The BOS Land Use and Transportation Committee will meet Monday, September 24, 1:30 p.m., in City Hall, room 250. See agenda here. The Public Works tree removal hearing will happen Monday, September 24, 5:30 p.m., in City Hall, room 416. See agenda here. Order No. 188422 To consider the removal of one (1) significant tree on private […]
Sort & Fold event to help the homeless this Saturday 9/22
Message from Nelson Barry, founder of Urban Angels SF: This Saturday (9/22) from 4 pm to 7 pm we are having our last Sort & Fold Pot Luck before next Tuesday’s Lava Mae Pop Up Care Village (PUCV). The sorting and folding will be from 4 pm to 4:45 pm at Urban Angels SF office […]
Mom Writes an Ode to Glen Park Before Moving
Lauren Tilston wrote a post on the Glen Park Parents’ online forum that attracted the attention of a lot of readers. She wasn’t looking for a high chair or asking about an after- school program or seeking a nanny share. The mother of two, ages 6 and 8, was leav- ing the neighborhood and wrote […]
City Agency Hearings + Mandelman Legislation
The BOS Land Use and Transportation Committee meets Monday, September 17, 1:30 p.m., in City Hall, room 250. See agenda here. The SFMTA Board of Directors meets Tuesday, September 18, 1 p.m., in City Hall, room 400. See agenda and supporting documents here. For all those interested in bikeshare, MTA is issuing its “mid-pilot analysis.” The slide deck was […]
10th Anniversary Retrospective: Tikkun Olam, on Diamond Street
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years. I’ve been seeing him for months now. But the first time he really registered was this summer. He stands outside Canyon Market, a white Styrofoam cup in his hand. Sometimes it’s […]
Movie Night in Glen Canyon Park Sept 15
Sutter Health is offering free movies in San Francisco parks again this year. Click on the picture below to read the flyer details:
Free Stop the Bleed Training, Sept. 27th at St. Aidan’s
Nan Slavin, an ER nurse and trainer for the national program called Stop the Bleed,, will conduct free training on Sept. 27th. This program is intended to cultivate grassroots efforts that encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. Stop the Bleed Training Thursday Sept. 27, 6:30 to […]
Taco With A Cop 9/19 at La Corneta
Join Ingleside Station police officers at La Corneta Wednesday, September 19, from 5 to 7 p.m. and ask that burning question: What’s the fastest speed you’ve gone in a high-speed chase? Or just chit chat. Click here for the flyer. What: Taco with a Cop Where: La Corneta, 2834 Diamond Street When: Wednesday, Sept. 19, […]
Kindness makes Eagles soar at neighborhood school
Forwarded from SF Chronicle: The athletic director at Saint John’s School has very high standards for parent coaches: They must have a pulse. He has voluntold me into basketball, baseball, cross-country and our current sport: futbol. I did ask him once, “When did we run out of straight fathers?” I have no qualifications. Back at […]
DHB Median Clean-Up Sept. 8
Forwarded from Paul Matalucci: Hello friends and supporters of the Diamond Heights Blvd. Median Project, You may have heard about Love our City! a City-wide clean up event focused on sweeping sidewalks and picking up trash (including median curbs and drains). To capitalize on their momentum and additional volunteers, we’re moving our next volunteer work day from this Saturday, […]
City Agency Hearings + Mandelman Legislation
The Board of Supervisors is out until September 4. Public Works will hold a tree removal hearing Monday, August 27, 5:30 p.m., in City Hall, room 416. See agenda here. To consider the removal one (1) significant tree without replacement adjacent to 42 Lippard St. The SFMTA Policy and Governance Committee meets Tuesday, August 28, 10 a.m., at 1 […]
Join the Greening of Glen Park
The Glen Park Greenway needs more volunteer waterers. Would you join us? The Greenway is an undeveloped public open space that many of us use as a green and pleasant way to walk between Glen Park village and Glen Canyon Park. Last December we planted about fifty trees along the Greenway and this month we […]
Citywide Cleanup Sept. 8
Forwarded from SF Public Works: We’re excited to let you know that Public Works is organizing LOVE YOUR CITY, a citywide cleanup for September 8 from 9am to 12pm. San Francisco is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and it takes teamwork to keep it looking good. On September 8, we’ll make a […]
City Agency Hearings + Mandelman Legislation
Your faithful reporter cheated last week and didn’t post. I don’t think we missed anything GP-related, however. The Board of Supervisors is out until September 4, so nothing missed there. This week we’re the Party Neighborhood! The SFMTA Board of Directors meets Tuesday, August 21, 1 p.m., in City Hall, room 400. See links to […]
Camp Mather workers, shut down by fires, come to Glen Canyon to work in the park
As wildfires continued taking their toll near Yosemite National Park in the fourth week of July, San Francisco Rec & Park officials closed Camp Mather, its City-run summer camp. As a result, McLaren Lodge administrators offered seasonal Mather employees an opportunity to come to Glen Park and work with its Natural Resource Division. Six young […]
Notes on the Quarterly Glen Park Association Meeting, July 26, 2018
DIAMOND/BOSWORTH INTERSECTION UPDATE First up was Britt Tanner, senior engineer with the Sustainable Streets program of SFMTA. She came to speak about the recent Diamond and Bosworth signal update. “I’m going to try and stay clear of history,” she said lightheartedly – and preemptively. Changes to the troubled intersection began in 2015 and are focused […]
City Agency Hearings + Mandelman Legislation
The Board of Supervisors will be in recess through September 3, 2018. There are no regularly scheduled meetings during this time. The next regularly scheduled Board of Supervisors meeting after recess, will be held on Tuesday, September 4, 2018. The Park, Recreation and Open Space Advisory Committee will meet Tuesday, August 7, 6:30 p.m. at McClaren […]
Mayor Breed honors Fix-It Team volunteers and throws more money into the program
Since last year, the Fix-It Team, initiated by Mayor Lee, has been busy in Glen Park, beautifying neglected open spaces. With the help of neighborhood volunteers and seven city agencies, the team has worked on clearing the Greenway and, more recently, made a big effort to clear trash and vegetation from the pathway along Arlington […]
Assault and attempted phone theft near BART thwarted by victim’s screams, passersby
An attack and attempted phone theft last week in broad daylight by the BART station was thwarted by a screaming victim and multiple passersby who came to the victim’s aid. While it ended well, it’s a reminder to always pay attention as you walk and not carry your phone where it’s visible. The assault took […]
Meet our new Supervisor Rafael Mandelman at the next GPA meeting
The Glen Park Association has a packed program for our upcoming quarterly meeting. In addition to Supervisor Mandelman, we have several other guests and topics. Here’s a chance to have your voice heard on issues affecting Glen Park! Thursday, July 26 7:00-9:00 PM Glen Park Recreation Center AGENDA: SFMTA – Diamond & Bosworth intersection update […]
A San Francisco original gone: Nancy Keane, Glen Park resident and long-time owner of the 3300 Club on Mission Street
Glen Park lost a Mission High School old girl on June 12. Nancy Mifflin Keane, who lived in the heart of the village, graduated from Mission, Class of 1954. On June 22, Keane’s daughter, Theresa Keane-Lama, sat in her Diamond Street home and reminisced about her mother, who was born in Noe Valley on July […]
Left turn signal being installed at Diamond and Bosworth
Photos by Michael Rice SFMTA installed a protected left-turn signal on southbound Diamond for vehicles turning left on to Bosworth on Wednesday July 18. This from SFMTA spokesperson Lolita Sweet: Just a heads up, to increase pedestrian safety, the project team is moving forward with Glen Park Association suggestions on signal strategy on Bosworth and […]
The call of the white-breasted nuthatch across Glen Canyon
By Murray Schneider Richard Craib raised his family on Turquoise Way, his backyard abutting the upper reaches of Glen Canyon. Now he’s overseeing a family of white-breasted nuthatches in the house he’s lived in since 1962. Craib sat recently in his living room, which overlooks a mini forest of pines, cypresses and redwoods. A barn […]
San Francisco Mayor-elect, Calif. Senator attend Laidley Street 4th of July parade
As they have for years now, the wonderful folks on Laidley street held their annual Fourth of July parade this year, featuring a stroll down the red-white-and-blue-festooned street, a reading of the Declaration of Independence by a costumed town crier, and a host of great food cooked up by neighbors. This year’s parade got two […]
10th Anniversary Retrospective: Rollicking Frolicking Pups Celebrate their New Play Area
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years. The scene was one of unabashed fun as canine guardians watched their dogs enjoy their inaugural romp in the newly renovated dog park at Walter Haas Playground in Diamond Heights. […]
Classes, camps and events at Glen Park Rec Center this summer
The Glen Canyon Recreation Center summer program began on May 29 and will continue through August 26. It offers a number of exercise classes, as well as pick-up basketball games, pickle ball matches and rock climbing drop-in schedules. Qi Gong, a holistic exercise system of coordinated body posture includes movement, breathing and meditation and is […]
Glen Park BART Station Praised for its Architecture
You need to persist in reading this column in Curbed, which highlights unsung buildings in San Francisco. Clocking in last on the list at #30 (but hey, it made the list!) is our very own Glen Park Bart station. View it here, as well as the “other” 29. UPDATE: Be sure to click on the link […]
Sunday: Reopening of the Walter Haas dog play area
From Rec & Park: We are delighted to invite you to the reopening of the Walter Haas Dog Play Area on Sunday, July 1st at 1:00 p.m. DATE Sunday, July 1st EVENT Reopening Celebration of the Walter Haas Playground Dog Play Area LOCATION […]
City Agency Hearings + Sheehy Legislation
The BOS Budget and Finance Committee meets Monday, June 18, 10 a.m., in City Hall, room 250. See agenda here. Public Comment for the Annual Budget for FY2018-2019 and FY2019-2020 for all Departments The SF County Transportation Authority (Treasure Island Mobility Management Agency) meets Tuesday, June 19, 10:30 a.m., in City Hall, room 263. See agenda here. […]
Heads Up: MUNI Service Changes Are Coming
SFMTA is improving transit service throughout San Francisco by providing bigger buses, more capacity, and increased service! On June 16 we’re rolling out another round of Muni Forward service improvements to a number of routes throughout the city. These service improvements include: Larger buses for more elbow room Increased number of buses to decrease bus […]
City Agency Hearings + Sheehy Legislation
The SFMTA Operations & Customer Service Committee will meet Tuesday, June 12, 3:30 p.m., at 1 South Van Ness Avenue, Noe Valley conference room. See agenda here. The Board of Supervisors will meet Tuesday, June 12, 2 p.m., in City Hall, room 250. See agenda here. The SFMTA Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee will meet Tuesday, June 12, 6 p.m., in City Hall, room 400. […]
Tiny Sunnyside Park Named One of SF’s Hidden Gems
The Joost and Baden Street Mini Park has been hailed as one of the City’s loveliest spots by Curbed SF. It’s #17 on the list. Here’s the link:
Extra, Extra, Read All About It!
Help keep the Glen Park News coming straight to your doorstep 4 times a year! It’s easy — volunteer to help get the newspaper delivered Glen Park-wide. Get some fresh air and meet your neighbors by becoming a bona fide Glen Park News carrier! The newspaper is published four times a year (March, June, September and […]
City Agency Hearings + Sheehy Legislation
Commute on the 101? Tired of sitting in the parking lot that is 101 during rush hour? Learn about SamTrans’ feasibility study for a US-101 Express Bus on Sunday, June 3, 11 a.m., at Sprekels Lake Activity Hub at JFK Dr and 36th Ave, by Sprekels Lake, Golden Gate Park. Click here to read the fact […]
Diamond Heights Improvements Project Continues….
Forwarded from Betsy Eddy of the Diamond Heights Neighborhood Association A Ruiz Construction, Co. under contract with San Francisco Public Works is scheduled to repave Diamond Heights Blvd between Clipper Street and Portola Drive. You may recall this segment was under construction last fall 2017 as part of the Diamond Heights Improvements Project. This small […]
City Agency Hearings + Sheehy Legislation
It’s a thin week because of the holiday. And what of last week’s request to extend the Planning Commission’s approval of a Glen Park Parking lot? Granted. See legislation here. The SFMTA Engineering Hearing happens Friday, June 1, 10 a.m., in City Hall, room 416. See agenda here. 7. Establish – Speed Humps Joost Avenue, between Baden […]
City Agency Hearings + Sheehy Legislation
The Interdepartmental Staff Committee on Traffic and Transportation for Temporary Street Closures (ISCOTT) meets Thuesday, May 24, 9 a.m., at 1 South Van Ness, room 7080. See agenda here. B. Laidley Street between Harper and Fairmount streets. Wednesday, July 4, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Neighborhood Block Party. The Board of Supervisors meets Tuesday, May 22, 2 p.m., in […]
SF Police Dept. Needs Your Input to Help Design Their New Website
Forwarded from Captain Jack Hart’s excellent Ingleside Station Newsletter — see p. 19 Read the entire newsletter for valuable information and insights into crimefighting in our Ingleside Station.
Happy Mother’s Day to Glen Park Moms
10th Anniversary Retrospective: The Guys from Gialina
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years. by Bonnee Waldstein Arriving at Gialina Pizzeria when the doors open at 5:00 PM, and the stroller crowd and early birds arrive, and before the bench and sidewalk outside fill up […]
Yes – a tree falling in Glen Park DOES make a sound
A Glen Park family walking their dog in Glen Canyon on Sunday morning caught amazing footage of a tree splitting apart and falling across the path just up from the rec center. The family was on the path when they heard a short crack in the trees and some rustling. After a few seconds they heard […]
Giant Powder Factory Gets Recognition of Landmark Status
By Bonnee Waldstein with thanks to Evelyn Rose and Susan Sutton It took almost three decades, but Glen Canyon Park now has the distinction of having an official California historical landmark plaque, prominently displayed at the park entrance. The park wasn’t always a place where children would imagine their own world in a wooden playhouse, […]
City Agency Hearings + Sheehy Legislation
The SFMTA Engineering, Maintenance and Safety Committee meets Wednesday, April 25, 4 p.m., 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 7th floor. See agenda here. Nothing GP but they’re talking about scooter permits, which is hot in the news right now. Here’s the presentation. The Board of Supervisors meets Tuesday, April 24, 2 p.m., in City Hall, room 250. See agenda […]
How in the World?? You’re all making it Work!
by Eric Whittington Photo: Michelle Gachet, SF Chronicle Sales are up! Five or six weeks ago, we let you know that things were tight once again. Hey, it happens! The news is full of good news about independent bookstores being on an upswing, and it could well be true– but it’s still a tough slog, […]
Vote for Glen Park!
Vote for the Greenway, Bernal Cut and Diamond Heights projects, and help spend $250,000 allocated for neighborhood improvements! Check out the participatory budgeting ballot here: Voting will be open until midnight on May 1st, and you can choose *up to 10* projects! What is Participatory Budgeting? A democratic process that gives communities the opportunity to […]
Easy Way to Report BART Crime
Forwarded from the BART website: Report criminal or suspicious activity with “BART Watch” App BART Watch is a free mobile app for both iOS and Android that allows you to quickly and discreetly report criminal or suspicious activity directly to BART Police. Use BART Watch to send a text description of what you’re seeing, attach […]
Landmark Day in Glen Canyon
Forwarded from Evelyn Rose of the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project: I’m very excited to share that the construction of the concrete footer for the plaque for California Historical Landmark No. 1002 is now being built! This structure will hold the plaque commemorating the first dynamite factory in the United States – Giant Powder Company […]
City Agency Hearings + Sheehy Legislation
The Assessment Appeals Board meets Monday, April 16, 9:30 a.m., in City Hall, room 406. See agenda here. 3) Hearing, discussion, and possible action involving: APPLICATION: 2017-0769 APPLICANT: SWANN, JESSICA PARCEL NO.: 6706 060 PARCEL ADDRESS: 0729 CONGO ST, TOPIC: Decline in Value CURRENT ASSESSMENT: $2,562,997.00 APPLICANT’S OPINION: $1,495,000.00 TAXABLE YEAR: 2017 APPEAL TYPE: Real […]
Earth Day on Arlington — Whack-a-Weed!
Join your neighbors and whack some weeds this Earth Day (Saturday, April 21) from 9 a.m. to noon on the Glen Park side of the Bernal Cut. Meet at 9 a.m. at Roanoke and Arlington or find us in the weeds until noon! What the Mayor’s Fix-It Team will bring: gloves, clippers, trash pickers, trash […]
Reminder: GPA Quarterly Meeting April 19
Please join us Thursday, April 19, 7 p.m., in the Glen Canyon Recreation Center for an evening of neighborhood news: Agenda: -California State Senator Scott Wiener gives an update from Sacramento -San Francisco Supervisor Jeff Sheehy gives a neighborhood update -Kimberlee West, SFPUC, gives a presentation on the water and sewer rate increase -A representative […]