Please refer to our latest story, which you can read here. It’s been updated as of Monday, March 23.
UPDATED: Saturday, March 21
Glen Park Hardware is OPEN
Glen Park Cleaners is OPEN
Critter Fritters is OPEN
Cafe Bello is OPEN.
Buddies Market is OPEN
Glen Park Market (across from BART) is OPEN
On Monterey:
Blue Iguana food truck is OPEN
Monterey Pizza is OPEN
Here’s a list of some of the businesses in Greater Glen Park and whether they’re open.
Glen Park Businesses during the COVID-19 crisis
Thanks to the Glen Park Festival committee for starting the initial list. In an effort to support the local businesses that have supported the festival over the years, the Glen Park Festival committee is maintaining an electronic list of local businesses, including their open hours and ways that neighbors can support them. If you have an update about a local business, please email inquiries@glenparkfestival.com