By Gail Bensinger Glen Park’s newest restaurant, One Waan, is opening Wednesday, Nov. 9, in the Diamond Street location where Osha Thai closed in mid-October. The new owner is Alex Prasertsith, a native of Bangkok who has worked in Thai restaurants since coming to San Francisco eight years ago to study industrial design at […]
Shoveling muck to keep the rare damselfly alive
By Murray Schneider The lovely, iridescent and exceedingly rare San Francisco forktailed damselfly once thrived in Glen Canyon before going extinct due to the buildup of Diamond Heights and the loss of much of the clear flowing water in Islais creek that the damsels require. Reintroduced in 2006, the graceful, endangered dragonfly-like creatures are clinging […]
10th Anniversary Retrospective: Capt. McFadden’s take on crime and safety in the Ingleside Station
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years. Story and photos by Bonnee Waldstein The monthly Ingleside Station Community Meeting found its way into St. John the Evangelist Elementary School in October. The two-dozen or so attendees seemed to […]
Despite the rain, a great Glen Park Halloween
Meeting about Bosworth bike lane
Community Meeting With the SFMTA SFMTA is proposing a green-striped bike lane for westbound Bosworth Street from Hamerton until just west of Elk streets. Come see the proposal and give feedback at a community meeting hosted by the Glen Park Association on Wednesday, Nov. 30, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the community meeting room […]
GPA Quarterly Meeting Oct. 27
Quarterly Meeting October 27, 2016 – 7:00 pm San Francisco Police Academy Community Room 350 Amber Drive Agenda Glen Canyon Park Recreation Center Construction Progress report from Park and Recreation staff on the construction. Pedestrian Safety Improvement Plans at Diamond Heights Boulevard/Sussex Street/Elk Street Status update from Kimberly Leung and Casey Hildreth of the SFMTA. […]
New owner found for Glen Park Hardware
Glen Park Hardware will live again! Things looked bleak for the continuation of a hardware store in Glen Park after Hal and Susan Tauber retired on August 31, 2016. They’d put their store up for sale but there had been no serious offers so after a massive sale they closed up shop. “Then, at the […]
Garbage Collection Rate Increase
Forwarded from SFDPW: DPW workshop: Tues, October 18, 4 – 6 p.m., SF City Hall, Room 418 Recology, the San Francisco refuse collection and processing company, has notified the City and County of San Francisco of its intention to submit an application for a rate increase. Public Works will be holding a workshop to ensure that […]
BART Track Repair Ends
In the “better late than never” category of news, this is forwarded from BART, which published the news on Sept. 20: Track repair project near Daly City wraps up weeks ahead of schedule Excellent news for weekend BART passengers—the trackway construction and repair project between Daly City and Balboa Park stations has been completed weeks […]
Forwarded from the SFMTA: SFMTA is wrapping up its evaluation of the Residential Parking Permit program and wants your input. Based on our extensive research and the input we have received through our many meetings with residents, neighborhood and business groups, we have developed a set of proposed policy changes that will address the problems […]
Glen Park NERT Gets New Momentum
By Bonnee Waldstein You’ve heard the question a million times – “Are you ready for the Big One?” If your answer is no, you’re taking a big gamble. If you say yes, chances are you could be doing more – a lot more – to prepare for the next earthquake or other major disaster. Recent forecasts […]
Highland Bridge Fence
After much delay, the fencing is going up beneath the Highland Street Bridge to keep people from camping under the structure. Crews expect to finish work by Oct. 31. See pix and read more here:
BART elevator repair
Forwarded from BART. Contact info at the bottom of the post. Elevator Flooring Repair Work Glen Park 10/3 to 10/7/2016 We will begin work at Glen Park Station to replace the floor in the elevator that serves the platform for all trains Monday, October 3. The work will take approximately until Friday, October 7. We will be upgrading the […]
Free and Fun: The Jungle Book
Join Sutter Health-CPMC 2020 for an evening of family entertainment with a FREE outdoor movie screening of The Jungle Book. Grab your picnic blanket, pack some snacks and join us for a night of family night of fun! Movie begins at 7:00 p.m. or dusk Saturday, Sept. 24th The Jungle Book Glen Canyon Park At […]
NERT emergency training Wed. Sept. 21st
Please join us for our end-of-summer meeting Wed. Sep 21, 6:30-7:30pm at Glen Park Library. We will challenge you with how WE, Glen Park, should prepare and plan for the Big One. PLUS we need volunteers to assist with the creation of the Glen Park map. If you plan on attending, please RSVP to Susanna […]
SJA Off-Ramp Two Lanes Again
Per Caltrans’ studies that were seconded by a third-party engineering company, the northbound San Jose Avenue off-ramp is returning to two lanes. “Caltrans has completed the resurfacing work on the northbound San Jose Avenue off-ramp off of I-280 as of yesterday, and that temporary striping is in place. The contractor is scheduled to install the […]
So long and thanks for a great 38 years of Glen Park Hardware
The final day of Glen Park Hardware came on Wednesday, August 31, when Hal and Susan Tauber closed the door on 38 years of supplying Glen Park with everything from nails to mouse traps to mops. No buyer came forward to purchase the businesses, so in their usual calm, methodical way the Taubers shut down and closed up. A new […]
Coyote encounter/sighting survey
Hello Neighbors: Could you (and others in your household) please fill out a short survey — Opinions, sightings, and encounters with coyotes in San Francisco? It’s only 13 questions — and should take only a few minutes to complete! The questions are simple and non-weighted, with a place to elaborate in your own words. Also, we […]
Meet the Fleet: New trains will showcase many environmentally friendly features The engineers tasked with designing BART’s Fleet of the Future faced an unenviable feat: creating train cars even more environmentally friendly than the current ones, which are already among the nation’s best on that score. “These are going to be extremely energy-efficient cars,” […]
The Mysterious Case of the Brompton on Brompton Street
By Elizabeth Weise The strange and wonderful still happens every day, we just don’t always know it. Take the surprising case of a stolen bespoke bike that found its way across the Bay and back to its owner with the aid of a sharp-eyed Glen Park resident and a surprising coincidence. It all started on […]
95 Norhoff redwood tree move approved
The Board of Appeals has approved a plan to move a redwood tree at 95 Norhoff. Thirteen months ago the board denied a permit to remove the tree so that the lot could be subdivided into four individual parcels of property. The board reconsidered the matter in April, but deadlocked 2-2 with an absent board member. On August 17, […]
Check out the Joost & Baden Mini-Park
Story and photos by Murray Schneider If you’re up for a walk, take a moment to amble over to Sunnyside’s Joost & Baden Mini-Park. Tucked away between Joost Avenue and Mangels Avenue, the whimsical corridor is sandwiched between the Sunnyside Conservatory on the south and Nordhoff Street on the north. San Francisco boasts a plethora […]
Get ready for the Big one with NERT
Find out more about NERT: the Neighborhood Emergency Response Team on Wednesday, September 21 from 6:30-7:30pm at Glen Park Library. NERTers will show a short video and then challenge talk about how WE, Glen Park, should prepare and plan for emergencies. Please contact Susanna Russo for more information – More information about NERT here.
Diamond Hts Blvd Median Planting
Forwarded from Paul Matalucci, the neighborhood dynamo and organizing energy behind improvements to Diamond Heights Boulevard: Hello supporters of the Diamond Heights Blvd. Median Project, I’m pleased to let you know that our Phase 1 planting continues to look healthy and colorful more than two years after initial planting. (Phase 1, as you may recall, […]
Free SF Mime Troupe show in Glen Canyon Park
Thanks to your GPA membership dollars, our neighborhood association was able to offer the SF Mime Troupe a $1,000 grant this year, and they were able to offer us a performance of this year’s show (“Schooled”) in Glen Canyon Park. Join your neighbors and friends in the park this Saturday, August 13, for the free show! Music […]
Glen Park BART board seat up for grabs
BART’s District 9 board seat, held for almost 20 years by Tom Radulovich, is up for grabs. Radulovich has announced he will not seek re-election. The seat covers BART’s 16th Street Mission, 24th Street Mission, Glen Park, Civic Center, and Powell Street stations, as well as a portion of the Balboa Park station. At least three people have announced […]
Political Forum with Chiu and Wiener
Supervisor Scott Wiener will join Assembly Member David Chiu at a forum where community members can learn about Assembly Member. Chiu’s work in Sacramento and provide feedback on issues of concern to them, at the state or local level. The forum will be on Saturday, August 20, from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Upper […]
3 Injured in GP Vehicle Rollover
A long-time Glen Park neighbor lost control of her Volvo coming down Whitney Street and plowed into several parked cars before rear-ending and tipping a Mini Cooper and finally crashing into a parked car near the bottom of the street. Three people, including the Volvo driver, were injured but none severely, according to witnesses. This […]
Input On Chief of Police Selection
Forwarded from NextDoor, posted there by SFPD: Community Input Regarding Chief of Police Selection Process The purpose of this post is to inform you about the recruitment process for the San Francisco Chief of Police and ask for your help in soliciting community input. To complement the comprehensive recruitment process for your next Chief of […]
GPA Quarterly Meeting Notes
By Bonnee Waldstein The summer meeting covered a number of topics, new and old, that are of interest to Glen Park. GPA GRANTS GPA President Michael Rice presented a two thousand dollar grant from the GPA to the San Francisco Mime Troupe, who will perform in Glen Canyon Park in August. The grant will defray the […]
String of trails addition helps connect Glen Park
Story and photos by Murray Schneider While not exactly a stairway to heaven, the recently completed Beacon Trail is comprised of 74 steps, which ascend to Diamond Heights’ Walter Haas Playground from Upper Noe’s Beacon Street. More about the opening here. The latest addition to the Recreation and Park Department’s greenbelt mosaic of connector trails, […]
New Trees May Be Planted in Glen Park Soon
By Bonnee Waldstein At the summer meeting of the Glen Park Association last Thursday, president Michael Rice announced that Friends of the Urban Forest (FUF), which works with neighborhoods to increase street tree planting in San Francisco, will have a tree-planting day in September. The area will encompass the neighborhoods of Glen Park, Miraloma, and […]
S/B Ocean Ave Offramp Closures
Forwarded from NextDoor, which forwarded from Westwood Park Association, which forwarded from SFMTA. If you have comments or questions, please contact Cristina Padilla of SFMTA, whose information is at the bottom of her message. ——————- I am reaching out from the SFMTA to inform you about some upcoming construction impacts as part of the Balboa Park Station […]
Beacon Street Trail Opening
By Chris Faust Thanks to local resident, tireless volunteer and faithful correspondentChris Faust of Upper Noe Neighbors/Friends of Noe Valley Rec Center/Friends of Upper Noe Dog Owners Group for providing this account of the opening of the Beacon Street Trail! See a slideshow of Chris’s pictures from the day on the Upper Noe Neighbors Facebook page. […]
Closures Affect GP BART service
There will be no service between Daly City and GP BART on specific weekends. Please click on the detailed flyer attached. (We didn’t get a text version.) gp_bart_service1
Glen Park Hardware retirement party
A crowd of dozens of well wisher came to Glen Park Hardware on on Saturday, July 9 to say good-bye to Hal and Susan Tauber who are retiring after 38 years of supplying the neighborhood with everything from nails to mouse traps to mops. The party was catered by many neighborhood restaurants. The owners of the building next […]
Garden in the Sunnyside Conservatory Saturday, July 23rd.
Greetings to all Gardeners and Willing Weed Pullers; Please join us and garden in the Sunnyside Conservatory between 9:00 AM and noon on Saturday, July 23rd. If you can’t spend the entire time in the garden, please note…we are grateful for any time you can spare to help out. The grass continues to grow. Your […]
GPA July Meeting
Glen Park Association Quarterly Meeting July 14, 2016 – 7:00 pm St. John School (Please enter from Chenery Street) Agenda GPA updates 2016 GPA Grant Program Award to the San Francisco Mime Troupe Neighborhood updates District 8 Supervisor Scott Wiener CleanPowerSF San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) representatives will discuss and answer questions about CleanPowerSF, […]
SFMTA to Pilot GP Route for Shuttles
Corporate shuttle buses will test the Glen Park BART station as a pick up and drop off location starting July 11, according to a memo circulated to Genentech employees in late June. Buses longer than 35 feet quit using the street in February of this year when the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency rolled out […]
BART Service Disruption
Forwarded from BART: BART will have no trains running between Daly City BART Station and Glen Park BART Station on multiple weekends between the end of July and October. BART must perform critical track safety repairs between those stations as well as station improvements at Balboa Park Station. There will be some accommodation for passengers […]
Transportation Revenue Measure Discussion
Forwarded from SFCTA: You’re Invited to a Telephone Town Hall for a Proposed Transportation Revenue Measure Date: Wednesday, June 29, 2016 Time: 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Join a telephone town hall to learn about a proposed Transportation Revenue Measure and Expenditure Plan for placement on San Francisco’s November 2016 ballot. Funding would go toward: Transit Service […]
Twin Peaks Redesign Project
Forwarded from: Melinda Stockmann, Project Manager, Trails Improvement Program. Her contact info is below if you would like to reply to her. Dear Twin Peaks Neighbors and Friends, Thank you for your continued interest in the Twin Peaks Figure 8 Redesign Project. This project, a joint effort of the SFMTA and Rec and Park Departments, […]
Greenway Cleanup Next Weekend!
Saturday, June 18 from 10 AM – 2 PM On the Greenway between Brompton and Lippard, along Bosworth Join us on Saturday, June 18 at 10 AM to clean and green the stretch of the Glen Park Greenway between Brompton and Lippard streets. We’ll celebrate and get to know each other over a late-lunch community […]
No Development on the BART Lot
At the last GPA meeting, a BART rep said there are no plans for development on the lot in the near the future. As the fabulous Bonnee Waldstein wrote in her thorough notes: Tim Chan, the station planner for the Daly City to Powell Street stations, addressed the local situation at the Glen Park station. […]
Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project wins award
From our friends at the History Project: GPNHP TO RECEIVE AWARD FROM THE SAN FRANCISCO HISTORY ASSOCIATION! We are very proud to announce that the GPNHP is to be the recipient of the Walter G. Jebe, Sr. Neighborhood Award from the San Francisco History Association, “… presented each year to a person or organization for focusing on local neighborhood […]
Walter Haas connector trail is now open
Stories and photos by Bonnee Waldstein The trail connecting Billy Goat Hill with Walter Haas Playground opened as planned, sometime this week – and just in time for the Memorial Day weekend. The trail was a project of San Francisco Department of Recreation and Parks. (See Glen Park News, Summer 2015, p. 14 for […]
Glen Park Crime Report April 26 – May 23, 2016
Tuesday, April 26th, 2016 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Wednesday, April 27th, 2016 11:08am O’Shaughnessy/Malta Traffic Collision Thursday, April 28th, 2016 Nothing to report from Glen Park. Friday, April 29th, 2016 10:00pm Unit Blk Conrad Hot Prowl Burglary A painting project turned out to be an unintended invitation for a burglar. The victim told […]
Diamond/Bosworth udpate
The Glen Park Association Transportation Committee asked SFMTA for an update on the Diamond/Bosworth intersection. SFMTA’s estimations and updates are below: GPA: What is the progress on Phase 1 (Diamond/Bosworth intersection in terms of final striping and signals? Phase 1 completion: permanent striping was completed. Our signals shop is currently installing the final pieces for […]
Glen Park owl died from secondary rodenticide poisoning
By Murray Schneider The death of one of Glen Canyon’s great horned owls throws into stark relief the conundrum faced by areas working to both protect wildlife while also minimizing rodent infestations in homes and retail areas. Each spring hundreds of Glen Park residents go to see an owl pair and their yearly broods of […]
Walter Haas connector trail set to reopen
By Bonnee Waldstein The trail connecting Walter Haas Park with Billy Goat Hill will open the week of May 22, according to Joey Kahn of San Francisco’s Rec and Park department. The exact date has not been set, and there will be no ceremonial ribbon cutting. Folks will just need to wander up there and see for […]