Please put Saturday March 1 on your calendar for our next Work Party. March is the month when our Coast Live Oaks will put on 95% of their annual growth. We may even see signs of stems and leaves sprouting from the acorns you planted in December. And of course there will be more flowers […]
Greenway Work Party–Saturday, January 4
Please put Saturday January 4 on your calendar for our first Work Party of 2025. December’s drenching rains are just what the Greenway needs to take care of the seedlings planted in the Native Meadow early this month and to germinate the acorns sown in the Oak Woodland. The rain also softens the soil so […]
Greenway Work Party – Saturday, December 7
Please put Saturday December 7 on your calendar for our next Work Party. This will be our big, annual planting party! We have many new plants for the Native Meadow (including the pictured Red Ribbons) and more acorns for the Oak Woodland too. As a special bonus, SF Public Works will deliver a pile of […]
Greenway Work Party – Saturday, November 2
Please put Saturday, November 2, on your calendar for our next Work Party. This will be the last one before our big planting party in December. We already have the harvested, sorted and sanitized acorns stored in the fridges of various volunteers and there’s much else to prepare before that planting. I hope that you’ll […]
Glen Park Greenway Work Party–Saturday, October 5
Please put Saturday October 5 on your calendar for our next Work Party. This will be our first work party of fall, and you can already see that it’s arrived on the Greenway: ripe fruit, falling leaves and plump acorns. I expect that it will be a warm and sunny Work Party as we prepare […]
Glen Park Greenway Work Party–Saturday, September 7
Please put Saturday September 7 on your calendar for our next Work Party. Fall is coming and five of our young oaks, now at the end of their seventh summer, are producing acorns that will be fully formed and ripe in early October. There’s plenty for us to do in the next few months before […]
Glen Park Greenway Work Party–Saturday, July 13
Our July Work Party is just over one week away. If you can see beyond the Independence Day weekend, I hope that you can visualize joining us on the Greenway on Saturday, July 13. Many thanks to those who have already contacted me to say that they will join us. Please reply to this email […]
Glen Park Greenway Work Party–Saturday, June 1
Please put Saturday June 1 on your calendar for our next Work Party. Spring has almost run its course and soon we’ll be feeling the earth drying as the grasses turn to summer gold. There’s plenty for us to do to protect the Native Meadow from weeds and prepare the Oak Woodland for the summer. […]
Glen Park Greenway Work Party – Saturday, May 4
Our May Work Party is just over one week away. I expect that your plans for that week-end are coming into focus now. Many thanks to those who have already contacted me to say that you will join us. Please and tell me that you’ll be there too. We’ll meet at 9am on Saturday […]
Glen Park Greenway Work Party — Saturday, April 6
Please put Saturday April 6 on your calendar for our next Work Party. The Greenway is blooming, leaves are unfurling, and the Equinox will happen this evening. There’s plenty for us to do protecting the Native Meadow from weeds and preparing the Oak Woodland for the summer. I hope that you’ll come and enjoy it […]
Glen Park Greenway Work Party–Saturday, March 2
Please put Saturday March 2 on your calendar for our next Work Party. The pace of life on the Greenway picks up as the days lengthen into spring. So the pace of our work picks up too! Protecting the Native Meadow from weeds and preparing the Oak Woodland for the summer will give us plenty […]
Greenway Work Party—Saturday, January 6
Our featured image is from San Francisco Public Works’ current newsletter, In the Works. They’ve highlighted our planting day last month in a thank you letter to all the volunteers who worked on beautification projects in the city this year. Here’s what they said about the Greenway: In early December, 28 Glen Park neighbors […]
Greenway work party—Saturday, December 2
Our annual Planting Party is coming up on the first Saturday in December: it’s just over one week away. I’m sure that you have a lot on your mind this week but I expect that your plans for that week-end are coming into focus now. Many thanks to those who have already contacted me to […]
Greenway Work Party–Saturday, November 4
Please put Saturday November 4 on your calendar for our next monthly Work Party. We hope that the rains will arrive on schedule, so we will spend most of our time at this Work Party preparing for a lot of planting in December when we expect the ground will be nice and damp. I hope […]
Autumn blooms on the Greenway
Come to the Greenway Native Meadow (between Brompton and Lippard Avenues) and see how many of these flowering plants you can find. The winter rains helped create a profusion of blooms. But hurry!
Greenway Work Party–Saturday, September 9
California native iris (Iris douglasiana) Photo: Kathy Keller Please put Saturday September 9 on your calendar for our next monthly Work Party. The Native Meadow is growing beautifully with more flowers emerging as the plants mature. Month by month, we see the efforts of our volunteers paying off. I hope that you’ll come and enjoy […]
Greenway Work Party–Saturday, August 5
Please put Saturday August 5 on your calendar for our next monthly Work Party. The Native Meadow is growing beautifully and we just had our oak trees expertly trimmed. So all is looking good on the Greenway. I hope that you’ll come and enjoy it all with us. We’ll meet at 9am on Saturday August […]
Greenway Work Party–Saturday, July 8
Please put Saturday July 8 on your calendar for our monthly Work Party. The Solstice is behind us and the Big Dry is getting started. The Native Meadow is growing beautifully (we’re still irrigating it while it gets established). The oak trees are looking good – some of the direct-seeded oaks are going into their […]
Greenway Work Party–Saturday, June 3
We’re making plans for our June Work Party. Please put it on your calendar – Saturday June 3. The growing season is still going full-blast with long days and plenty of moisture still in the soil. The Native Meadow is growing beautifully and the oak trees are looking good. I hope that you’ll come and […]
Greenway Work Party–Saturday, May 6
We’re making plans for our May Work Party. Please put it on your calendar – it’ll be on Saturday May 6. We’ll be deep into the growing season with long days and plenty of moisture still in the soil. The Native Meadow is growing beautifully and the oak trees are looking good. I hope that […]
Greenway – Bernal Cut Native Plant Tour Sunday, 4/30
Join the California Native Plant Society’s walking tour of Glen Park/Bernal Glen on Sunday, April 30, from 1 to 3 p.m. and explore the hidden treasure trove of urban open spaces filled with California native plants and see the ever evolving super bloom. We will travel along the Glen Park Greenway and tour the native grass […]
Art installation in Glen Park sparks imagination of Greenway walkers
Using one’s imagination, a trip to a farm in England or a reminder of some personal memory, can be as close as the Greenway. Adam King, 71, a transplant from London to New York to Diamond Street 28 years ago, has been an activist on behalf of growing things and neighborhood beautification for the last […]
Join the Greenway Work Party, Saturday April 1 (no fooling)
Please put April 1 on your calendar – our first Work Party of the spring! The days are lengthening and the wet weather keeps coming. The Native Meadow is growing beautifully and the oak trees have put on their March growth spurt. I hope that you’ll come and enjoy it all with us. We’ll meet […]
Greenway Work Party–Saturday, March 4
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, We are making plans for our March Work Party. Please put it on your calendar: it’ll be on Saturday March 4. This will be our last Work Party before the start of spring, and the plants along the Greenway are really getting going now. There’s lots of growth […]
Glen Park Greenway News
Hello Friends and Supporters of the Greenway, We are making plans for our February Work Party. It’ll be on Saturday February 4; a few days after Imbolc. Imbolc is probably the Holiday that you never heard of, but it’s all about the sudden speed-up of the rate that days lengthen after we pass the mid-point […]
Join the Oxalis Campaign–volunteers urgently needed!
Dear Greenway supporter, The Greenway’s Native Meadow is at a key moment in its development and it urgently needs us to protect it. You’ve probably noticed how well the native plants are doing, but the Oxalis that escaped our weed suppression methods is just getting going and, if we’re quick, it presents us with a […]
As 2022 draws to a close, the Greenway is still a work in progress
Have you walked along the Glen Park Greenway recently? Many who live in Glen Park use the trail through the Greenway to walk from the BART station and the shops on Diamond Street towards the Recreation Center in Glen Canyon Park; to stretch their legs, clear their mind or walk their dog. Visitors from other […]
Greenway work party–Saturday, December 3
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, I hope that your plans for Thanksgiving are coming together well. I also hope that, in the aftermath of that feast you’ll be longing to get your hands (and even perhaps your knees) a bit muddy on the Greenway! On Saturday December 3 – about a week after […]
Greenway work party–Saturday, November 5
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, We are making plans for our last Work Party before (we sincerely hope) the rains arrive and we plant this year’s batch of meadow plants in the Native Meadow. So the focus of our work at this November Work Party will be the preparation the Native Meadow for […]
Greenway work party–Saturday, October 1
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, We are making plans for our first Work Party of the fall. It will be on Saturday, October 1 from 9:00am to 12:00pm. We’ll have coffee at the start (many thanks to Canyon Market for providing this) and sandwiches at the end. I do hope that you can […]
Massive tree limb comes down with a thud
Monday, September 12, was the day a tree that was threatening to “do something” for years, made a dramatic statement. Neighbors flocked to the site on the Greenway at the upward slope to Bosworth Street, adjacent to Brompton Avenue, where at around 3:35 pm, a large tree limb broke away from its trunk and fell […]
Greenway work party–Saturday, September 10
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, I hope that you are enjoying the final weeks of summer. We are making plans for September’s monthly work party. It won’t be on the first Saturday as it usually is because, of course, that would conflict with Labor day. It will be on Saturday, September 10 from […]
Greenway Work Party Saturday, August 6
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, Saturday August 6 is the day for our August Work Party on the Greenway. I hope that you will be able to join us. Please email me as soon as you can to tell me if you plan to be there on August 6th. Email: Here are […]
Warning sign goes up on Lippard Avenue as Crosstown Trail traffic grows
July 23, 2022 UPDATE After complaints about pedestrian safety as more people walk the Crosstown Trail that crosses Lippard between Bosworth and Chenery Streets, a warning sign went up the week of July 18, 2022. A red zone has also been added to the crossing. Original story from June 14, 2022 The amount of foot […]
Two Greenway work parties in July
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, The grass plants that we put in the Native Meadow in January are looking really good. One of the secrets to their success is the careful watering using their drip irrigation system that we installed on the south side of the trail in March. Now it’s time for […]
Greenway monthly work party-Saturday, June 4
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, Saturday June 4 is a big day in Glen Park: as well as being the day of our Greenway’s June Work Party, it is the Neighborhood Beautification Day (“NBD”) for our supervisorial district. So it’s going to be a busy day in District 8 as well as on […]
Greenway work parties–May 2 and May 7
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, I hope that you are enjoying the arrival of spring (and even a few spring showers) and that you are longing to get your hands (and even perhaps your knees) a bit muddy on the Greenway! We are taking another big step with our Native Meadow on Monday […]
Greenway work party — Saturday, April 2
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, I hope that you are enjoying the approach of spring and are ready for its arrival. We are making plans for April’s monthly work party. It will be on Saturday April 2 (two weeks from today) from 9:00am to 12:00pm. We’ll have coffee at the start (many thanks […]
Work Parties on Greenway Native Meadow grasslands
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, The grass plants that we put in the Native Meadow in January are looking good, and now is our chance to prepare them for the summer by installing a temporary drip irrigation system. This is the most water-efficient way for us to care for the recently-planted grasses so […]
Greenway Flag Garden? Not exactly …
It may look like a garden of colored flags but in fact it’s a meadow-in-the-making. On Saturday, January 15, about 20 volunteers planted more than 400 native grass plants on the Glen Park Greenway between Brompton and Lippard Avenues. These are the backbone of what will grow to become Glen Park’s Native Meadow. We built […]
Greenway work parties this month
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, I hope that you had wonderful Holidays and that you are longing to get your hands (and even perhaps your knees) a bit muddy on the Greenway! On Saturday we begin the planting of the Native Meadow. There are three work parties in the next two weeks. Are […]
Glen Park Greenway: Join the Work Party Saturday Dec 4!
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, I hope that you are enjoying the afterglow of Thanksgiving. We are making plans for December’s monthly work party. It will be next Saturday December 4 from 9:00am to 12:00pm. We’ll have coffee at the start (many thanks to Canyon Market for providing this) and sandwiches at the […]
Greenway Work Party Saturday, Nov. 6
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, I hope that you can come to our next Work Party on Saturday November 6 from 9:00am to 12:00pm. We’ll have coffee at the start (many thanks to Canyon Market for providing this) and sandwiches at the end. We haven’t shared coffee and sandwiches together since before Covid […]
Greenway volunteers work hard to keep vegetation going during drought
Coming to the Glen Park Greenway…a California Native Meadow. The design is based on community consensus reflected in the Greenway Concept Plan of 2016. In a series of community meetings held this September, we refined our expectations about what the Native Meadow should provide and will continue to refine the design of the Meadow over […]
Greenway Work Party Saturday, Oct. 2
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, I hope that you can come to our next Work Party on Saturday October 2 from 9:00am to 12:00pm. If you’re planning to come to the work party please send me an email at Please let me know no later than Tuesday September 28. Here’s a description […]
Glen Park Greenway: join the Work Party on Saturday Sept 4!
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, I hope that you can come to our next Work Party on Saturday Sept 4 (Labor Day weekend!) from 9:00am to 12:00pm. If you’re planning to come to the work party please send me an email at and let me know no later than Tuesday August 31. […]
Volunteers, supporters and friends gather to celebrate Greenway milestone
Greenway Trail Improvement Project celebration, August 5
Photos: Bonnee Waldstein Hello Friend and Supporter of the Glen Park Greenway, Please join us on Thursday August 5 at 11 a.m. as we celebrate the completion of the Greenway Trail Improvement Project, a milestone of progress in the Greenway project. We’ll meet on the Greenway near the intersection of Brompton Avenue and Bosworth Street. […]
Greenway Work Party Saturday, August 7
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, I hope that you can come to our next Work Party on Saturday, August 7, from 9:00am to 12:00pm. If you’re planning to come to the work party please send me an email and let me know no later than Tuesday August 3. Here’s a description of the […]
Say Hello to the Trail!
Say “Hello” (from a distance) to the New Greenway Trail! ● The new Greenway trail surface is still hardening. ● Please do not use the trail until barriers are removed! The improvements to the Greenway trail are almost complete. The trail building team has been adding the finishing touches to their work this week. […]