at an SFMTA Engineering Public Hearing on December 27, 2013, starting at 10:00 am. The […]
Jesse James is dead
Story and photos by Murray Schneider Jesse James had a really sore toe! Tori Jacobs, an Ecology Center of San Francisco co-founder and volunteer, sat at Higher Grounds on a recent December afternoon. She nursed a Chenery Street latte and explained. “Jesse picked up a stone in August and it lodged in the crevice of […]
Glen Park Association grant program launches
The Glen Park Association Grant Program: At the Glen Park Association’s holiday party on Saturday, December 14, I had the pleasure to announce the Association’s grant funding program. The GPA is in a healthy financial condition, mainly because we are able to supplement our annual membership dues with income earned from advertising in the Glen […]
Another owl found dead in the area
Dear Neighbors, We have found another dead owl, this time a barn owl, and we want to find out if the cause of death was rodenticide poisons again, as it was for the last owl found dead in our area. We have taken the owl to WildCare for coordination of a necropsy and toxicology report. […]
Free wreath-making at Sunnyside Conservatory Dec. 22
Greetings, and Happy Holidays to All! The Friends of Sunnyside Conservatory would like to invite you to our annual, free wreath making event. Date: Sunday, December 22nd Time: 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM. We will have the usual assortment of greens, including some with berries and some variegated white and green foliage. We have wire […]
Is it too dark on your street? Tell PG&E!
From Sup. Wiener’s office: We will be having a hearing this coming Monday December 9 at 1:30pm in City Hall room 263 on the topic of streetlights – what’s working, what’s not – and plans for improvement. Both PGE and PUC will be presenting. Please come if you’d like to provide public comment. Any help in advertising […]
Le P’tit Laurent lights up for the holidays
Photo and story by Murray Schneider Laurent Legendre put down his French recipes that have greeted his Le P’tit Laurent Glen Park restaurant since 2007 and hefted a ladder, better to place Christmas lights strewn along his building that corners Chenery and Wilder Streets. The festive lights will remain up through the holidays, drawing diners […]
Santa’s coming to Glen Park Dec. 3rd
Our Glen Park library figures in a noire-ish tale
NOVEMBER 17, 2013, 11:00 AM 18 Comments Disruptions: A Digital Underworld Cloaked in Anonymity By NICK BILTON Nick Bilton/The New York TimesThe public library in the Glen Park section of San Francisco, where Ross Ulbricht, a 29-year-old software engineer, was arrested by federal agents. He is accused of running Silk Road, an Internet black market, under the […]
Recreation Center preview at GP Library this Wednesday
Thanks so much to those of you who were able to attend the community meetings we held to discuss the renovation of the Glen Canyon Park recreation center on June 13th and July 13th of this year. The information and feedback from those meetings is available on the Glen Canyon 2012 Bond Project Page As […]
Glen Park trails work continues
Photos and story by Murray Schneider On Tuesday, October 29, 2013 work commenced on the first portion of the 15- month Glen Park Trails Project when workers from Yerba Buena Engineering and Construction felled a eucalyptus tree that both leaned dangerously over the canyon’s main fire road and impeded the flow of creek water. Using […]
Oh, those quirky Episcopalians
St. Aidan’s wacky play about St. Dymphna’s Parish this weekend. St. Aidan’s, up on Diamond Heights, does a lot of nice things in the neighborhood, including running a Food Bank, monthly senior lunches and an after school program, as well as being the emergency preparedness center for Diamond Heights. This is a nice chance to support them.
Local jazz greats pitch in at Bird & Beckett rent party
Story and photos by Murray Schneider What if you gave a party and everyone came? Eric Whittington found himself in this enviable situation on October 26 when dozens of professional musicians flocked to Bird & Beckett, a venue that has supported them for 14 years. On a sunny Glen Park Saturday, Bird and Beckett’s owner […]
Rec Center renovation meeting Nov. 20
Hi Everyone – Thanks so much to those of you who were able to attend the community meetings we held to discuss the renovation of the Glen Canyon Park recreation center on June 13th and July 13th of this year. The information and feedback from those meetings is available on the Glen Canyon 2012 Bond Project Page. As […]
Crime report: Oct 6 – Oct. 25. And a “Witness Awesomeness of the Month”
Sunday, October 6th, 2013 2:00pm 300 Blk Addison Burglary Monday, October 7th, 2013 7:37pm 400 Blk Arlington Stolen Vehicle Tuesday, October 8th, 2013 10:00pm Unit Blk Circular Recovered Vehicle Wednesday, October 9th, 2013 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Thursday, October 10th, 2013 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Friday, October 11th, 2013 9:30am Unit […]
St. Aidan’s wacky play about St. Dymphna’s Parish
Diamond St. Neighbors Meeting with SFMTA Wed. Nov. 13th !
Hi All This email is to confirm that SFMTA will be having a public outreach meeting to the neighbors of Diamond St. on Wednesday November 13th at the Glen Park Library meeting room from 6:30 – 7:30 PM. Sean Kennedy with the SFMTA will be presenting Muni’s TEP Project ( Transit Effectiveness Project) with an […]
The stories behind Gialina’s pictures
Chef Sharon Ardiana standing next to a photo of her grandparents, William and Gialina Ardiana. If you’ve eaten at Gialina’s, you’ve had dinner with them. But do you know who they are? The they here, of course, are the people in the amazing black and white photos that grace the walls of Gialina’s, the […]
Crime Report
Tuesday, September 10th, 2013 11:29pm Chenery/Charles Drugs Officers Colby and Officer Morse were on patrol and driving along Randall Street, when they both noticed a Black Dodge Magnum commit a traffic violation. The officers conducted a traffic enforcement stop and asked the driver for his California driver’s license Officer Colby did a computer record check […]
A hawks in Glen Canyon
Photos by Jeff Vidal
Glen Park resident art show opens Oct. 9
By Murray Schneider Long-time Glen Park resident, Jean Conner, will have several of her collages displayed at Gallery Paule Anglim from October 9 – November 9, 2013. Collected under the banner “Sight Vision The Urban Milieu,” Conner’s works will be hung next to her husband Bruce Conner’s ink on paper art. The exhibit also features […]
V-o-Cal Comes to Glen Park
By Zachary Clark If it seemed last weekend that Glen Park had been taken over by a horde of roustabouts straight out of a 1930s WPA movie, it was in fact something along those lines. Over the course of three days Camp Silver Tree became base camp for dozens of V-o-Cal volunteers working to clear […]
Glen Park Crime Report Aug. 20 – Sept. 9
Tuesday, August 20th, 2013 1:20pm 600 Blk Chenery BurglaryA Pilates instructor and her student were in the middle of a privatesession when three suspects and their three infant children walkedinto the Pilates studio located along the 600 Block of Chenery Street.The instructor politely asked the suspects that she was in the middleof a private session […]
Glen Park Association Meeting Oct. 9 — Illustrated talk on the history of Glen Canyon
Glen Park Association Quarterly Meeting October 9, 2013 at 7:00 PM St. John’s School Agenda 700 PM: Call to Order Committee / Treasurer Reports Neighborhood Updates: Sup. Scott Wiener comments and Q&A SFPD Ingleside Station report Status of Bosworth/Diamond intersection and other downtown Glen Park traffic improvement plans Program: […]
Eye witness account of the arrest of Ross Ulbricht arrest in Glen Park
October 1, 2013 — Who knew that quiet Glen Park village would become the epicenter of a major international drug and crime story drama ? On a sunny afternoon, I was thinking about renewing two books at Glen Park Library, and trying to remember what hours the library opened. Walking up to the library front doors, […]