Glen Park Association quarterly meeting Date: January 21, 2016 Time: 7:00 PM Place: The San Francisco Police Academy at 350 Amber Drive There are some road blockages, so we suggest using the following route: 1. Go up Diamond Heights Blvd. to Duncan Street. 2. Go left on Duncan Street, and continue on Duncan past the construction at […]
Hot history on a cold day in Glen Park
Story and photos by Murray Schneider This winter 18 San Franciscans braved cold temperatures that dipped into the forties and listened to Evelyn Rose of the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project spin tales from Glen Canyon’s past on one of her patented Glen Park history walks. Rose, who writes a Glen Park News […]
Diamond/Bosworth update
From Kelley McCoy, SFMTA PR: I wanted to reach out and give a brief update about where we are on the last leg of the Glen Park Project: · We are still waiting on the final contractor’s schedule for the northeast (former Citibank building) corner. For now, there is no work planned for that corner. […]
San Jose Avenue pilot project update
SFMTA has uploaded its final analysis of the Northbound San Jose Avenue Road Diet pilot plan, which began in June, 2014, when the agency reduced the three-lane road to two lanes to slow traffic and increase safety. (A second phase merged the two-lane offramp to one lane under the underpass.) You can see it here: […]
Brazen taggers in Glen Park
By Elizabeth Weise How brazen are graffiti taggers in San Francisco? More than you could possibly imagine, found Glen Park resident Kevin Jones. On Saturday, Dec. 26, in broad daylight, Jones was standing in line to use the Bank of American ATM across the street from Canyon market on Diamond St. As he describes it, […]
Glen Canyon walking tour Jan. 2
Did you know the architect who did Glen Park BART was famous?
Photo: Michael Short, Special To The Chronicle Decades before, architect couple left their mark in S.F. An outbound train leaves the platform at the Glen Park BART station in San Francisco, CA, on Thursday, December 18, 2014. Ernest Born’s final building was the Glen Park BART Station, a subterranean temple of transportation with a platform […]
Dennis Nix: Victim of hit-and-run on Monterey Blvd.
Story by Murray Schneider One of Glen Park’s own, Dennis Nix, 60, died on November 22, a victim of a suspected hit-and-run motor vehicle incident. The collision occurred around 2:30 a.m., only blocks from Nix’s Mangels Avenue home. Traveling on his scooter near Monterey Boulevard and the BART station, Nix, who had earlier left a […]
Wreath making at Sunnyside Conservatory Dec. 19
Holiday Greetings to All! We are looking forward to a free Wreath Making in the Sunnyside Conservatory at (236 Monterey Avenue) on December 19th. Do come. Doors open at 1:30, and we need to finish building our creations by 4:30. Left over greens are yours. We will have: Lots of greens, some […]
Plans for tiny lot to be revealed
There will be a meeting at the Glen Park library Wednesday, Dec. 16, at 6:45 p.m. concerning the plans for the recently sold micro lot on Diamond behind Buddies Market (2785 Diamond). According to the Glen Park News, the 914-square foot lot was bought by an architect who reportedly plans to build himself a single-family […]
Critter Fritters building facade crumbling
UPDATE: Upon inspection by the contractor this morning, it has been determined that the installation of cable service by Comcast, for the apartment above, was the cause of the facade crumbling. Glen Park News’ Susan Sutton reports that pieces of the building Critter Fritters occupies at 670 Chenery Street have fallen onto Chenery. The pet store supply store’s manager says […]
Highland Street Bridge Re-opens
From SFDPW: Dear Residents Over this past weekend, the City’s contractor, MH Construction Management Company, successfully completed the removal of the protective scaffolding and the debris net from the Highland Avenue Bridge that was put in place for the important infrastructure improvement and safety project. As planned, the Highland Avenue Bridge was re-opened today for […]
Work Day at Erskine Park
From Bay Area Young Survivors: Dorothy Erskine Park BAYS Memorial Garden Hello Dorothy Erskine Park neighbor – We would like to introduce ourselves – BAYS is a support group for young women in the Bay Area diagnosed with breast cancer under age 45. We are partnered with SF Parks & Rec on stewardship of the […]
Glen Park Association Holiday Party Dec. 13
Sup Wiener to Hold Safety Meeting
From Supervisor Scott Wiener: We’ve recently seen an escalation of crime in District 8 (and other parts of the city), including auto break-ins and thefts, home break-ins, home invasions, and most recently an assault with a knife in Noe Valley. To discuss the situation, including ways to make our community safer and how to have […]
San Jose Ave closed Dec 5 & 6
From SFDPW: San Jose Avenue (Randall St to Rousseau St) Roadway closed December 5 and 6 for the Highland Avenue Bridge Traffic Railing Replacement Project. On Saturday, December 5 and Sunday, December 6, 2015, we will begin removing the temporary scaffolding that was erected this summer for the traffic rail replacement work on the Highland Ave Bridge. The […]
Glen Park’s Groceteria, 60 years of history
Story and photos by Murray Schneider Every neighborhood once had such a place, a safe place — the corner pharmacy, a five and dime, a dry cleaner, a diner. From the 1930s through the early 1990s, Constantine and Rose Portale’s Chenery Street Groceteria served Glen Park families as such a sanctuary. “Connie and Rose […]
San Jose Avenue to close
From Grace L. Moore, Public Affairs Officer Office of Communications & Public Affairs, SFDPW San Jose Avenue (Rousseau St to Randall St) weekend closure due to Highland Avenue Bridge Traffic Railing Replacement Project: Weekend work December 5th and 6th On Saturday, December 5 and Sunday, December 6, 2015 we will begin removing the temporary scaffolding that […]
10th Anniversary Retrospective: Moon over Glen Park, Nov. 23, 2015
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years.
Diamond/Bosworth update: Nov. 23 edition
From Kelley McCoy, SFMTA spokeswoman: I’ve received a schedule change from the contractors. Due to the rain forecasted for tomorrow, the construction schedule was revised and the crew will be focusing their efforts on the southeast/BART corner. Here is the revised schedule: Monday Complete sidewalk and brickwork on the southeast (BART) corner Sidewalk restoration on […]
Diamond/Bosworth update
From Kelley McCoy, SFMTA: Construction schedule for next three days (Sat 11/21, Sun 11/22, Mon 11/23) · The 24-hour barricades on Bosworth are expected to be removed on Sunday. There will be closures during the week from 9am-4pm as needed for sidewalk work. · Crews will work to complete the sidewalk reconstruction. This work […]
Dia de los Muertos in Glen Park
Story and photos Murray Schneider Dia de los Muertos, the pre-Columbian Mexican festival celebrating those who have left us, came to Glen Park for seven days in the form of a dozen ofrendas, offerings created by relatives and friends that remember departed loved ones From November 1 through Noveber 8, Chenery Street’s Modernpast hosted the […]
Glen Park Elementary Schoolyard Kick-Off Celebration
Join Supervisors Mark Farrell and Scott Wiener and the San Francisco Shared Schoolyard Project at Glen Park Elementary School, 151 Lippard Avenue, on Saturday, December 12th, from 11 am to 1 pm for an exciting kick-off event marking the schoolyard’s grand opening. The community-driven event will feature a ribbon cutting ceremony, free lunch,and activities for […]
Glen Park Greenway; Planning Workshop #3 – November 19
Glen Park Greenway; Planning Workshop #3 – November 19 Greetings – The final planning workshop for the Glen Park Greenway Concept Plan will be on Thursday, November 19, as detailed below. Also here is information about how you can join the members of the Glen Park Association (GPA) as we cast votes and decide about […]
Wreath making at the Sunnyside Conservatory
Greetings to all you Conservatory gardeners and potential gardeners. Please join us and garden in the Sunnyside Conservatory between 8:00 AM and 11:30 PM on Saturday, November 21st. Don’t forget…we are grateful for any time you can spare to help out. Your efforts really make a difference. We will have coffee and something to munch […]
10th Anniversary Retrospective: Modern and Past: A former news boy reminisces with the Glen Park News’ newest paper carrier
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years. Long ago, when I was 12-years old, I delivered the San Francisco Call Bulletin to Bobo Olson, the world middleweight boxing champion. After school, I’d bicycle along 34th Avenue between Judah […]
Assemblyman David Chiu Comes to Town
California Assemblyman David Chiu and Supervisor John Avalos will host a community forum this month. From Chiu’s newsletter: Upcoming District 11 Neighborhood Forum I look forward to teaming up with Supervisor John Avalos for a District 11 community forum. Please join us to talk about the work I have been doing in Sacramento and how […]
The Glen Park News get around – this time to Binic, France
Christophe Pouchard is a native of Binic, France but now lives in Glen Park. Here he’s catching up on his reading while visiting his hometown. Where else does the Glen Park News turn up?
Glen Park Association Meeting Oct. 22, 2
Glen Park Association Quarterly Meeting Date: October 22nd, 2015 Time: 7:00 PM Place: St. John School** Agenda Capt. McFadden from Ingleside Station will review current issues. Supervisor Scott Weiner will address recent area developments. Karen Mauney-Brodeck will report on progress on the Glen Park Recreation Center reconstruction. Election forum on Proposition F, the “Short Term Residential […]
Crime Report: Oct. 2 – 5, 2015
Friday, October 2nd, 2015 07:00pm 100 Blk Monterey Battery Saturday, October 3rd, 2015 6:12am 30th/San Jose Att. Homicide w/gun A night on the town for two men almost turned deadly as they returned home. The two had just parked when an unknown assailant walked up to the truck holding a hand gun demanding their money. […]
Pumpkin carving at Sunnyside Conservatory Oct. 25
Halloween Greetings to All. The time has come to consider pumpkins. To that end, the Friends of Sunnyside Conservatory would like to invite you to a free Pumpkin Carving at the Sunnyside Conservatory, on October 25th, from 2:00 PM till 5:00 PM. Come and create a master piece! Please bring your own pumpkin(s). We will provide […]
Changes to Mission Street
Changes to the 14R bus line, including a dedicated transit lane along Mission Street, will be publicly vetted Friday, October 16, at 10 a.m. in City Hall, room 416. A stoplight at Randall and Mission streets had also been proposed, but that element needs further study and will not be implemented immediately, said Matt Brill, […]
Glen Park BART escalator to be out until January
BART riders may have noticed the barrier being installed around thedown escalator at Glen Park Station. According to BART’s website, therepair is expected to take until January: Glen Park Association’s Transportation Committee has been in touchwith BART’s communications department. They tell us that the escalator” experienced a significant mechanical failure in the drive system.This requires […]
Glen Park Crime Report Sept 21 – Oct. 1, 2015
Monday, September 21st, 2015 09:00am 1100 Blk Bosworth Stolen Vehicle Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015 09:00am Chenery/Congo [sic] Stolen Vehicle 12:55pm 600 Blk Arlington Recovered Vehicle 02:05pm Chenery/Brompton Stolen and Recovered Vehicle Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015 12:55pm 200 Blk Roanoke Recovered Vehicle Thursday, September 24th, 2015 07:41am 200 Blk Roanoke Battery 11:30am 600 Blk Chenery Theft […]
In case you missed it – the fall issue of the Glen Park News
GPN-Fall2015 PDF – Final SMALL
Parklet update
The SFDPW hearing regarding the parklet in front of Higher Grounds crepe cafe that was to have been held September 30, 2015, was postponed. After the SF Planning Department approved the application and forwarded it to the DPW for public notice, the SFMTA reviewed the application and decided the red zone at the corner might […]
A beautiful Glen Park sky
Gay for Good helps out in the park
The Friends of Glen Canyon Park have intermittent help with their ongoing stewardship of the neighborhood’s 70-acre natural area. On September 14, 30 Gay for Good volunteers worked along side three Rec and Park’s Natural Areas Program gardeners, pushing back willow adjacent to Alms Road and pruning Himalayan blackberry on the last leg of the […]
Glen Park Crime Report, Sept. 11 – 20, 2015
Friday, September 11th, 2015 06:15am 500 Blk Arlington Burglary Saturday, September 12th, 2015 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Sunday, September 13th, 2015 03:50pm Elk/Sussex Theft from Vehicle Monday, September 14th, 2015 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Tuesday, September 15th, 2015 02:00pm Monterey/Baden Stolen Vehicle Wednesday, September 16th, 2015 Nothing to report from Glen […]
Greenway Workshop
The Glen Park Association invites you to the Glen Park Greenway Workshop #2 When: Thursday, September 24, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Where: St. John School Gymnasium (925 Chenery St.) Parking: behind the school in their large parking lot Please enter the gym from the parking lot just off Chenery. Program: The landscape architects from […]
Hearing about Parklet in GP
Manhal Jweinat, owner of Higher Grounds Coffee House has applied for a parklet in front of his business on Chenery and Diamond. Someone has contested the application, so there will be a hearing Wednesday, September 30, at 9 a.m. in City Hall, Room 400. Attend to show your support or opposition. You can also write […]
Glen Park Crime Report, July 1 – July 31, 2015
Wednesday, July 1st, 2015 7:00pm 500 Blk Chenery Vandalism Thursday, July 2nd, 2015 6:00pm 100 Blk Acadia Personation Friday, July 3rd, 2015 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Saturday, July 4th, 2015 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Sunday, July 5th, 2015 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Monday, July 6th, 2015 10:00pm Unit Blk […]
Bird & Beckett jazz drummer Jimmy Ryan: 1939 – 2015
Story and photos by Murray Schneider I didn’t know Jimmy Ryan all that well. I’d see him on the Fridays I dropped by Bird & Beckett, to catch his ensemble serving up bebop at the bookstore. On the second Friday of each month, Jimmy sat at the rear of Eric Whittington’s stage, leaning over his […]
Coexisting with coyotes
By Janet Kessler San Francisco has several dozen coyotes living in the city, mostly in nuclear families. They’re in all of our major parks. Because most folks in San Francisco have dogs or cats, and because there are pups in some of the parks — pups would be about 4 months old now — it […]
A fairy lair in Glen Canyon Park
Local photographer Anthony Powell found this fairy lair along the trail to Silver Tree in Glen Canyon Park. It’s up on the hill in the end of a fallen stump. There are two similar fairy doors in Golden Gate Park. There’s some speculation that a fairy clan has moved to San Francisco and that different families are […]
Support gathering for Paul at Buddies Market on Saturday
A note from Eric at Bird & Beckett… Bring letters for Paul’s landlord! And bring flowers or cookies or some such for Paul & Jennie Park! This Saturday (8/15) from 10 a.m. to noon, come by Buddies Market at the corner of Diamond & Chenery in Glen Park to let Paul and Jennie know that you’re in their corner. […]
Glen Park Greenway Community Meeting with the SFPUC
Glen Park Greenway Community Meeting with the SFPUC Date: Thursday, August 20, 2015 Time: 6:30-8:00 p.m. Location: St John School gym at 925 Chenery Street (enter from Chenery Street via playground) Topic: Watershed Planning for Islais Creek The Glen Park Association is pleased to host a presentation by Rosey Jencks of SFPUC who […]
A makeshift memorial to Cecil the Lion in Glen Canyon
A charming makeshift memorial to Cecil the Lion, found in the back of Glen Canyon below Touquoise Way on August 9, 2015.
10th Anniversary Retrospective: 40 years later, McAteer grad still helping out at his old school
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years. Fernando Aguilar took a minute or two to suit up on the former J. Eugene McAteer High School gridiron. The field, now home to the School Farm at the Academy of […]
Things are getting fishy in Glen Park
Story and photos by Stephen Labovsky Fish were trending in Glen Park Village this week. Fish? Yep, fish. On Monday, Critter Fritters had a new window display, and the theme was fish! Tony, Fritter’s manager, told me that one of his customers volunteered to design this whimsical window, called “Life In A Fish Bowl.” Across […]