Join your cross-cut neighbors Saturday, February 22, from 10 a.m. to noon, to clean up the Arlington Path! Where: Meet on the 300 block of Mateo at the Arlington Path for a weeding, planting and pruning work day on the heavily traveled Cross Town Trail. When: Saturday, February 22, 10 a.m. Tools, gloves, coffee and […]
Arlington Path
Arlington Path added to Crosstown Trail
You may have noticed how great the Arlington Path and adjacent open space are looking lately, thanks to the tireless efforts of a handful of neighbors. Turns out the folks who manage the San Francisco Crosstown Trail noticed too, because now both verdant sides of the Bernal Cut are part of the Trail! Unveiled in […]
Arlington Path/Bernal Cut Newsletter
Join the California Native Plant Society on its tour of our fabulous Arlington Path Sunday, April 28, from 1 to 3 p.m. More details in the newsletter. Click the image to read.
Glen Park gets spiffied up on District 8 cleanup day
“Weeding, digging, hauling, shoveling, planting–so awesome!” That’s how Carolyn White of Arlington Street described her experience in the February 10 D8 cleanup day. It was a spectacular day in the midst of soaking rainstorms. TLC was doled out at the Bosworth Street median by a crew from the Geo Re-entry program, a nonprofit that helps […]
District 8 cleanup: Two great opportunities to beautify our neighborhoods
In a program called “Love Our City,” every month San Francisco Public Works sponsors neighborhood cleanups in one supervisorial district. Volunteers help keep San Francisco beautiful through landscaping and gardening projects, graffiti removal and litter cleanup. And Saturday, February 10 is our turn! There are two great projects to choose from. What to Expect The […]
What’s the Arlington Triangle? You decide!
Big appreciation for the amazing work completed on the Arlington Triangle Saturday, July 15: 60 Cubic yards of mulch spread & 4 Coast Live Oaks planted. We couldn’t have done it without the amazing site prep from the neighbors, the support of Public Works and San Francisco Environment. Many people asked what’s next for the […]
District 8 Beautification Day Saturday, 7/15
Join your district neighbors in the annual Neighborhood Beautification Day. Register here: The Arlington Path/Bernal Cut community will be focused on the 500 Block of Arlington, turning the Arlington Triangle into a beautiful and more dog friendly place. The foxtails have been meticulously cleared so now it’s time to mulch and plant. On Arlington from […]
Bernal Cut/Arlington Path Newsletter
D8-wide cleanup with SFMTA July 15! See newsletter for QR code to sign up
Greenway – Bernal Cut Native Plant Tour Sunday, 4/30
Join the California Native Plant Society’s walking tour of Glen Park/Bernal Glen on Sunday, April 30, from 1 to 3 p.m. and explore the hidden treasure trove of urban open spaces filled with California native plants and see the ever evolving super bloom. We will travel along the Glen Park Greenway and tour the native grass […]
Glen Park Gets Greener
Glen Park is about to get greener, thanks to a grant that will buy 30 California native trees, 50 drought-resistant shrubs and numerous native grasses to beautify a stretch of land running between Arlington Street and San Jose Avenue. The pedestrian portion of the land is known as the Arlington Path, which runs parallel to […]
Bernal Cut/Arlington Path Newsletter
August Action on the Bernal (Arlington) Cut
Read about the August 27 Arlington Path/Bernal Cut cleanup, grant activity and more in the beautiful Bernal Cut newsletter!
Refuse Refuse in GP 5/15
Refuse Refuse in Glen Park Let’s keep the green alive! Join the Glen Park Association and the Glen Park Merchants Association to refuse refuse in Glen Park. Sunday May 15, 2022 10am to 12pm Meet at Critter Fritters (670 Chenery) Post cleanup refreshments at Critter Fritter Sign Up Here Teams will fan out to […]
Celebration 2/26 – Arlington Path/Bernal Cut Path
It’s time to celebrate! Join us in recognizing the amazing work of our city partners, our art partners, our gardeners and our refuse reclaimers who are turning the two sides of San Jose Avenue into a clean greenbelt. When: Saturday February 26, 2022 1-2pm Where: Richland Ave Bridge @ the Bernal Cut Path (across […]
Arlington Path Workday 1/15
Join your cross-cut neighbors Saturday, January 15, from 10 a.m. for the first monthly work party of 2022! Where: Roanoke and Arlington by the bike station, with a focus on the green areas on the block between Roanoke and Natick When: Saturday, January 15, 10 a.m. What: garbage pick up, graffiti removal, weeding and pruning especially adjacent to […]
Arlington Path/BC Cleanup 9/19
SAVE THE DATES September 19th: 10-12pm the Clean-Up Spectacular: Arlington Path & Bernal Cut October 17th: 12-5pm Phoenix Day Street Parties November 13th: 10-12pm CA Native Planting extravaganza SUNDAY, SEPT 19TH 10-12PM Join RefuseRefuseSF, Shine On and TogetherSF for a friendly neighborhood cleanup! Sign Up Here. We will meet at New College Hill Market (3798 […]
Natick Triangle Clean-up
Sometime in the middle of shelter-in-place the small triangle along San Jose Ave – where Arlington meets Wilder and Natick Street – began to transform. Shopping carts and tires became orderly piles. Great big mounds of cut fennel and diced ivy vines replaced the garbage. Our roadside eyesore started to have order and then mulch. Now it looks like a […]
Arlington Path Cleanup June 26 / Bernal Cut Newsletter
Join your neighbors Saturday, June 26, from 10 a.m. to noon for the monthly work party to clean and weed along the east and west sides of the Bernal Cut. DPW’s Covid workday policy asks volunteers to sign waivers: fill out the Event Waiver here. Stay abreast of work days by subscribing to the Bernal Cut Newsletter […]
Bernal Cut Cleanup May 15
SATURDAY May 15 WORKDAY May 15th 10am-12pm Bernal Cut Workday West Side Meetup at Natick and Arlington East Side Meetup at Mission and Park with Ross leading the clean up DPW has a new Covid workday policy asking volunteers to sign waivers: At least 1 volunteer per household must fill out the Event Waiver here. THE […]
Bernal Cut Cleanup April 17
CLEAN UP | GREEN UP DAY: SATURDAY APRIL 17, 2021 Get an early start celebrating Earth Day by joining the Bernal Cut Restoration Project’s monthly Saturday cleanup, 10 a.m. to noon! Materials and enthusiasm supplied by Sophie C. at Richland and the east side of the path. Remember that the Richland Bridge is closed, so […]
Clean the Cut 3/20
THIRD SATURDAY: CLEAN UP | GREEN UP DAY: MARCH 20, 2021 Grab your gloves (or get some from Public Works) and join your neighbors for our monthly Bernal Cut cleanup! Organized by the College Hill Neighborhood Association, the Bernal Cut Cleanup spans both paths above San Jose Avenue. They organize the bags, the gloves, the pickers, […]
Two (2) golden opportunities for beautification!
Let’s get the Greenway ready for Spring! Join us to set up our trees and shrubs for a successful spring and summer by pulling up and cutting back the plants that would otherwise overwhelm them and compete for the sunlight and water that they need to thrive. The Work Party will have two sessions: 9:00am […]