“Bird & Beckett has given the neighborhood books and books clubs, records, jazz and music, and now, beginning on February 3, it plans on giving Glen Park all sorts of art. Join Jack Whittington from 7-9 p.m. on Tuesday night as he showcases the first of monthly exhibitions of graphic art, collages, imprints and photographs at […]
Glen Canyon Park Tennis Courts open starting today!
Photos by Murray Schneider The Glen Canyon tennis courts opened for their first match Wednesday morning, after an initial closure last spring to correct a drainage issue. Within minutes, two players took court side, crossed newly striped lines and executed perfect two-fisted backhands and shotgun first serves on their way to completing the first set of tennis […]
Conner & Priola: Our gardeners, the world’s artists
Story and photos by Murray Schneider Jean Conner and John Priola, Glen Park’s green-thumbed neighbors, can put on quite a show, and they did exactly that on January 7 when Gallery Paule Anglim premiered an exhibit of their collages and photographs. The following evening at an exhibition reception, Conner, who lives on Sussex Street, and […]
Glen Park’s Modern Past takes in a Valencia corridor refugee
Story and photos by Murray Schneider Modern Past businessman Ric Lopez is using his store as an incubator. The Chenery Street merchant, purveyor of mid-century modern furniture, isn’t interested in producing baby chicks, though. Surrounded by home furnishings that could double as interior set designs for “Vertigo,” the longtime retailer and president of the Glen […]
Update on Glen Park Rec Center renovation plans
From Karen Mauney-Brodek of Rec & Park Department. Recreation Center Renovation: The detailed design is almost complete. This is based on the plans we have seen, which was presented here last July. You can view them through the RPD webpage: http://sfrecpark.org/project/glen-canyon-park-2012-bond/ We expect to bid and award the project to a contractor this spring, which […]
Gas line replacement work continues in Glen Park
This is why traffic’s so bad. Photos from Jan. 14, 2015 by Lewison Lem.
Glen Park Association meeting Jan. 14, 2015
Meeting Date, Time: January 14th at 7:00 PM Location: in the St. John School gymnasium at 925 Chenery Street. There is parking off Chenery Street behind the school. PLEASE NOTE! Officers of the GPA for 2015 will be elected at this meeting. Only those members who are paid for 2015 will be eligible to vote. Persons […]
Glen Park History Project meeting Jan. 17
Je suis Charlie — en Glen Park
Glen Park artist Jean Conner’s show opens at Gallery Paule Anglim
January 7th through February 7th, 2015 Opening Reception: Thursday January 8, 5:30-7:30pm Gallery Paule Anglim is pleased to announce an exhibition of collages by Jean Conner. The exhibition will feature Jean Conner’s paper collages made over a period of nearly 50 years, from the late sixties to present. Jean Conner arrived in San Francisco in fall […]
Glen Park crime report, Dec. 5 – 25, 2014
Friday, December 5th, 2014 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Saturday, December 6th, 2014 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Sunday, December 7th, 2014 4:47pm 2800 Blk Diamond Theft from Building Monday, December 8th, 2014 1:31pm Bosworth/Oshaughnessy Traffic Collision 6:00pm Bosworth/Brompton Hit and Run Tuesday, December 9th, 2014 2:00pm 100 Blk Miguel Recovered Vehicle Wednesday, […]
10th Anniversary Retrospective: Plans start for a “Greenway” between the village and the park
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years. By Michael Rice, president, Glen Park Association I am happy to share great news about improving open space in Glen Park. The Glen Park Association has been awarded a $40,000 grant to […]
New Year’s present for Penny Lane
Story and photos Murray Schneider In anticipation of ringing in 2015, four Glen Park neighbors gave Penny Lane a New Year’s makeover. On December 13, each donned work clothes, pulled on leather gloves and spent the morning weeding Glen Park’s signature easement. A former nineteenth century carriage path, rutted and bucolic Penny Lane […]
Hanukkah in Glen Park
Story and photo by Murray Schneider There’s not much Glen Park Hardware’s Hal Tauber can’t turn his hands to or assist his legends of loyal customers in putting to rights. But who’d have thought Glen Park’s hardware store owner could fashion an industrial-strength Hanukkah menorah. Studying the sturdy Festival of Lights nine-branched candelabrum taking […]
Glen Canyon trail improvements coming along
Story and photos by Murray Schneider The Recreation and Park Department’s 15-month Glen Canyon Trails Improvement Project is expected to be completed in early 2015. Work crews soon will maneuver their last Bobcat earth mover along Alms Road, exiting San Francisco’s 70-acre natural area, leaving in their wake freshly minted recreational trails built with scores […]
10th Anniversary Retrospective: A flash mob cleans up a flash flood in Glen Park
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years. Living in a big city doesn’t mean that people don’t take care of each other, as the rise and fall of “Lake Lippard” in Glen Park during Thursday’s storm shows. About […]
Santa’s coming to Glen Park Dec. 9
The way we live now: Construction on Bosworth
Photos by Susan Sutton According to the workers, this is part of an on-going project by PG&E to update high pressure gas lines throughout the city, after the devastating gas line explosion and fire in San Bruno in 2010 (okay, the workers didn’t say “devastating gas line explosion.)
Bosworth/Diamond intersection update
Dear Glen Park Improvements neighbors and stakeholders: Thank you for you continued interest in the Glen Park Streetscapes Improvements! It’s been quite a while since this project first got off the ground. We initially consulted with Glen Park neighbors in 2013 to design the new elements of the intersection, which included adding more trees, planters, […]
Glen Park gobbled 1.4 tons of Canyon Market turkey on Thanksgiving
By Stephen Labovsky Nov. 30, 2014 Friday morning at the Canyon Market, and Janet Tarlov is adding up the number of Thanksgiving turkeys they’ve sold this year. After a brief interlude, she smiles and announces the final tally. “One hundred and seventy-five birds!” To put this number in perspective, it’s approximately 1.4 tons of delicious […]
Glen Park Crime Report Nov. 16 – 24, 2014
Sunday, November 16th, 2014 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Monday, November 17th, 2014 3:48am 100 Blk Hamerton Auto Boost Tuesday, November 18th, 2014 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Wednesday, November 19th, 2014 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Thursday, November 20th, 2014 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Friday, November 21st, 2014 9:28pm […]
Was Lucky River on Monterey tenderizing meat on the sidewalk?
FromSF Weekly If you have trouble keeping your Thanksgiving turkey tender, we recommend putting in an overnight brine. Out of fridge space? Well, if in a pinch, why not try the sidewalk method: slam down your half-frozen bird on the sidewalk in front of your house, as hard as you can, before rubbing the skin […]
Glen Canyon trails improvement project update
Dear Glen Canyon TRAILS Improvement Project neighbors and stakeholders, I am overdue to make an update to our project page- http://sfrecpark.org/project/ glen-canyon-urban-trails- project/- but you will see similar updates reflected there by the first week of December, with some photos to go with them. Here is a snapshot of construction progress on Glen Canyon TRAILS: […]
Glen Park Crime Report, Nov. 10 – 15, 2014
Monday, November 10th, 2014 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Tuesday, November 11th, 2014 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Wednesday, November 12th, 2014 5:50pm Monterey/Circular Hit and Run 6:40pm Natick/Chenery Recovered Vehicle 9:30pm 500 Blk Arlington Theft from Vehicle Thursday, November 13th, 2014 12:33pm 2900 Blk Diamond Malicious Mischief A confrontation between a pedestrian […]
December events at the Sunnyside Conservatory
Conservatory Gardening Day on Saturday, Dec. 6th from 9 AM to noon. Please come with what ever you like for gardening. Rec and Park will also furnish tools and gloves, but you may have a favorite that you would prefer to use. Light refreshments will be served. A a free Card + Ornament Making Party on Sunday Dec. 7th from 1 PM till 3 PM. Multi-media artist […]
Highland bridge over San Jose Ave. to close
Highland Bridge to close for construction Public Works reached out to let us know that funding has been secured for reconstruction of the crumbling traffic railings; construction could begin as early as this week and is scheduled to last through May 2015. During construction, the bridge will be closed to cars, bikes, and pedestrians. More info, including how to […]
Glen Park Crime report Oct. 30 – Nov. 9, 2014
Thursday, October 30th, 2014 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Friday, October 31st, 2014 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Saturday, November 1st, 2014 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Sunday, November 2nd, 2014 1:00pm Unit Blk Wilder Theft from Building Monday, November 3rd, 2014 7:05am Mangels/Baden Hit and Run 7:00pm 100 Blk Addison Burglary […]
East-West clinic on Chenery won’t have to move
After a four month battle, the East-West Integrative Medicine Clinic at 605 Chenery St. is staying put, after reaching “an understanding” with its landlord, manager Marnie McCurdy said in an email. The landlord had attempted to drastically raise the clinic’s rent, despite the fact that there was a multi-year lease in place, McCurdy told the Glen Park […]
Anoter St. Aidan’s musical extravaganza Nov. 14 – 16
Lost and Fo_nd, A Musical Pirate Adventure, November 14 15 and 16. Love to Laugh? Come see an original musical comedy featuring a race to beat a band of pirates to the buried treasure on the magical Dessert Isle filled with tasty treats, knishes and ganaches. The story unfolds amidst Broadway show tunes, pop, classical and gospel […]
10th Anniversary Retrospective: Chenery Park restaurant closes
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years. Chenery Park restaurant has closed, we’re told by Ric Lopez of the Glen Park Merchants Association. The restaurant was launched in the fall of 2000 by John Bedard and Joseph Kola. It was […]
Farewell to “the jam guy” as many knew him: In memory of Fadi Malouf
In Remembrance Of My Friend Fadi Malouf — 1956-2014 By Stephen Labovsky Sunday, November 2, 2014 When I first learned about the death of my friend Fadi Malouf on Thursday, my thoughts immediately turned to the last time we were together. It was just two weeks ago, and I was in The Mission on […]
10th Anniversary Retrospective: Fadi Malouf, the man behind Grandma’s Homemade jams, died on Wednesday
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years. Fadi Malouf, sold jams made by his Grandmother’s recipes at the Glen Park Farmers Market and at his cousin Rick’s Cheese Boutique on Chenery. We will miss him. You can […]
Halloween in Glen Park
Photos by Stephen Labovsky
The men behind the Glen Park Station window art
Murray Schneider Sixty years ago Halloween trick-or-treaters trooped along Diamond Street, armed with shopping bags in one hand and bars of Lava soap in the other. If business or homeowners didn’t continue filling their bags, kids might soap merchant windows and the windows of parked Chevys, Fords and Plymouths. Tricksters were pretty benign all those […]
10th Anniversary Retrospective: Glen Park glories in the Giants – a photo essay
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years. Glen Park Station, before the game was over. Photo: Stephen Labovsky
Giants win the World Series, Glen Park goes wild
As the seventh game of the World Series ended with a win by the Giants Wednesday night, San Francisco erupted in a roar of honking horns and the dull thud of firecrackers echoing between the hills. Just as they had in 2012 and 2010, Glen Park neighbors flooded into the streets. They congregated in front […]
Canyon Market is the prototype of the new Market on Market in the Twitter building
New Mid-Market food emporium to be 1st in high end SF chain By J.K. Dineen Photo: Liz Hafalia, The Chronicle IMAGE 1 OF 7 Pedestrians walk outside the new locally owned grocery store named Market on Market on the first floor of the Twitter building in San Francisco, Calif., on Thursday, October 23, 2014. Under construction Market on […]
A must-see Glen Park pumpkin tradition–Don’t miss it
For the last 19 years, starting in 1995 when they did their first 5 pumpkins, the Vella family of 354 Sussex has had a Glen Park tradition of carving pumpkins for 4 days before Halloween and putting out 40-60 pumpkins in front of the house on Halloween night. It started out as a father-daughter bonding experience (Charlie & […]
Emily Bratt’s Family Always Told Stories. At Age 92, She Still Does
by Murray Schneider Emily Bratt still speaks with a trace of an accent from Flatbush, Brooklyn, where she was born 92 years ago. She has lived in Glen Park since 1950, first settling on Bemis Street when it was nothing more than a dirt path. That move came after she served in the U.S. Army […]
Crime Report Oct 3, 2014
Friday, October 3rd, 2014 8:16am Unit Blk Arlington Recovered Vehicle 1:30pm Bosworth/Lyell Stolen Vehicle 2:30pm 500 Blk Arlington Theft from Vehicle Saturday, October 4th, 2014 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Sunday, October 5th, 2014 1:33am 300 Blk Arbor Drugs A resident called police to report men, wearing ski masks, were attempting to break into […]
Pumpkin Carving at Sunnyside Conservatory
The Friends of Sunnyside Conservatory invite you to a free Pumpkin Carving at the Sunnyside Conservatory 236 Monterey Boulevard. Date: October 26th Time: 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM We supply: child appropriate carving tools a variety of patterns (or do your own creation) light refreshments a few Dia de Muertos masks that could use some coloring. Please bring: […]
Swing dancing at Bird & Beckett
Glen Park Crime Report, Sept. 20 – 30, 2014
Saturday, September 20th, 2014 5:35pm 100 Blk Laidley Theft from Vehicle Sunday, September 21st, 2014 10:28am Unit Blk Sussex Dog Bite Monday, September 22nd, 2014 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Tuesday, September 23rd, 2014 1:00pm Unit Blk Chenery Burglary Wednesday, September 24th, 2014 7:55pm Kern/Brompton Auto Boost Thursday, September 25th, 2014 Nothing to report […]
How did this window at the Glen Park BART station get broken?
These are extremely thick and durable windows, it must have taken quite a blow to smash it. Anyone know what happened?
Glen Park Neighborhood History Project – Oct. 22
Wednesday, October 22, 2014 6:15pm to 7:45 pm Glen Park Branch of the SF Public Library Second floor meeting room (Announcement attached) Agenda 1. Call for pictures and stories of House-Moving History in Glen Park, Sunnyside, and Diamond Heights! We’ve been contacted by author Diane Donovan who is currently preparing a publication about the history […]
It’s so hot….that they’ve got a mister going up at Diamond Heights
Not sure who put it up, but it was much appreciated. Thanks to Michael Rice of the Glen Park Association for the photos.
Blue elderberry, yellow-eyed grass and aster: Repopulating Glen Canyon
Story and photos by Murray Schneider Before I retired I taught eleventh graders American history, and each morning I’d drive to school by descending O’Shaughnessy Boulevard. Going down the hill, O’Shaughnessy Hollow was on my right and Glen Canyon was on my left. Glen Canyon, the larger of the two, is 70-acres of natural area, […]
Glen Park Crime report: Sept. 11 – 19, 2014
Thursday, September 11th, 2014 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Friday, September 12th, 2014 5:40am Elk/Chenery Burglary: Suspect #1 description; White male, 47 years old, 6’4 in height, about 220 pounds with Brown hair and Brown eyes. Suspect #2 description; White female, 32 yrs old, 5’6 in height and has Blond curly hair with a […]
Update on public art for Glen Canyon park
Hi Everyone – Update on the public art selection process for Glen Park Rec Center Renovation: the next meeting will be on September 30. The Glen Canyon Art Selection Panel will meet and review a group of shortlisted artists. This shortlist of artists will be selected from the pre-qualified and other recent public art project […]
Glen Park Crime Report Sept. 2 – 10, 2014
Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Thursday, September 4th, 2014 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Friday, September 5th, 2014 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Saturday, September 6th, 2014 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Sunday, September 7th, 2014 7:57pm […]