The Richland Avenue Bridge is scheduled to close from March to November for railing repair, paving the way for a mural on its crossbeams and reinforced fencing below. Working under the management of San Francisco Public Works, the contractors with Gordon N. Ball, Inc. will demolish the bridge’s crumbling railing and patch its substructure. According […]
Amos Goldbaum Mural in GP
One of San Francisco muralist Amos Goldbaum’s signature line drawings may soon grace the exterior of Pebbles Cafe, thanks to the efforts of Bernal Glen resident Amanda Martin. “This is a project that I have been dreaming about for a very long time,” Martin said. “After many false starts, it looks like we have a […]
The J Train is Back!
Woo hoo! But remember — the J now ends at Church and Duboce. Click here to learn more
Arlington Slow Street Open
The Arlington Slow Street is closed to through-traffic and open to pedestrians, toddlers, runners and bicyclists from Randall to Bosworth, if the city’s map is to be believed. (Your faithful reporter only went as far south as Miguel.)
GPA Quarterly Mtg Oct 22
Fall 2020 Meeting Join your Glen Park friends and neighbors (virtually!) at our Fall Quarterly Meeting Thursday, October 22, 7 p.m. We have an exciting panel of speakers lined up to discuss San Francisco Ballot Measures: E (Police Staffing) I (Real Estate Transfer Tax) L (Business Tax in relation to top executive’s pay). Click here to […]
Mtg About 44 Bus Lane
From SFMTA: Virtual Community Meeting: 43 Masonic / 44 O’Shaughnessy Temporary Emergency Transit Lanes Join our Virtual Community Meeting to learn more about the project and how to provide feedback. Learn more about the project here. Wednesday, September 16, 2020, 5:30 p.m. Join online meeting to view the presentation To provide comments, please […]
Resilient Bernal Cut Forming
The newsletter looks a whole lot better here LAUNCHING RESILIENT BERNAL CUT Welcome to the new subscribers! This newsletter serves to connect neighbors of the Bernal Cut on both the Bernal and Glen Park sides of San Jose Ave. Coming together to improve the conditions around our homes, streets and open spaces. Great news! We […]
Congestion Pricing Survey
Could Congestion Pricing Improve SF’s Transportation Future? The Transportation Authority is exploring how a fee to drive downtown during busy hours could help get traffic moving, increase safety, clean the air, and advance equity once the economy recovers. We invite you to learn more and provide feedback: → Play Unclog Fog City, a digital game […]
44 Bus Returns to Full Service
Beginning Saturday, August 22, several targeted bus routes will be restored or extended and frequencies improved on some routes to continue to support essential trips and physical distancing. Temporary modified Muni Metro service will also be returning. These include: 44 O’Shaughnessy: Full route restored between Hunters Point and California/6th Avenue J Church: Surface-only route between […]
D8 Supe Newsletter
Click here for the more readable web version. D8 Newsletter – August 2020 Kicking off the AIDS 2020 Virtual Conference by hanging panels of the AIDS Memorial Quilt from the Mayor’s Balcony at City Hall on July 6th. The tradition of hanging panels from the balcony dates back to the early days of the […]
Bernal Cut Newsletter
GP blog editor’s note: some day we will figure out how to post this newsletter so it looks as lovely as it does when it arrives in an email inbox. Until then just note that the wonky formatting is from the transfer of information and not by design. ACTIVITIES FOR AUGUST 2020 RESUME THE SUNDAY […]
Greenway Meeting
Hello friends and supporters of the Glen Park Greenway, Here’s some great news about the Glen Park Greenway: Please join us in a Zoom meeting at 6:00pm on Thursday, August 6, to learn about the Trail Improvement project that we are about to begin on the Greenway between Brompton Avenue and Chilton Avenue. The meeting […]
Scavenger Hunt
First Noe Valley Scavenger Hunt! Resilient Noe Valley has a special treat for you – Noe Valley resident Andrew Keeler has created a magical Scavenger Hunt sure to keep the family busy for hours! His clues will send you hunting throughout the neighborhood for statues, fairies, murals and more.The instructions are featured on our brand-new Resilient […]
Touch-Free Travel on BART
BART is working district-wide to eliminate the sales of paper BART tickets at all BART stations by the end of 2020. Crews just completed the transition to Clipper at the Glen Park BART Station as the District expands the number of stations where the only fare product available for purchase is the reusable, reloadable and […]
Public Safety Mtg July 30
For its summer quarterly meeting, the Glen Park Association has joined the Diamond Heights Community Association and Upper Noe Neighbors to present an area-wide meeting: Public Safety: Where We are Now and Where We are Going Featuring San Francisco Police Department Chief Bill Scott, Ingleside Station Captain Christopher Woon and District 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman. […]
J Church Change
MUNI rail service will resume in August, but the J Church will stop at Market Street, according to the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency. The shortened route is meant to speed service in the tunnel and above ground, as explained on the website and excerpted here: Our subway system moves our highest volumes of […]
Bikeshare Dock Coming
A bikeshare dock on Arlington Street at Roanoke will appear as early as next Monday, after the city approved the permit at a June 12 engineering hearing of the San Francisco Metropolitan Transportation Committee. The 53-foot station will be on the south side of the street, adjacent to city-owned green space. According to Lyft spokeswoman […]
Bernal Cut Bretheren
The most recent Bernal Cut newsletter is here! This month’s work party on the east side is June 20. Work party planned soon for the west side.
Bernal Cut Survey
The Bernal Cut is a unique dividing line between Bernal Heights and Glen Park. Once a single-track railway line, today’s Cut is San Jose Avenue, a large crevasse both real and figurative. In an effort to connect the two sides of the Cut, the Bernal Cut Restoration Project is bringing art, safety measures and neighbors […]
Bikeshare Dock Hearing June 12
According to Lyft, the Arlington at Roanoke bikeshare station will be considered at a virtual public hearing of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Friday, June 12, 2020, at 10 am. Go to or call 888-398-2342 and enter the code 8647385 to join the meeting. For those who cannot tune in virtually, all feedback […]
Glen Park Mourns Lost Neighborhood Fixture
Glen Park is still reeling from the murder of 94-year-old Leo Hainzl, whose friendly face was seen throughout the neighborhood daily. One after another, neighbors recounted stories of Hainzl who, undaunted by age, walked miles every day, repaired his own home, and lent a hand to others. “This was a man who felt like he […]
Pedestrians Prioritized on Chenery
Chenery Street from Brompton to Elk will be closed to outside traffic starting as soon as this week, though the true timeline is still unknown. The partial closure is part of a second wave of Slow Streets, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s effort to give pedestrians and bicyclists more room at the expense of […]
GP Documentary Filmmaker Benefits The Roxie
Dan Goldes has lived in Glen Park since 1998, but his documentary 5 Blocks focuses on changes to mid-Market Street during tech boom. Stream it through Roxie Virtual Cinema from May 8 – 21 and benefit the theater! Filmed from 2011 to 2019 as the tech boom transformed the area, the film explores how the […]
SFMTA Slow Streets Initiative
Tired of the sidewalk dance required for six feet of distance between you and your neighbors? SFMTA is rolling out a Slow Streets initiative, which is meant to limit traffic on a handful of streets so pedestrians and bicyclists can pass each other more freely and safely using the road. This is not a destination […]
GPA Spring Quarterly Mtg
Glen Park Association Spring Quarterly Meeting April 30, 7pm on Zoom! Agenda Supervisor Mandelman will update the neighborhood on news and legislation, followed by a Q&A session Pre-register for the meeting here or register here when the event starts All attendees will be required to provide a name. You will also be asked if you are a member […]
Bears in GP
Thanks to Marian Dalere for the photo and the street artist fnnch for the reminder that life is sweet even when it’s hard. (Check out the fnnch bird on 30th Street as well)
(Virtual) Live Music at Bird & Beckett Friday!
Catch Eric Shifrin’s solo piano gig at Bird & Beckett Books this Friday, April 3, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. by way of Facebook! Click here to go there in one simple step, or go to Facebook, search for “bird & beckett books,” click on “videos” – scroll down a bit and watch for the […]
Bikeshare Dock Hearing Postponed
Lyft has informed the GPA that it has pulled the discussion of a bikeshare dock on Arlington at Roanoke from the March 20 SFMTA Engineering in light of the disruption of the Coronavirus. The company will inform the community when the item will be rescheduled. Community members are encouraged to be part of the planning […]
Senior Hour at Canyon Market
We’re trying to get the word out that we are reserving our first hour of business (7-8am) for people 65 and older to shop every day at Canyon Market, starting tomorrow while the shelter in place order is in effect. Our senior discount policy will be in effect in addition to the regular Monday/Wednesday/Friday discount […]
CANCELLED Upper Noe Neighbors will host a community meeting Wednesday, March 18, 7 to 8:30 pm, at Upper Noe Recreation Center, 295 Day Street. Agenda: Annual Committee Elections Community Safety Update from SFPD Sampling of treats from Delights by Lisa J-Church Project updates Everyone is welcome. – Olga Follow us on Facebook Our […]
Bike Share Dock Hearing March 20
SFMTA is looking for feedback regarding a proposed bike share station on Arlington at Roanoke at its Engineering Meeting on Friday, March 20, 10 a.m., in City Hall, room 416. The department also weighs written comments sent to Please click here to see the flyer posted at the site.
Public Feedback on Twin Peaks Redesign
Greetings Folks Interested in the Twin Peaks Figure 8 Redesign, As you may know, the 2-year extension of the Twin Peaks Figure 8 Pilot Project is coming to an end, and the SFMTA is looking to make the current roadway configuration permanent. As part of its approval process, the Agency will hold an *Engineering Public […]
Saturday Fundraiser at Bird & Beckett!
Come out on Leap Day, Saturday, February 29th, for an all-day celebration and fundraiser for Bird & Beckett, Jazz in the Neighborhood and an Independent Musicians Alliance. What better day to set aside for a celebration of your local bookshop cum jazz club and its ally, Jazz in the Neighborhood? We’ll up the ante and […]
UNN: J Church Update
The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) will update neighbors on the J Church Improvement Project at the Upper Noe Neighbors meeting January 15, 7 pm, at Upper Noe Recreation Center, 295 Day Street. Significant proposals include: removing the inbound stop at 30th and Church, adding a traffic light at Cesar Chavez, and removing parking, […]
GPA Quarterly Mtg Jan 23
Join your friends and neighbors for the Glen Park Association Quarterly Winter Meeting on January 23, 2020, 7 to 8:45 p.m., at the Glen Park Recreation Center off of Elk Street. This time we meet in the larger room. Call it what you will: the room with the fireplace, the auditorium, the room with the […]
Greenway Work Party Jan 18
Hello Friends and Supporters of the Glen Park Greenway, Here’s a reminder that our next work party will be on Saturday January 18, 2020. We’ll start at 9:00 – there’ll be coffee waiting for you Meet at the top of the Chilton Ave cul-de-sac beside 88 Chilton Ave. We’ll stop at 12:00 – we’ll provide […]
J Church Open House Nov 18
Upper Noe Neighbors will host a second open house regarding changes to the J Church on Monday, November 18, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Upper Noe Rec Center, 295 Day Street. Attendees will be able to view project information stations hosted by project staff and provide feedback on proposed improvements for the J […]
DHB Planting Nov 2
Hello friends and supporters of the Diamond Heights Blvd. Median Project, SFPW crews worked this week to continue planting, and we need to gather volunteers again this coming Saturday, November 2, for a second Planting Day. If you’re unable to join our volunteer work day in person but would like to show your support, please consider making […]
Arlington Cut Cleanup Oct 26
Join your neighbors for a Fennel Funeral along the Arlington Cut Saturday, October 26, from 9 a.m. to noon! Lend a hand for an hour or all four, as we toast the city for mowing down the hillside fennel so we can clean up the trash that has accumulated over the years. Bring your kids, […]
DHB Median Cleanup Oct 26
[Editor’s note: Arlington Cleanup is the same day] Hello friends and supporters of the Diamond Heights Blvd. Median Project, With great delight, I’m happy to announce that our median landscape plan will be installed this coming week, with a huge assist from SF Public Works. We need as big a volunteer turn-out as possible. I will be […]
City Agency Hearings
Faithful readers: CAH has been incomplete the last few weeks and is again today because I’ve started working full time and cannot juggle in my volunteer responsibilities yet. I have high hopes I’ll eventually figure it all out, but for now you should know that it may not come, and when it does come, it […]
Arlington Cut Clean-Up Oct 26
What: Improve the Arlington/San Jose Cut When: Saturday, October 26, 9 a.m. to noon Where: Meet at Roanoke and Arlington Good news! The city mowed down the fennel along the Arlington Cut! Now we need to go in and clean up the trash that has accumulated. Please join your neighbors for a fall fennel funeral on October […]
Kern Street Parking Lot Legislation
The Planning Commission will consider parking legislation that will directly affect the Kern Street lot this Thursday, and in a reversal of course, the Planning Department is now urging the Commission to keep the lot permissible for parking. Supervisor Rafael Mandelman’s legislation broadly re-orients the Planning Code away from parking and toward people outside their […]
City Agency Hearings
Not too much activity because of the Monday holiday, but Upper Douglass Dog Park will be discussed before the RecPark Commission this week. The SFMTA Board of Directors will meet Tuesday, October 15, 1 p.m., in City Hall, room 400. See agenda and supporting documents here. Proposal to remove vehicular traffic (except MUNI) from Market. […]
Oct 17 GPA Quarterly Meeting
Glen Park Association Fall Quarterly Meeting October 19, 2019, 7pm Glen Park Recreation Center, Elk at Chenery San Francisco AGENDA 7pm Call to order Assemblymember David Chiu legislative updates Fairmount Plaza, open space at the foot of Everson: Brief introduction to Fairmount Plaza by Evelyn Rose, neighborhood historian Nathan Tinclair, deputy director of partnerships at the […]
City Agency Hearings
Monday, October 14, is a holiday, so there are fewer meetings this week. The BOS Rules Committee will meet Monday, October 7, 10:00 a.m., in City Hall, room 263. Agenda The Board of Supervisors will meet Tuesday, October 8, 2 p.m., in City Hall, room 250. Agenda The SFMTA Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee will […]
District 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman’s October Newsletter
D8 Newsletter – October 2019 Speaking at the September General Members meeting of the Upper Noe Neighbors. WHAT’S NEW Homelessness update: Our office is working every day to address the crisis on our streets. Here’s what we’ve been up to lately. Treatment on Demand: Late last month, I held a hearing on the City’s progress implementing […]
City Agency Hearings
Fees to drive down Lombard and congestion pricing coming down the pike this week! Locally, we have one Chenery Street item before the Planning Commission and a presentation on speeding up the J-Church linked in the listing for SFMTA’s Citizen Advisory Committee meeting. The BOS Rules Committee will meet Monday, September 30, 10:00 a.m., […]
City Agency Hearings
Faithful readers, I had to leave early this week, so many of the agendas weren’t posted by the time I wrote this. I see nothing for GP in what was posted, but please check all the SFMTA meetings and the Board of Appeals agenda if you want to be sure you’re not missing anything. Thanks. […]
New (Old) Park at Fairmo(u)nt
The scraggly yellowed bluff where Everson Street dead ends will soon become a scenic overlook with tree-framed views of the San Francisco Bay, thanks to an anonymous donation of almost $100,000* to the Recreation and Parks Department to restore the small neighborhood open space. “We anticipate completing the work this winter,” said Nathan Tinclair, deputy […]