Neighbors and friends had a congenial gathering at the Burnside Avenue cul-de-sac the evening of Friday, June 18. This one block street, along with its sister street to the east, Chilton Avenue, are known for their tight-knit family atmosphere and friendly vibe–like a little town within Glen Park. The occasion was the kick-off of an […]
Greenway Trail Work Starts June 14
Delayed for two months due to supply chain issues, work on the Glen Park Greenway trail is finally scheduled to begin Monday, June 14. The trail will be improved between Brompton and Chilton avenues, which means the Greenway for those two blocks will be closed for approximately 4 to 6 weeks. Trail access from Burnside Avenue […]
The Greenway oak woodland is growing! Goodbye wire cages
The California oak woodland on the Glen Park Greenway is reaching new heights and the time has come for most of the young trees to be freed from their protective wire cages. Each year, mainly during the month of March, coast live oaks like the ones planted along the Greenway put on a growth spurt. […]
Celebrate May Day at the Glen Park Greenway Work Party
Please join us at our next Glen Park Greenway Work Party on Saturday May 1 from 9:00am to 12:00pm. We’ll also have a short Zoom meetings at 7 p.m. on Tuesday April 27 to answer any questions that you have about the work that we plan to do on May Day. If you’re planning to come […]
Greenway Closure Delayed to May
Edit on May 16, 2021: The project to improve the surface of the Glen Park Greenway trail has been delayed pending delivery of required materials. Read more about that work here. Originally scheduled to start in April, the Glen Park Greenway trail improvements are now scheduled to start around May 1. During construction, the first […]
Tulip and Daffodil Bulb Planting
Please join Friends of The Glen Park Greenway for a tulip and daffodil bulb planting. Masks and social distancing will be required for planting volunteers. All ages welcome! Saturday March 20 10am – 2pm Sunday March 21 10am – 2pm Glen Park Greenway (Behind St. John’s School)
Greenway Trail Work & Info Mtg
The Glen Park Greenway has received funding to improve the segments of trail between Brompton Avenue and Chilton Avenue and has retained a contractor to begin work in early May. Construction on a small segment of the trail between Chilton Avenue and Burnside Avenue might also occur. This work will result in closure of the […]
Glen Park Greenway Meeting Video
Hello Friends and Supporters of the Glen Park Greenway. Many thanks to those of you who joined our virtual meeting yesterday evening to discuss the Trail Improvement Project. Here is a link to the recording of the meeting. I will delete this recording in about one month: Password: k$4@M3.i Unfortunately I forgot to start the recording […]
Greenway Meeting
Hello friends and supporters of the Glen Park Greenway, Here’s some great news about the Glen Park Greenway: Please join us in a Zoom meeting at 6:00pm on Thursday, August 6, to learn about the Trail Improvement project that we are about to begin on the Greenway between Brompton Avenue and Chilton Avenue. The meeting […]
Greenway Update Winter 2020
We had a very productive and entertaining morning at the last Greenway work day. The weather turned out to be ideal for us. Many thanks to the wonderfully enthusiastic gardeners who were able to join us. A special shout out to Canyon Market for providing such delicious coffee to get us started in the morning. […]
Greenway Work Party Jan 18
Hello Friends and Supporters of the Glen Park Greenway, Here’s a reminder that our next work party will be on Saturday January 18, 2020. We’ll start at 9:00 – there’ll be coffee waiting for you Meet at the top of the Chilton Ave cul-de-sac beside 88 Chilton Ave. We’ll stop at 12:00 – we’ll provide […]
Glen Park Association spring meeting wrap-up
The quarterly meeting took place in the Recreation Center on April 25. Update on crime and other matters in Glen Park Captain Hart had just come from a fire safety meeting in Diamond Heights and had some helpful information to share. There are two separate access points to Glen Canyon Park. The official address is […]
Greenway Updates Spring 2019
We had a very productive and entertaining morning on the Greenway on Saturday May 4, 2019. The weather turned out to be ideal for our outdoor activity. Many thanks to the wonderfully enthusiastic gardeners who were able to join us, especially the first-timers in our group: Kiera, Elinor, Dave and Brook Ray. It was great […]
Greenway Work Party May 4
Hello friends and supporters of the Glen Park Greenway, Our next work party will be on Saturday May 4! I hope that you’ll be able to join us. Please email me to tell me if you will be there. We’ll start at 9:00 – there’ll be coffee waiting for you Meet at the top of the […]
Greenway Signage Celebration March 23
Hello Friends and Supporters of the Glen Park Greenway, Please come to the celebration on the Greenway when we unveil the new Greenway sign and celebrate the completion of our first Tree-Planting Project. Saturday March 23 at 11:00am On the Greenway near Brompton Avenue Enjoy some coffee, cookies and other refreshments Representatives of our major […]
Next Greenway work party coming soon!
Hello friends and supporters of the Glen Park Greenway, Our next work party will be on Saturday February 16! I hope that you’ll be able to join us. We’ll start at 9:00 – there’ll be coffee waiting for you Meet at the top of the Chilton Ave cul-de-sac beside 88 Chilton Ave. We’ll stop at […]
Glen Park Association winter meeting rundown
The quarterly meeting of the Glen Park Association took place on Thursday, January 17, at the Glen Canyon Park recreation center. Here are some highlights. Supervisor Mandelman: Rafael Mandelman presented a legislative update and engaged in a Q & A for the first time since being sworn in as District 8 Supervisor. While declaring this […]
Greenway beautification event next Saturday
Hello friends and supporters of the Glen Park Greenway. Our next work party will be on Saturday January 26! I hope that you’ll be able to join us. We’ll start at 9:00 – there’ll be coffee waiting for you Meet at the top of the Chilton Ave cul-de-sac beside 88 Chilton Ave. We’ll stop at […]
Greenway Cleanup Dec. 15
Now that the smoke has cleared, join us on Saturday, December 15, 9 a.m. to noon, to plant, weed, mulch and eat. We’ll have coffee to start and sandwiches and cookies for lunch. RSVP here so we know how many people need food and do not waste it. We’ll meet at Chilton and focus on the […]
Saturday 11/10 Greenway workday has been canceled
See below for information from Greenway leader Nicholas Dewar: Hello Friends and Supporters of the Glen Park Greenway. We have cancelled the Greenway Work Party arranged for tomorrow, Saturday November 10. I’m very disappointed about this but the health of our wonderful volunteers is even more important than the condition of our wonderful Greenway! I […]
Greenway Cleanup Nov. 10!
Forwarded from Nicholas Dewar, project manager for the Glen Park Greenway: Hello Friends and Supporters of the Glen Park Greenway We will have a work party on Saturday November 10. I hope that you will be able to join us once again. The trees and shrubs that many of you helped plant during the last […]
Join the Greening of Glen Park
The Glen Park Greenway needs more volunteer waterers. Would you join us? The Greenway is an undeveloped public open space that many of us use as a green and pleasant way to walk between Glen Park village and Glen Canyon Park. Last December we planted about fifty trees along the Greenway and this month we […]
Notes on the Quarterly Glen Park Association Meeting, July 26, 2018
DIAMOND/BOSWORTH INTERSECTION UPDATE First up was Britt Tanner, senior engineer with the Sustainable Streets program of SFMTA. She came to speak about the recent Diamond and Bosworth signal update. “I’m going to try and stay clear of history,” she said lightheartedly – and preemptively. Changes to the troubled intersection began in 2015 and are focused […]
Two – Count ’em – Greenway Events!
We have some upcoming work days on the Greenway, so please attend if you can and feel free to spread the word. We can always use more hands. * Saturday, August 11, 9 AM-12 PM: We’ll have a Greenway Work Party to prepare the planting sites for new shrubbery – yeah! We’ll be working on […]
Greenway Planning Meeting
Please join us Wednesday, July 11, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. for a community meeting at the Glen Park Public Library to review and discuss the Greenway shrub planting plan. We are planning to plant some shrubs along the Greenway between Brompton and Chilton Avenues. These shrubs will accompany the new trees that we successfully […]
Greenway Bound!
You did it! The Glen Park Greenway project has won District 8 Participatory Budgeting funding for the Greenway Boundary Survey! Thank you to all in District 8 who supported the Greenway’s application for funds in District 8’s first Participatory Budgeting Process. Thank you, Supervisor Sheehy, for the opportunity to help decide where the City’s budget […]
Glen Park Greenway Cleanup!
Save the date! Our next Greenway clean-up will be held Saturday, May 12, from 9 a.m. to noon. Meet us at the end of the Chilton cul-de-sac. We’ll have coffee beforehand and lunch sandwiches afterward. What will we do? This time around, we’ll focus on weeding around the new trees and acorn shoots, and devote […]
Glen Park Greenway Cleanup!
Save the date! Our next Greenway clean-up will be held Saturday, May 12, from 9 a.m. to noon. Meet us at the end of the Chilton cul-de-sac. We’ll have coffee beforehand and lunch sandwiches afterward. What will we do? This time around, we’ll focus on weeding around the new trees and acorn shoots, and devote […]
Former Neighborhood Projects page
Glen Park village traffic pattern changes Updates will be posted on our blog’s home page. You can learn more, see detailed documents and sign up to receive email updates and alerts from the SFMTA on the project website. Why no pedestrian scramble? Click here, tap “Details” and scroll down. Greenway linking the village and park The Glen […]
Greenway Cleanup and Potluck
Saturday, June 18 from 10 AM – 2 PM On the Greenway between Brompton and Lippard, along Bosworth Join us on Saturday, June 18 at 10 AM to clean and green the stretch of the Glen Park Greenway between Brompton and Lippard streets. We’ll celebrate and get to know each other over a late-lunch community […]
Glen Park Greenway and the Surplus Property Ordinance
Forwarded from Nicholas Dewar, GPA Greenway Project facilitator: Hello Glen Park Greenway Neighbors, I want you to know about an interesting development related to our Greenway plans: The Glen Park Association (GPA) has heard from Supervisor Wiener’s office that, as part of the implementation of the Surplus Property Ordinance (Prop K, which passed during our […]
GP Greenway Workshop #2 materials available for comment PLEASE REVIEW
In case you were unable to come to the second Greenway Concept Planning Workshop in September, the materials provided at the Workshop are now available for you at the Glen Park Greenway website. There are plan concepts, cross sections and general ideas for how the Glen Park neighborhood may wish to use different areas of […]