Saturday, June 18 from 10 AM – 2 PM On the Greenway between Brompton and Lippard, along Bosworth Join us on Saturday, June 18 at 10 AM to clean and green the stretch of the Glen Park Greenway between Brompton and Lippard streets. We’ll celebrate and get to know each other over a late-lunch community […]
Rent party for Bird & Beckett on May 21
Jerry Ferraz is throwing a rent party at his place for Bird & Beckett Books to help the proprietor pull the bookshop out of the hole. This is a benefit, so bring your checkbook! Saturday, May 21st – 1 pm to 7 pm in Jerry’s backyard at 3639 Mission Street – 2 blocks […]
Ingleside Terrace neighborhood garage sale May 21
Crime report March 27 – April 25, 2016
Sunday, March 27th, 2016 02:00am 2800 Blk Diamond Attempted Burglary Monday, March 28th, 2016 6:30pm Unit Blk Lyell Burglary A man returned home to find his DJ equipment missing from his garage. The victim told Ingleside Officers Snadow and Smith that he left his home around 6:30pm in the evening and returned home around 1:30am […]
Short-Term Rental Rules in SF
Forwarded from Omar Masry Office of Short Term Rentals, City & County of San Francisco P. 415.575.9116 l F. 415.558.6409 1650 Mission Street | 4th Floor | San Francisco | CA 94103 A Basic Introduction to Short-Term Rental Rules in San Francisco San Francisco residents are allowed to rent their homes for periods […]
10th Anniversary Retrospective: Notes from the quarterly Glen Park Association meeting
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years. Held April 21, 2016 at St. John School. By Bonnee Waldstein The Spring meeting of the Glen Park Association was dominated by two issues affecting the entire City as well as […]
16th Glen Park Festival big success
Glen Park Festival Sunday April 24 10 – 4:30
GPA General Assembly Meeting
WHEN: April 21, 2016, 7:00 P.M. WHERE: St. John’s School, 925 Chenery Street (Enter through the front doors on Chenery — we’ll be meeting in the large classroom.) AGENDA: GPA updates: 2016 GPA Grant Program Awards Neighborhood updates: District 8 Supervisor Scott Wiener Program: BART Presentation on system-wide upgrade plans and capital funding and Q&A. […]
Eric Hanson Memorial is Sunday (Apr 17)
A memorial for Eric Hanson, a much-loved resident of Brompton Street, will be held on Sunday, April 17 at St. Johns School. “We’ll have an open time for anyone who’d like to, to say a few words about Eric,” his sister Lori Goldman said. “I’m going to have my daughter sing.” See previous stories about Eric […]
Diamond/Bosworth Update
Forwarded from Kelley McCoy, SFMTA PR: Update on Diamond/Bosworth construction: Over the last three days, our crews have been pouring cement for the remaining sidewalk work as follows: 4/13 – northeast corner curb (completed) 4/14 – southwest corner ADA curb ramps (completed) 4/15 – northeast sidewalk – crews currently working on this This is the […]
Twin Peaks Pilot Project
Forwarded from Melinda Stockman, SF RecPark: Dear Twin Peaks Neighbors and Friends, Thank you for your continued interest in the Twin Peaks Figure 8 Redesign Project. This project, a joint effort of the SFMTA and Rec and Park Departments, seeks to create better connectivity within the Twin Peaks trail system, improve pedestrian and bicycle […]
San Jose Ave Exit to Return to Two Lanes
The 280 freeway offramp to San Jose Avenue will return to a two-lane configuration, owing to a high number of accidents following an experiment to slow traffic by narrowing it. Seven accidents were recorded on the offramp between June and November, 2015, after engineers reconfigured the two exit lanes to merge into one lane just […]
35 Bus to go to GP BART
Forwarded from SFMTA: This April 23, Muni Forward is rolling out its fourth round of service improvements in just over a year. City-wide, 17 lines will get more frequent service, 10 lines will see expanded service hours, two lines will make new connections to BART, and two new Owl routes are launching. In District 8, […]
Dorothy W. Erskine Park
Story and photos by Murray Schneider They came to the Sunnyside, to Dorothy W. Erskine Park. They came to remember Jane Bresnick, who died seven years ago, at 45, after a prolonged struggle with breast cancer. They came to remember her on her Yahrzeit, the annual Jewish remembrance of a loved one or a friend. […]
Another from the April 1st pile
We don’t know who posted this notice on the empty Chenery Park restaurant space on April 1st, but kudos to them for a good April Fool’s prank. As you can tell from the amusement park story posted earlier, we’re clearing out some of the April 1st stories that built up in our mail box here at the Glen Park […]
Highland Bridge fence update
According to Grace Moore at SFDPW, the fencing installation has been delayed. They anticipate work beginning summer, 2016, and will send more info when she has it. Apparently the contractor is waiting on materials.
Amusement Park could replace farmers market
By Bonnee Waldstein With the collapse of the farmers’ market this year, the BART parking lot has been empty on weekends. In addition to providing fresh produce, baked goods, etc. it used to be a great gathering place for the neighborhood. That could soon change with the preliminary plan for a weekend amusement park […]
SFMTA Parking Update
San Francisco’s Residential Parking Permit Program Wants to Hear from You 11 Community Workshops Scheduled For May & June 2016 The SFMTA is seeking public engagement and input to update and improve San Francisco’s Residential Parking Permit program. The program has been largely unchanged for 40 years, even as San Francisco has changed considerably. The […]
Glen Park Crime Report March 14 -26, 2016
Monday, March 14th, 2016 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Tuesday, March 15th, 2016 04:40pm 200 Blk Randall Stolen Motorcycle Wednesday, March 16th, 2016 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Thursday, March 17th, 2016 10:30am Unit Blk Chenery Burglary Friday, March 18th, 2016 08:29am Randall/Chenery Traffic Collision 12:00pm Unit Blk Mateo Stolen Vehicle Saturday, March […]
Glen Park Elementary artwork on display
Glen Park Association president Michael Rice recently attended the Minnesota Project (as in Street) to see the galleries in the newly renovated space. One gallery featured works from the SFartsEd program in the public schools, which he pronounced “some of best in the building.” Chief among them, these from the 3rd grade at Glen Park Elementary. […]
Fairmount Elementary Shared Schoolyard
The Shared Schoolyard Project. Join neighbors, families, Supervisor Mark Farrell, and the Shared Schoolyard Project on Saturday, April 9 from 11am-1pm for an exciting event at Fairmount Elementary School to celebrate the opening of the schoolyard for the public to use on the weekends. This event will feature a variety of community organizations, activities for all […]
Intersection update
March 31, 2016 Hi everyone, Last week, crews began construction on the northeast (former Citibank building) corner and removed the part of the sidewalk that will be rebuilt. Landscapers have continued to plant between Elk and Diamond. They should be done by the end of this week (4/1). This week, we have been addressing a […]
A sinkhole on Swiss Street
This sinkhole is on Swiss St. at Surrey. No word yet on when it appeared or what the cause was – or what’s under it.
Diamond/Bosworth update
From Kelley McCoy, SFMTA Public Relations Officer: We are embarking on the final weeks of construction – thank you to all for your patience! Construction is expected to start on MONDAY, MARCH 21. The remaining construction work, which includes the northeast corner revisions and the completion of the ADA ramps, is expected to be completed […]
Glen Park farmers market won’t reopen
by Rachel Gordon The Glen Park Village Farmers’ Market, a fixture of Sunday mornings in the neighborhood since 2011, will not be returning this year and could be shuttered for good. The farmers’ market had operated on the BART parking lot across from the Glen Park station. But BART alerted market organizers that the […]
Farmer’s Market to Close
According to GLEN PARK VILLAGE FARMERS’ MARKET Sunday 10:00am to 2:00pm Closing Glen Park Bart Station Parking lot, Bosworth St, San Francisco, CA Additional Information After much thought and deliberation, Pacific Coast Farmers’ Market Association has decided to close the Glen Park Village Farmers’ Market. We enjoyed operating this small market for the local […]
Glen Park Crime report Feb. 24 – March 12, 2016
********Ingleside Criminal Nonsense of the Week******** Tuesday, March 8th, 2016 8:55am Unit Blk Leese Disturbing the Peace A confrontation between a DPT officer and a vehicle owner led to an arrest. Among some owners there’s a myth that putting a note on a disabled vehicle will prevent a citation. If your disabled vehicle is parked […]
Glen Park Greenway and the Surplus Property Ordinance
Forwarded from Nicholas Dewar, GPA Greenway Project facilitator: Hello Glen Park Greenway Neighbors, I want you to know about an interesting development related to our Greenway plans: The Glen Park Association (GPA) has heard from Supervisor Wiener’s office that, as part of the implementation of the Surplus Property Ordinance (Prop K, which passed during our […]
Grant opportunity for parks
Forwarded from the SF Parks Alliance, The deadline to apply for a 2016 Action Grant is fast approaching! The Parks Alliance is very proud of our Action Grant program, a competitive funding opportunity that supports volunteer engagement and community actions to improve and encourage use of San Francisco parks, recreation centers, and open spaces. Existing […]
Give Feedback on SFMTA Budget
Give feedback on the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s preliminary two-year, billion-dollar operating and capital budget online or in person. At two open houses and a webinar, SFMTA staff will present a preliminary budget plan based on expected revenues and proposed changes, including higher fares and fines and more service and free youth passes. A presentation and details on the […]
GPA Grant Deadline Approaching
Heads up: you have only 20 more days to turn in your proposal to the Glen Park Association grant-making committee! The GPA’s grant-making program will do one round of funding in 2016. The key dates for this are: Deadline for submission of applications: Thursday, March 31 Announcement of grantees mid-May The Grant Guidelines and the […]
Walter Haas Connector Trail Project Update
Forwarded from Lisa Wayne, Open Space Manager, SF Recreation and Park Dept. Dear Interested Stakeholders and Neighbors Later this month construction of the Walter Haas Connector Trail [between Billy Goat Hill and Walter Haas Park] is scheduled to begin. The estimated construction duration is 90 days, weather permitting. During that time, construction crews will be on site […]
Creeks to Peaks trail construction nears end
Story and photos by Murray Schneider The long awaited completion of the SFUSD section of the Creeks to Peaks Trail began on February 22 and is scheduled to take two months to finish. The project will end when natural surface box steps, particularly in steep areas at both ends of switchbacks, are constructed atop the […]
BART Tree Trimming
Forwarded from Molly M. Burke BART Government & Community Relations (510) 464-6172 BART will be tree trimming in the Glen Park and Balboa Park area near the trackway in anticipation of El Nino storms that could cause trackway issues. The crew will work Sunday, March 6 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be some noise and train […]
Memorial for Eric Hanson on April 17
A memorial for Eric Hanson, a much-loved resident of Brompton Street, will be held on Sunday, April 17 at St. Johns School. “We’ll have an open time for anyone who’d like to, to say a few words about Eric,” his sister Lori Goldman said. “I’m going to have my daughter sing.” See previous stories about Eric […]
Twin Peaks Figure 8 Pilot Redesign
Forwarded from Melinda Stockmann, Project Manager, Trails Improvement Program Community Gardens Program Manager,San Francisco Recreation & Park Department Dear Twin Peaks Neighbors and Folks Interested in Twin Peaks projects, including the Figure 8 Project, The Twin Peaks Figure 8 Redesign Team is excited to announce a proposed pilot project that will open a portion of the […]
Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project meeting
Greetings to All! We hope you’ll be able to attend our First Annual Meeting this Saturday at the beautiful: Sunnyside Conservatory 236 Monterey Blvd, between Baden and Congo 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm Help us elect our first officers, learn how the Sunnyside Conservatory was saved, hear an update on research of the Giant Powder […]
GPA Grants 2016
Grants Grant-making Program 2016 The GPA’s grant-making program will do one round of funding in 2016. The key dates for this are: Deadline for submission of applications: Thursday, March 31 Announcement of grantees mid-May The Grant Guidelines and the Grant Application form are available on our website at: GPA Grants Program In 2015 the GPA […]
Family overwhelmed by outpouring of love for Eric Hanson
Story by Bonnee Waldstein & Elizabeth Weise Eric Hanson’s family in Sonoma has been “overwhelmed” by the outpouring of emotion in Glen Park over his death, his brother-in-law Avram Goldman told the Glen Park News. Goldman came by Hanson’s house on Brompton Street Friday around mid-day and found a makeshift memorial and a crowd of […]
More on the passing of Eric Hanson
By Bonnee Waldstein & Elizabeth Weise Glen Park has lost one of its characters. Eric Hanson, who was known in part for the elaborate Grateful Dead Halloween decorations he festooned his house on Brompton with each year, died of natural causes on Wednesday, Feb. 10. “He just seemed a big, goofy guy. His […]
Diamond/Bosworth update
Forwarded from Kelley McCoy Public Relations Officer SFMTA Email: Work will start up again starting Monday, February 8. Crews will be out along Bosworth Street working on the remaining landscaping. Their work will be focused west of Diamond Street, so there are no impacts expected for the intersection. Due to the small space on […]
Glen Park Crime report: Jan 7 – 21, 2016
Thursday, January 7th, 2016 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Friday, January 8th, 2016 09:15am 100 Blk Laidley Recovered Vehicle Saturday, January 9th, 2016 2:37pm 2900 Blk Diamond Hot Prowl Burglary A woman lying in bed heard a rustling sound outside her bedroom. She turned over and noticed an unknown male staring at her through […]
Road Work on San Jose Ave
Forwarded from Public Information Officer Alex Murillo from San Francisco Public Works, SF Public Works construction coming to San Jose Ave., Guerrero St., and Dolores St. Project Description San Francisco Public Works has hired M. Squared Construction, Inc. to perform sewer main replacement and pavement renovation work on San Jose Avenue, Guerrero Street and Dolores […]
Notes from the GPA Jan. 21, 2016 meeting
NOTES FROM THE GLEN PARK ASSOCIATION MEETING January 21, 2016 By Bonnee Waldstein ANNUAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The first quarterly meeting of the Glen Park Association (GPA) kicked off with the election of officers. It was a mix of incumbents and new officers, elected unanimously: President – Michael Rice (12th year); Vice President – Scott […]
Contractor Set to Complete Creeks to Peaks Connector Trail
Forwarded from The Recreation and Park Dept: We are excited to report that thanks to support from the San Francisco Parks Alliance and an agreement with the San Francisco Unified School District, a contractor will very soon begin work on a critical section of our Creeks to Peaks trail corridor.The completed Creeks to Peaks […]
Help Improve RPP
San Francisco’s Residential Parking Permit Program Wants to Hear from You4 Open Houses Scheduled For February & March 2016 The SFMTA wants to hear your ideas on how to update and improve its Residential Parking Permit program. The program has been largely unchanged for 39 years, even as San Francisco has changed considerably. The SFMTA […]
SJA Open House Summary
San Jose Avenue Road Diet final open house January, 19, 2016 Glen Park Elementary School SFMTA and Caltrans had up boards describing 1) changes to Dolores where it meets San Jose Avenue, 2) the changes to SJA, 3) three options for fixing the freeway offramp and 4) some data. A spokesman said those boards would […]
Highland Bridge project update
Highland Avenue Bridge – Project update from Grace Moore, DPW, Dear Neighbors Phase I; traffic railing work is almost completed. This week you may see crews removing construction debris, restoring parking along Arlington Street and finish installing 4 new street lights. (see details below) Phase II; security fencing design work is completed. The […]
D8 Safety Meeting
Thanks to Chris Faust of Upper Noe Neighbors (and more) for writing up this summary of the D8 Safety Meeting held Thursday: District 8 Safety Meeting January 14, 2016 – 6 pm Saint Philip the Apostle community room 725 Diamond St. San Francisco Jean Elle of NBC Bay Area was there. The story is at […]