A Quieter Future: a free public outreach conference on Community Noise and Natural Quiet that will take place at the Marriott Marquis in San Francisco, August 10th, 8:30am-4pm. The conference will feature 12 different speakers from a variety of fields who will explain how noise negatively affects adults, children, birds & marine life, and discuss […]
Glen Park crime report June 15 – 30, 2015
Monday, June 15th, 2015 5:21pm Unit Blk Circular Recovered Vehicle 10:42pm 300 Blk Roanoke Warrant Tuesday, June 16th, 2015 3:00pm 300 Blk Joost Stolen Vehicle Wednesday, June 17th, 2015 12:31pm 200 Blk Whitney Recovered Vehicle Thursday, June 18th, 2015 9:26pm Bosworth/Elk Traffic Collision Friday, June 19th, 2015 10:30am 2800 Blk Diamond Recovered Vehicle 12:26pm 200 […]
Tree limb falls on Diamond Street
A tree lost a limb that feel on a car on the 2500 block of Diamond Street on Aug. 2, 2015. While the car was damaged, no people were injured. Photo by Joseph Ong.
125 volunteers take on trails in Glen Canyon
Story and photos by Murray Schneider On the Wednesday before the July 17-19 weekend —- before Volunteers for Outdoor California workers bivouacked in 35 tents by Glen Canyon’s Silver Tree Day Camp in preparation for three days of trail work —- Jenny Sotelo, Recreation and Park’s Natural Areas Program gardener, led five members of Friends of Glen […]
Glen Park Association Quarterly meeting Thursday, July 16, 2015
Glen Park Association Quarterly Meeting Date: July 16, 2015 Time: 7:00 PM Place: St. John School Gymnasium Agenda Capt. McFadden from Ingleside Station will review current issues Graffiti and Vandalism: Marianne Bertuccelli from San Francisco Recreation and Park Department The Gum Tree Girls: a history on the freeway revolt, presented by Zoanne Nordstrom and Joan Siewald A Brief […]
New plan could close the south end of Twin Peaks to the public
[Note for folks in Glen Park: Rec and Park is currently working to create a trail system that would be one nearly continuous greenbelt, makin git possible to walk from Mount Tustro over Twin Peaks and through Glen Park. See Murray Schneider’s article from 2013. Thus, this is a project that’s been much anticipated by Glen Park neighbors.] […]
RIP: Jimmy Ryan
Drummer Jimmy Ryan passed away Wednesday morning. He had suffered a heart attack on Monday, while on a hike with his wife Rory in a wilderness area near Monterey. Rory administered CPR and kept him alive until a medical team was able to hike in to them and carry him out to a hospital, but two days later […]
Diamond/Bosworth update
Hi all, Latest report from SFMTA is that the D/B intersection should be done by end of July. The lane markings you see now are where the lanes will actually be, but probably with nicer, clearer paint. Please see the June 19 blog update regarding the feasibility (or not) of simultaneous protected left-hand turns or protected left-hand turns […]
Highland Bridge update
SFDPW has news about work on the Highland Bridge. Night work starts July 19 and runs to July 26. See more details on their press release: http://sfdpw.org/modules/showdocument.aspx?documentid=4926 Thanks to Mike S. for posting this on NextDoor.
A small family of gnomes has taken up residence in Glen Park
Story and photos by Murray Schneider Over a month ago construction workers departed Glen Canyon’s Banana Slug Way, which runs parallel to Alms Road and which leads to Silver Tree Day Camp. In their wake, they left lengthy retaining walls and yards of mesh-wire fencing above Islias Creek. As it turns out, though, on this […]
Major collision at Bosworth and Diamond thankfully caused no injuries
A collision on Tuesday between a car and a truck at Bosworth and Diamond in Glen Park caused no injuries, bystanders reported. The car was being driven by a woman on her way to the library. It was going east on Bosworth. The truck was heading west on Bosworth. Exactly what caused the accident is not known. The […]
Overturned car on Diamond near Surrey
More information has come in and it appears the accident on the afternoon of Tuesday, June 24 involved a single driver, an older man. He was taken to the hospital to be checked out but paramedics told neighbors on the scene that his injuries were minor. Unclear how exactly the car ended up on its side, though it’s […]
Glen Park’s Bloomsday Warriors (a meditation)
Story and photos by Stephen Labovsky GLEN PARK VILLAGE, June 16. It’s 6:00pm, and Glen Park Station is jammed packed with fans awaiting the start of Game Six of the NBA Championship. Meanwhile, a block away, at Bird & Beckett, Bloomsday, the annual, marathon reading of James Joyce’s masterpiece, “Ulysses” is already in progress. Travelling between […]
Diamond/Bosworth update
In the May 28 blog summary of the GPA’s transportation committee’s first meeting with SFMTA, traffic engineer Damon Curtis had promised to look into two things: –creating simultaneous protected lefts northbound and southbound on Diamond –switching the new protected northbound left on Diamond to be southbound in the evening to accommodate rush hour traffic Neither […]
Glen Park Crime Report May 4 – June 14, 2015
Monday, May 4th, 2015 09:06pm Fairmount/Laidley Recovered Vehicle Tuesday, May 5th, 2015 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Wednesday, May 6th, 2015 09:20am Kern/Diamond Theft from Vehicle Thursday, May 7th, 2015 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Friday, May 8th, 2015 10:00am Unit Blk Rousseau Hot Prowl Burglary A citizen getting dressed in the morning […]
Youngblood and Leake: A great Glen Park artistic pairing
Story and photos by Murray Schneider You can take the girl out of the country, but not the country out of the girl, or so the saying goes. Such was the case with Amelia Leake, born in 1896 along the James River in Richmond, Virginia. Through her life, her family affectionately called her Angie. As […]
Highland Bridge closure
The Highland Street Bridge will be closed for about six months starting today as crews repair the crumbling bridge railings, according to DPW’s web page for the project http://sfdpw.org/index.aspx?page=1821 and the marvelous College Hill Neighborhood Association Highland Bridge: Closing 6/11 for 6 months (they mean it this time … really!)
Bird & Beckett celebrates its Sweet 16
Story and photos by Murray Schneider Bird & Beckett Books and Records threw a sweet sixteen-birthday party for itself on May 22, featuring a quintet of bookstore musicians very familiar to its jazz-loving Glen Park audiences. “Back in 1999 Chuck Peterson proposed the preposterous idea that we have jazz each Friday night,” said bookstore owner […]
Report: Glen Park Association and Business Association meeting with SFMTA about intersection
Members of the GPA and GPMA are continuing to meet with SFMTA in response to concerns about street construction in the neighborhood. Tuesday’s meeting with traffic engineer Damon Curtis and project planner David Greenway gives us this update: 1. In response to community concerns, there will now be a “protected/permissive light” for northbound Diamond. (That […]
Glen Park crime report April 23 – May 2, 2015
Thursday, April 23rd, 2015 03:00pm 800 Blk Chenery Hit and Run Friday, April 24th, 2015 11:40am 200 Blk 30th Burglary Saturday, April 25th, 2015 01:14am 100 Blk Mangels Recovered Vehicle 01:14am 100 Blk Mangels Warrant Arrest Sunday, April 26th, 2015 08:00pm 700 Blk Chenery Stolen License Plate Monday, April 27th, 2015 02:15am Unit Blk Miguel […]
San Jose Avenue changes
The GPA transportation committee has been pressing hard on SFMTA to keep the neighborhood updated on the various projects affecting us and to hold the agency accountable in terms of deadlines and promises. See Hilary Schiraldi’s April 30 post regarding the last meeting with them, and another is coming up. We’ll keep you posted. Meanwhile, here’s […]
Nope, no bar opening up in the Bird & Beckett space
Although a couple of folks have wondered, given the big Application for Entertainment License sign in the window. Here’s the explanation, straight from Eric (oh, and feel free to write a letter on his behalf to the City once you’ve read it.) == Just back from City Hall! We’re turning 16, and getting our license to […]
Join the Glen Park Greenway Plan development team
The Glen Park Greenway Concept Plan – Linking the canyon to the village Come and help develop the Concept Plan for the Glen Park Greenway. We have a professional design team – all we need now is you and other neighbors, who are interested in the look and feel of our neighborhood, its footpaths, its […]
Diamond/Bosworth intersection update
From SFMTA: Last week, our crews were able to pour half of the foundation on the northeast (formerly Citibank) corner. This week, we’re pouring the foundation on the remaining half of that corner. Crews will also begin putting in the decorative brick band on this corner. Next week, we expect to be completing the brick […]
Sussex Steps Update
Karen Mauney-Brodek at RPD has shared this update on the Sussex Street steps:. The Recreation and Park Department will proceed with rebuilding the steps at the entrance to Glen Canyon Park at the end of of Sussex Street. While RPD had expected to add this work to the contract for the other trails construction […]
Diamond/Bosworth intersection concerns
The Glen Park Association Board shares the many concerns we’ve heard about the Diamond and Bosworth intersection rebuilding, particularly about signal plans and pedestrian crossings. Toward that end, the GPA Transportation Committee, GPA president Michael Rice, Ric Lopez, president of the Glen Park Merchants Association, and several other community members met with staff from the […]
Take a trip to the park: Three great horned owlets getting ready to fledge
Story and photos by Stephen Labovsky After a two-year absence, Glen Canyon Park’s pair of greathorned owls returned to the Owl Tree along Alms Road, and delivered triplets! For the past couple of weeks, folks from all over they Bay area have been flocking to the park to see these adorable baby owlets. They’ll be […]
Who makes those cool signs on Chenery? Ernie does!
Story and photos by Murray Schneider Last December, relaxing in his easy chair at 240 Chenery Street, Ernie smiled at Star, his 11-year old cat. Star’s face pressed against the living room window, her tail swishing at Ernie’s collection of front yard gewgaws. Star wanted in, she wanted Ernie to open her window. Ernie stayed […]
The latest update on the Diamond/Bosworth work, from the SFMTA
FROM SFMTA: Hi everyone, The northwest and southeast corners were completed last week and the curbs entirely reopened to foot traffic. The new bus shelter on the BART corner will remain cordoned off until the bus routes are returned to normal. The electrical work for the northeast corner (formerly Citibank) was completed. This week, our […]
This month’s show at Gallery Ex Libris on Chenery
Story and photos by Murray Schneider On April 8, curator Jack Whittington mounted his third exhibition at Gallery Ex Libris, Bird & Beckett’s postage-size art gallery, tucked in the rear of Glen Park’s independent bookstore. Whittington is showcasing Greg Adams and Tom Baxter, both Glen Park artists. Their show, “Presence and Memory – Drawings […]
Glen Park Crime Report, March 30 – April 14, 2015
Monday, March 30th, 2015 12:44pm Bosworth/Arlington Theft from Building 12:55pm Diamond/Bosworth Theft from Vehicle Tuesday, March 31st, 2015 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Wednesday, April 1st, 2015 03:05am Unit Blk Moffitt Threats 09:20am 600 Blk Bosworth Recovered Vehicle Thursday, April 2nd, 2015 11:29am 200 Blk Laidley Recovered Vehicle 11:39pm 300 Blk Arlington Stolen Motorcycle […]
Diamond/Bosworth construction update
Last week, crews started to mobilize and begin initial work around the northeast corner (formerly Citibank). The median between Diamond and Brompton has been cleared out. And the southeast corner (BART) has been curing after the new foundation was poured. This week, we are aiming to complete the northwest (by Pebble’s Café) and the southeast […]
New show up at Gallery Ex Libris
Wednesday, April 8 at 7 p.m. will see the third exhibit mounted by curator JackWhittington at his Bird and Beckett’s Gallery Ex Libris. Whittington will feature the drawings and assemblages of Glen Park artists Tom Baxter and Greg Admas. Titled “Presence and Memory,” Adams and Baxter’s work comes quickly on the heels of two previous exhibits curated by Whittington, himself […]
Glen Park Festival SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 2015
Glen Park Festival Planning Committee P.O. Box 318134 San Francisco, CA 94131 www.glenparkfestival.com Press Release Release Immediately 17th Annual Glen Park Festival SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 2015 10AM to 4:30PM Glen Park will be holding its annual Festival on April 26th this year from 10AM to 4:30PM on Diamond Street. San […]
Glen Canyon TRAILS construction progress update
Glen Canyon TRAILS construction progress update Dear Neighbors and Folks Interested in Glen Canyon TRAILS Improvement Project, Please see construction update below. These updates will also appear on the blog of our project page (http://sfrecpark.org/project/glen-canyon-urban-trails-project/) by April 1 or April 2. General Construction Timeline · We anticipate that the Glen Canyon TRAILS Improvement Project will be […]
Glen Park Association Quarterly Meeting – April 1, 2015
Join us for a social hour at 6:30 p.m. with refreshments, at the Glen Park Recreation Center. Meetings are open to all, but we will be happy to sign you up or renew your membership in the Glen Park Association. With the boomlet in remodeling and other residential construction in Glen Park, Planning Department staff will describe how […]
Watching the creek come to life
Story and photos by any urray Schneider In late January eight children from Brightworks School trooped past six volunteers from Friends of Glen Canyon Park. In itself, this isn’t all that unusual. Elementary school children on Glen Canyon field trips are often seen single-filing along Alms Road. Close to February, though, what was unusual […]
Diamond/Bosworth streetscape update
Saturday Construction for Glen Park Project, March 21, 2015 Project: Glen Park Streetscape Improvements There will be construction on Saturday, March 21, from 8:00am to 5:00pm, for the Glen Park Streetscape Improvement Project. Crews will be on-site at Diamond and Bosworth streets. Buses will continue to reroute as scheduled, and further details can be found http://www.sfmta.com/news/project-updates/glen-park-improvements-construction-start-january-6 […]
Glen Park crime report March 6 – 12, 2015
Friday, March 6th, 2015 04:30pm Bosworth/Lyell Vandalism to Vehicle Saturday, March 7th, 2015 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Sunday, March 8th, 2015 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Monday, March 9th, 2015 11:32am Elk/Diamond Heights Theft from Vehicle 10:20pm 2300 Blk Diamond Vehicle Tampering Tuesday, March 10th, 2015 04:15pm 200 Blk Addison Vandalism to […]
Glen Park Farmers Market Opens March 29
Glen Park Village Farmers’ Market Returns for the Season Drought Conditions Call for Greater Community Support San Francisco (March 16, 2015) – The Glen Park Village Farmers’ Market will return on Sunday, March 29, 2015 with Northern California’s freshest fruits and vegetables, live music, and fun activities for all ages. The market, located at the […]
What’s up at Gallery Ex Libris this month? India!
Gallery Ex Libris, tucked away in a back room at Bird & Beckett Books and Records, is featuring a group of photographs by Jack Whittington, also the gallery curator. Whittington’s photos, a selection of his work taken in Kolkata andPondicherry, India in 2012 and 2014, will remain at the gallery through March 31. The photographs were taken, using a NIkon F3 HP […]
Update on work at Diamond & Bosworth
From Kelley McCoy SFMTA Public Relations Last week, our crew was able to finish the street-side portion of the southeast corner (BART stations) sidewalk. We did additional sidewalk pouring on Saturday to make up for some lost time last week. The demo work of the sidewalk took longer than expected, which delayed the install of […]
Diamond/Bosworth intersection update, March 12, 2015
From Kelley McCoy Public info officer, SFMTA Last week, our crew was able to finish the street-side portion of the southeast corner (BART stations) sidewalk. We did additional sidewalk pouring on Saturday to make up for some lost time last week. The demo work of the sidewalk took longer than expected, which delayed the install […]
Be a part of the Glen Park Festival
Hi neighbor! The Glen Park Festival is just around the corner, on Sunday April 26th. Thank you so much for volunteering last year. We couldn’t have raised $25K for our local schools and community efforts without your generosity of time. Please consider volunteering and having fun with us for a few hours on the 26th! We […]
Glen Park: The Village photo show up at the library
Glen Park Library hosts an exhibition of photographs by Stephen Labovsky’s taken over a period of six years at the corner of Chenery and Diamond Streets. Labovsky considers this corner the crossroads of Glen Park Village and the perfect spot to regard the comings and goings of neighbors, merchants, and strangers alike. Come […]
Glen Park Association accepting applications for grants
The Glen Park Association is currently accepting applications for grant funding for projects benefitting the Glen Park neighborhood. The applicant must submit this application and any supporting documentation by April 30, 2015. Applications will be considered by the Glen Park Association Board of Directors. If selected and upon completion, the applicant will be required to […]
Diamond/Bosworth intersection update
From Kelley McCoy, PR for SFMTA: 3/4 UPDATE: Last week crews began framing the sidewalks and prepping for the foundation pour, which began this week. The NW corner is formed and poured, and the ADA ramps are expected to be poured next week. The SE corner is formed, and half of the sidewalk is being […]
Glen Park crime report, Feb. 2 – 23, 2015
Monday, February 2nd, 2015 02:25am 2900 Blk Diamond Disturbing the Peace Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015 12:00pm Monterey/Joost Traffic Collision Wednesday, February 4th, 2015 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Thursday, February 5th, 2015 7:58am Congo/Joost Stolen Vehicle A car thief confessed to Ingleside Officer Morrow that his life is stuck in a felony rut. Morrow […]
Glen Park’s new (and tiny) art gallery
By Murray Schneider Bird & Beckett Books and Records, already a Glen Park cultural hub, is morphing into a neighborhood art gallery. Long a Mecca where one can obtain new and used books, enjoy poetry recitations and book talks, purchase used vinyl records and listen to jazz and Americana music, the Chenery Street bookshop now […]
Comedienne Teresa Tudury at Sunnyside Conservatory March 6
The Sensational Chanteuse and Comedienne is Back! Friday, March 6, 2015, 7 pm with Teresa Tudury celebrating 5 years in our restored Conservatory. Teresa was so fabulous the first time around that we couldn’t imagine having our big shindig without her. Also performing magician Ray Hoey. $20 suggested donation. Refreshments Served. At the door or […]