Greetings from Ingleside Station! As we step into the new year, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on the successes of January and look ahead to February. January Recap: A Month of Dedication and Results We had a productive start to the year, with our officers and sergeant working tirelessly to keep our […]
Mail Theft and You 1/21
The United States Postal Police will talk about mail theft and other concerns at this month’s Ingleside Community meeting. There will be time after the presentation to ask questions. Community Meeting with Captain Hurwitz In-person at the SFPD Ingleside Station 1 Sgt John V Young Lane, at San Jose Ave. near Balboa Pool January 21, […]
September 2024 SFPD Ingleside Station Newsletter
Hello Ingleside Community! Our National Night out on 8/6/24 here at Ingleside side Station was a big success! I would like to acknowledge the members of the Ingleside Community Police Advisory Board (CPAB) for their hard work and dedication in putting the event together. Huge thanks to Annie Hsia, Anna Liao, Kelvin Chan, Rex Tabora, […]
Fatal accident in busy intersection of Glen Park–Update
At the monthly SFPD Ingleside Community Meeting, the Glen Park News asked about the status of the investigation. Officer James George, substituting for Captain Amy Hurwitz, said the information is still scanty. The case has been turned over to the Traffic Company, a unit of SFPD. Due to staffing shortages in that department, it’s […]
June 2024 SFPD Ingleside Station Newsletter
Happy June to you and everyone in the Ingleside Station Community! Summer is just around the corner, and we are looking forward to it. However, it’s not all fun and games. Summer brings the law enforcement community some different challenges. Summer is the time when many of us go on vacation, leaving our homes unattended. […]
May 2024 SFPD Ingleside Station Newsletter
Happy May to you and everyone in the Ingleside Station Community! Summer is just around the corner, and we are looking forward to it. However, it’s not all fun and games. Summer brings the law enforcement community some different challenges. Summer is the time when many of us go on vacation, leaving our homes unattended. […]
March 2024 SFPD Ingleside Station Newsletter
Hello Ingleside People! Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter. As you scroll through, you will see important safety tips on a variety of topics. The newest being, information on how to protect yourself and your loved ones from scams that target the elderly in our community. Take a moment to review […]
Glen Park Merchants Assn. VP named Ingleside Station’s Citizen of the Month
Congratulations, Marian!
The Superbowl: Local traffic tips from the Ingleside Station
On Sunday, February 11, 2024, the San Francisco 49ers will play the Kansas City Chiefs in Super Bowl # 58, with kickoff scheduled for 3:30 PM. The Ingleside Police district is home to very enthusiastic 49ers fans. If the 49ers win, Ingleside Station anticipates post-game celebrations spilling out into the streets within the Ingleside Police District. […]
Towel Donations for Shelter Animals
Hello, Ingleside Community! We hope the new year finds you safe, and doing well. San Francisco Animal Care and Control (S.F.A.C.C.) is in dire need of towels for the animals in their shelter. The members of Ingleside Station started a collection, and we already delivered our first box full of towels for use by the […]
Ingleside Station welcomes new captain
The Ingleside Station has a new Captain, Amy Hurwitz. Even though Captain Hurwitz is new to the rank of captain, she is a veteran of Ingleside Station, having worked here from 2005-2012 as a patrol officer and a plainclothes officer. Captain Hurwitz is very familiar with the Ingleside District and has an excellent understanding of […]
Very bad accident at 280 offramp/Monterey this morning
(The Glen Park News will update as we get more information.) About 6:40 this morning, the car in this photo rear ended a car out of frame at a high rate of speed. There was an SFPD police car right there, and I may have heard its siren just before the impact. I took these […]
Recap of Ingleside Station Community Meeting June 20
Ingleside Station holds monthly in-person community meetings the third Tuesday of the month at 6pm at the station, 1 Sgt. John V. Young Lane. Acting Captain Kevin Knoble conducted this month’s meeting. The next monthly meeting will be Tuesday, July 18 at 6 pm, with Captain Derrick Lew. San Francisco Police Department: Acting Capt. Knoble […]
San Francisco Police and Supervisor Engardio Launch Catalytic Converter Etching Program
San Francisco Supervisor Joel Engardio, the San Francisco Police Department and partnerships with local businesses are offering catalytic converter etching to deter theft for San Francisco residents. Residents can have their catalytic converter etched for free by going to a participating auto shop. This new program is being launched at this event below. Scheduling an appointment is […]
SFPD concludes virtual town hall for May 19th officer-involved shooting on Bosworth Street
Virtual event provided preliminary information gathered from ongoing investigations, which will continue to develop as multiple independent investigations continue. SAN FRANCISCO (May 26, 2023) — The San Francisco Police Department has concluded its virtual town hall on the May 19, 2023, officer-involved shooting incident that occurred between uniformed San Francisco Police officers and […]
Officer Involved Shooting Town Hall Meeting Scheduled for Friday
As part of the San Francisco Police Department’s commitment to accountability and transparency with our community, a virtual town hall meeting will be held on Friday, May 26, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. to provide the community with an update on the investigation of the officer-involved shooting that occurred on the 100 block of Bosworth Street […]
GPA Quarterly Mtg 4/20
A reminder to please join us Thursday, April 20, for the Glen Park Association spring quarterly meeting, which will be held on Zoom from 7 to 8:30 PM. Register for the meeting by clicking here. AGENDA Discussion of traffic enforcement, plus a precinct update and safety tips from Ingleside Station Precinct Lt. Kevin Noble Discussion of […]
Bank of America ATM burglarized
(Glen Park News note: A resident wanting to use the ATM was told by the repairman that it would be out of order for one month.) On 10/10/22 at approximately 2:08 a.m., San Francisco Police Officers from Ingleside Station responded to the 2800 block of Diamond Street regarding a report of a burglary. Officers arrived […]
The saga of the Peter Rocha case comes full circle
A mentally ill homeless man who frequents Glen Park and spent a year in jail and a year in a locked psychiatric ward after an elderly resident died subsequent to an altercation with him, is back in the neighborhood. On June 10, Peter Rocha was acquitted of murder in the May 2020 death of Leo […]
Fireworks safety tips for people and pets & how and when to report to SFPD
The current Ingleside Station newsletter has a lot of valuable advice about fireworks issues on this July 4 weekend. Read the newsletter here.
Notable Ingleside Arrest
Although every arrest and incident occurring in the Ingleside District isn’t mentioned in our weekly newsletter, our officers are out there every day, working to make the Ingleside District a safer place. In this section of our newsletter (subscribe here),we wish to highlight incidents that demonstrate the excellent work being done by our officers, as […]
GPA Mtg 4/21
Spring 2022 Quarterly Meeting Meet Our New Ingleside Police Captain and Hear from Supervisor Mandelman The Glen Park Association Spring Quarterly Meeting Thursday, April 21, 2022 7 p.m. Register via Zoom here (but we have hope for an in-person meeting this summer!) Agenda Announcement of 2022 GPA Grant recipients Michael Rice to speak in memory […]
Tense situation in Glen Park village ends peacefully
The usual morning rush hour crush in Glen Park village was further complicated around 8:30 am Thursday morning due to an incident at the Dignity Health Urgent Care clinic at the northeast corner of Diamond and Bosworth streets. A man, apparently in a mental health crisis, drew an extraordinary—for Glen Park—response from SFPD. According to […]
Derrick Lew is Ingleside Station’s new captain
The Ingleside Station has a new Captain, Derrick Lew. He replaces Nicole Jones, the former captain who was promoted to Commander in December 2021. Captain Lew is expected to lead the Ingleside for at least the next two years. Read about him and other Ingleside news in the Ingleside Station weekly newsletter. You can also […]
Say hello to Ingleside Acting Captain Knoble
Read more about our Acting Captain Kevin Knoble inside the weekly Ingleside Station Newsletter along with district crime details, safety tips and other items of interest.
Ingleside Captain Nicole Jones promoted to Commander
Congratulations and good luck to Commander Nicole Jones!
SFPD recognizes Glen Park citizen volunteer
Below, the item from the August 20 Ingleside Station Newsletter: “Ingleside Citizen of the Month / August 2021 The Citizen of the Month for August is Marian Dalere. Marian is a native first generation San Franciscan, who was raised and went to school in the Glen Park neighborhood. Marian followed in her mother’s footsteps and […]
Ingleside Precinct Newsletter
Hello, Ingleside Community! We are knee deep in summer, and wading into July. Fireworks continue to be on the forefront of the community’s mind. To piggyback off last month’s message, please call 311 if you see someone lighting off fireworks, can give an exact location of occurrence, and can describe the suspect. Please call 911 […]
Recent crime in Glen Park
Please note recent criminal activity in Glen Park: Saturday, June 26, 2021 Serious incidents: 08:00 a.m. 300 Block of Surrey St. Burglary Officers Johnson and Yu responded to a report of a residential burglary. The victim stated that he entered his garage in the morning and found that the garage door had a broken window, […]
Welcome, new Ingleside Station captain
As we transition into March, we find ourselves in a state of change here at Ingleside Station as well. As many of our readers are aware, district station captains are rotated throughout different assignments in our department, with both newly-promoted and tenured captains being transferred to new assignments. With that said, please join us in […]
Notes from the Glen Park/Diamond Heights Public Safety Town Hall
Several crimes involving firearms have rocked our two neighborhoods in recent months. In response, a town hall public meeting was held on February 17. The latest incident was a drive by shooting on Sunday, January 24 at 3:00 p.m., at the intersection of Chenery Street and Brompton Avenue. A young man had dropped his mother […]
Sunday afternoon drive-by shooting at Chenery and Brompton leaves young man injured
Sunday afternoon saw the second drive-by shooting in two months in Glen Park, leaving a young man in stable condition at San Francisco General Hospital and the Glen Park neighborhood shaken. It began at approximately 4:40 p.m. on Sunday when a 25-year-old man dropped his mother off for work on Bosworth street and then turned […]
Glen Park Police Blotter
Note: Ingleside Station, by direction of Captain Woon, has compiled recent incidents reported by Glen Park residents. This is one reason it’s so important to report ALL incidents to SFPD. The more they hear from us, the more police resources are dispatched to keep Glen Park safe. The Ingleside non-emergency phone number is (415) 404-4000. […]
Captain Woon addresses sideshows
There has been a lot of concern expressed online about recent sideshow activity in San Francisco. Oftentimes residents are aware of the noise coming from somewhere but are not sure of the location. The Glen Park Association safety committee reached out to Captain Woon about this after an event over the weekend. He also addressed […]
Public Safety Mtg July 30
For its summer quarterly meeting, the Glen Park Association has joined the Diamond Heights Community Association and Upper Noe Neighbors to present an area-wide meeting: Public Safety: Where We are Now and Where We are Going Featuring San Francisco Police Department Chief Bill Scott, Ingleside Station Captain Christopher Woon and District 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman. […]
Shots fired in Glen Park village on Thursday night
Thursday evening at 6:15 p.m., San Francisco police officers responded to the area of Wilder and Diamond on a report of shots being fired. As a result of their investigation, they determined two males had an altercation that eventually led to gunfire. No one was struck or injured by the bullets but several cars and […]
Homicide in Glen Canyon Park this morning, May 25
We’ve received confirmation from Captain Woon of Ingleside Station of a homicide in the park this morning. Here is the press release — note the appeal to contact the tip line if you have any information. On Monday, May 25, 2020 at approximately 8:15 AM, San Francisco Police officers from Ingleside Station responded to the unit block […]
COVID-19: Ingleside Police Station closes for cleaning after officers potentially exposed
Read Mission Local’s post here: COVID-19: Ingleside Police Station closes for cleaning after officers potentially exposed
Notes on the winter meeting of the Glen Park Association
Photos by Michael Waldstein The quarterly meeting had a great turnout – folks were anxious to hear from several local leaders who came to give updates and hear about neighborhood concerns. First up– Introducing Ingleside Captain Christopher Woon: Captain Chris Woon made his first appearance since assuming his position at the Ingleside Station. Born and […]
GPA Quarterly Mtg Jan 23
Join your friends and neighbors for the Glen Park Association Quarterly Winter Meeting on January 23, 2020, 7 to 8:45 p.m., at the Glen Park Recreation Center off of Elk Street. This time we meet in the larger room. Call it what you will: the room with the fireplace, the auditorium, the room with the […]
Community Meeting at Ingleside Station
Please join us at Ingleside Station Community Room. Come to talk about district crimes and updates, upcomng events and responses to questions and concerns in our community. Tuesday, August 20, 2019 7 – 9 pm 1 Sgt. John V. Young Lane San Francisco, CA 94112
Message from Captain Hart about this week’s burglaries
I have just posted to NextDoor seeking the neighborhood’s help with any surveillance video of these incidents: The following 4 commercial burglaries have occurred in the Glen Park neighborhood in the past week: 1) 7/21 overnight to 22, Destination Baking Company. 598 Chenery St. 190-529-930 2) 7/21 overnight to 22 – Higher Grounds Coffee – […]
Glen Park Association spring meeting wrap-up
The quarterly meeting took place in the Recreation Center on April 25. Update on crime and other matters in Glen Park Captain Hart had just come from a fire safety meeting in Diamond Heights and had some helpful information to share. There are two separate access points to Glen Canyon Park. The official address is […]
10th Anniversary Retrospective: Curious police presence in Glen Park
To celebrate the Glen Park Association Website turning ten years old, we are reposting some of our favorite stories from the last ten years. There was an overwhelming police presence outside Higher Grounds late Tuesday morning. Their comportment suggested they weren’t there responding to a mob hit job, thankfully. They were standing there schmoozing among […]
Haunted Halloween
There’s no denying that Halloween is quite the event in Glen Park — from the day-of parades at both Glen Park Montessori and Glen Park Elementary, to the nighttime festivities along and around Chenery street — Glen Park celebrates with enthusiasm and abandon. For the first time, San Francisco’s Ingleside Police station, with the guidance […]
Haunting Chenery Street on October 31!
Thanks to the Glen Park Association, SFPD Captain Jack Hart and Liveable Streets, this year Chenery Street between Diamond and Elk will be officially closed on Halloween so the mob of trick-or-treating tykes can rove safely through the neighborhood. Click on the picture of the map below to get a PDF version you can actually […]
Taco With A Cop 9/19 at La Corneta
Join Ingleside Station police officers at La Corneta Wednesday, September 19, from 5 to 7 p.m. and ask that burning question: What’s the fastest speed you’ve gone in a high-speed chase? Or just chit chat. Click here for the flyer. What: Taco with a Cop Where: La Corneta, 2834 Diamond Street When: Wednesday, Sept. 19, […]
Hit and run crashes on Chenery Street
Two recent hit and run crashes on Chenery St. are reminders that the dangers of driving don’t end once you’re parked. Certainly cars in San Francisco are sideswiped all the time, whether from people losing control on tiny roadways or simply traveling too fast on surface streets. These usually result in a smashed sideview mirror or […]
SF Police Dept. Needs Your Input to Help Design Their New Website
Forwarded from Captain Jack Hart’s excellent Ingleside Station Newsletter — see p. 19 Read the entire newsletter for valuable information and insights into crimefighting in our Ingleside Station.
Vehicular Crime In Glen Park Produces a Lot of Chatter
The Ingleside Station issues a list of criminal acts in Glen Park that are reported to police; it’s posted periodically on the Glen Park Bulletin Board Yahoo group site. A review of this report from January through September of this year indicates that vehicular crime is a major source of criminal activity in the neighborhood. […]