July 23, 2022 UPDATE
After complaints about pedestrian safety as more people walk the Crosstown Trail that crosses Lippard between Bosworth and Chenery Streets, a warning sign went up the week of July 18, 2022. A red zone has also been added to the crossing.

Original story from June 14, 2022
The amount of foot traffic that crosses Lippard Avenue has increased gradually over the last decade or so and has ticked up noticeably since the opening of the Crosstown Trail. Also, when improvements to the Greenway trail were completed, concerns were raised about pedestrian safety at that location.
To increase visibility, at the request of the Greenway volunteers, Supervisor Mandelman’s office has worked with SFMTA staff, who have recommended removing some parking on either side of where the Greenway trail meets Lippard and adding red zones, accompanied by signage indicating a trail crossing at this point.

This recommendation will be subject to approval at an SFMTA engineering hearing Friday, June 17, at 10:00. It will be item 1 on the agenda, which also provides information on how to participate remotely in the public hearing or share written comment in advance.
The purpose of the public hearing will be to get public feedback on these proposals. No decisions will be made on these items at the public hearing. Based upon all public feedback received, the SFMTA will make and post the decision on these items by 5.pm. the following Friday on the SFMTA website.