Over the past several years, we have uncovered many impressive histories connected with Glen Park. One not yet discussed is the Glen Park connection to the glamor and glitz of Hollywood that began during the earliest days of Tinseltown. This post is Part 1. … “Moving pictures” were all the rage during the opening […]
Halloween 2021–Glen Park makes a comeback
Photos by Marian Dalere Halloween was almost “normal” on Chenery Street this year. There was no official street closure due to the continuing Covid restrictions, but the Chenery Slow Street between Lippard and Burnside brought out significant crowds. One neighbor enthused, “Half the crowds as normal and waaay better–super fun!”
Greenway Work Party Saturday, Nov. 6
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, I hope that you can come to our next Work Party on Saturday November 6 from 9:00am to 12:00pm. We’ll have coffee at the start (many thanks to Canyon Market for providing this) and sandwiches at the end. We haven’t shared coffee and sandwiches together since before Covid […]
Twin Peaks Trails Improvement Project
The San Francisco Recreation & Park Department is pleased to announce the Twin Peaks Trails and Promenade Project. The project has gone through extensive public engagement and we are nearing the point of implementing the remaining trail improvements and finalizing the promenade design. Please provide feedback so that we can incorporate it into the final […]
Spooky Halloween event in Glen Canyon Park Oct. 30
Nightmare on Elk Street: Haunted house, crafts, music, & face painting!
BART will bring musical joy to BART riders in the month of October….and Glen Park Station is next up!
We are excited to announce a fun promotion coming to Glen Park BART Station on Thursday, October 28 from 5 – 6:30pm. Note that the Glen Park BART station is one of only 4 stations chosen for this event and the only one in San Francisco! The sounds of Reggae, Jazz, and Folk music will bring […]
Come one come all to the Halloween extravaganza at St. John School!
Get full details and purchase tickets here. All information courtesy of St. John Elementary School.
J Church Transfer Project Open House & Public Hearing
This project is focused on accessibility improvements to assist J Church customers transferring at Market Street and Duboce Avenue. Learn more about the project and how to make your voice heard at the SFMTA J Church Transfer Improvements webpage.
Don’t miss a Glen Park Halloween tradition!
As usual for the last 25 years at 354 Sussex (at Mizpah), the Vella Family will put out 100+ carved pumpkins for everyone to enjoy. The Halloween carving tradition started as a bonding experience for now retired neuropsychologist Dr. Charles Vella with his then 10 year old daughter, now new UCSF radiologist, Dr. Maya Vella. […]
Supervisor Mandelman’s monthly newsletter
Web Version D8 Newsletter – October 2021 Had a great time at SCRAP-SF’s “RePurposeful” show. This partnership with our beloved Randall Museum highlighted the results of SCRAP’s work to provide affordable access to arts and crafts supplies. Learn more about SCRAP at www.scrap-sf.org STAYING CONNECTED City Hall, and my office, are open so stop by and […]
Greenway volunteers work hard to keep vegetation going during drought
Coming to the Glen Park Greenway…a California Native Meadow. The design is based on community consensus reflected in the Greenway Concept Plan of 2016. In a series of community meetings held this September, we refined our expectations about what the Native Meadow should provide and will continue to refine the design of the Meadow over […]
Trees put Glen Park in top 5 neighborhoods in SF
A new study of “tree canopy cover” ranks Glen Park fifth out of all San Francisco neighborhoods, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. It’s a metric developed by a data company, EarthDefine, which measures the percentage of total land area covered by trees. Overall, with 669,000 trees, San Francisco has very little tree cover, at […]
Hooray for $50K! Glen Park Merchants group scores major grant
(Note: See slideshow at end of post.) It takes a village to keep a village thriving and vibrant. And that village must have people willing and able to do the hard work to keep it that way and to move ever forward. A big step was taken in that direction recently when the Glen Park […]
Greenway Work Party Saturday, Oct. 2
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, I hope that you can come to our next Work Party on Saturday October 2 from 9:00am to 12:00pm. If you’re planning to come to the work party please send me an email at greenway@glenparkassociation.org Please let me know no later than Tuesday September 28. Here’s a description […]
Glen Park Recreation Center reopens
We’re excited to share that the majority of our Recreation Centers will reopen on weekdays beginning on Tuesday, September 7. All visitors are required to show proof of vaccination to enter our recreation centers. The new requirements do not apply to those who are ineligible for vaccinations, including children under 12 years old. For more information […]
Give us your ideas to paint a Glen Park mural!
Please complete a very brief survey to add your vision into the design for the Burnside Mural+ project, which foresees a mural and a tiled stairway at the Burnside Avenue cul-de-sac adjacent to the endpoint of the Greenway. There is also a photo of the site and some information about the effort. The survey should […]
Glen Park Greenway: join the Work Party on Saturday Sept 4!
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, I hope that you can come to our next Work Party on Saturday Sept 4 (Labor Day weekend!) from 9:00am to 12:00pm. If you’re planning to come to the work party please send me an email at ndewar@ppcollab.com and let me know no later than Tuesday August 31. […]
SFPD recognizes Glen Park citizen volunteer
Below, the item from the August 20 Ingleside Station Newsletter: “Ingleside Citizen of the Month / August 2021 The Citizen of the Month for August is Marian Dalere. Marian is a native first generation San Franciscan, who was raised and went to school in the Glen Park neighborhood. Marian followed in her mother’s footsteps and […]
Next steps for 43 Masonic and 44 O’Shaughnessy
A walking school bus? Read this.
Join Supervisor Mandelman and the Safe Routes to School partnership in a 1-hour free webinar to learn how you can start a Walking School Bus at your school! Studies show that children who walk to school enjoy health benefits and academic advantages, as well as feel a sense of accomplishment, independence, and self-confidence. To learn […]
Glen Park physician who gave so much has passed away
Dr. Marc Lieberman, a Glen Park resident (Arbor St) and an incredible human being passed away on August 2nd. He was an ophthalmologist—and I was lucky enough to have been under his care for the past 11 years, which is how I know him. But beyond that, he was a fascinating, exceedingly compassionate person who left the […]
Friends of Glen Canyon Park resumes habitat restoration — join in
Volunteer in our Parks Try out your green thumb or help clean up your neighborhood park. Sign up here to volunteer for the Glen Canyon Park cleanup August 21 (drop-ins also welcome) From Mission Dolores Park to Golden Gate Park, there’s a wealth of exciting volunteer opportunities in our parks. Volunteers participate in a variety […]
Volunteers, supporters and friends gather to celebrate Greenway milestone
Greenway Trail Improvement Project celebration, August 5
Photos: Bonnee Waldstein Hello Friend and Supporter of the Glen Park Greenway, Please join us on Thursday August 5 at 11 a.m. as we celebrate the completion of the Greenway Trail Improvement Project, a milestone of progress in the Greenway project. We’ll meet on the Greenway near the intersection of Brompton Avenue and Bosworth Street. […]
Greenway Work Party Saturday, August 7
Hello Friend and Supporter of the Greenway, I hope that you can come to our next Work Party on Saturday, August 7, from 9:00am to 12:00pm. If you’re planning to come to the work party please send me an email and let me know no later than Tuesday August 3. Here’s a description of the […]
Say Hello to the Trail!
Say “Hello” (from a distance) to the New Greenway Trail! ● The new Greenway trail surface is still hardening. ● Please do not use the trail until barriers are removed! The improvements to the Greenway trail are almost complete. The trail building team has been adding the finishing touches to their work this week. […]
Recent crime in Glen Park
Please note recent criminal activity in Glen Park: Saturday, June 26, 2021 Serious incidents: 08:00 a.m. 300 Block of Surrey St. Burglary Officers Johnson and Yu responded to a report of a residential burglary. The victim stated that he entered his garage in the morning and found that the garage door had a broken window, […]
An artistic and beautification project for Glen Park: The Burnside Mural+
Neighbors and friends had a congenial gathering at the Burnside Avenue cul-de-sac the evening of Friday, June 18. This one block street, along with its sister street to the east, Chilton Avenue, are known for their tight-knit family atmosphere and friendly vibe–like a little town within Glen Park. The occasion was the kick-off of an […]
The Greenway oak woodland is growing! Goodbye wire cages
The California oak woodland on the Glen Park Greenway is reaching new heights and the time has come for most of the young trees to be freed from their protective wire cages. Each year, mainly during the month of March, coast live oaks like the ones planted along the Greenway put on a growth spurt. […]
Ohlone Way mural draws viewers from near and wide
What a coincidence: On Sunday, May 16, some curious folks met by chance to see the new mural, “This is Ohlone Land,” on the 200 block of Surrey Street. Turned out they were all connected in some way to the Glen Park Association or the Glen Park News. Left to right: Rachel Gordon, editor, Glen […]
Our beautiful piece of San Francisco
I was walking up to Twin Peaks from Bernal Heights and came across The Little Red Hen Community Garden last Tuesday at 7pm. Their friendly set up really caught my attention, the flowers were so bright and beautiful, and the sense of community was really warming. Then the fog was rolling quite fast that evening […]
Storyteller and activist bridges two communities
(Photos by Bonnee Waldstein except where noted.) “At 23, I was like, how do you get into the film business and make a living? So I asked a documentary filmmaker friend. She said, if you don’t have a trust fund, go get another job and you can make films if you want to.” Sophie Constantinou, […]
Muni 36/52 Special Route Starts May 15th
This notice will confirm the final route and details for the combined 36/52 loop that will start service on Saturday, May 15th. The loop will run in both directions with 30 minute headways between buses, between 10:00 – 6:00 pm. The buses will also run from 8:00 – 10:00 am and 6:00 – 8:30 pm […]
Glen Park Station bar reopens after 14 months
It was a celebratory atmosphere as Debbie Eller of Surrey Street placed her order for two dirty martinis for herself and a friend. There was outdoor seating plus indoors at 25% capacity, which was quickly achieved.
Christopher Park Playground Opens After Remodel
Playground photos courtesy of SF Rec & Park George Christopher Playground in Diamond Heights has reopened after a near two-year, $5.2 million renovation and park improvement project. The 6.8 acre park is tucked between the Diamond Heights Shopping Center and the northeastern rim of Glen Canyon. The park improvements include a new playground, resurfaced pathways, […]
Diamond Heights stairway walk
When the planners designed Diamond Heights back in the 1950s and 1960s, they went for a suburban feel, with winding, curvilinear streets and plenty of parking. They also included stairways to connect hill dwellers with shopping and parks. The stairways received names. Some, like the streets they connected, were named after semiprecious stones. Others, in […]
More information on donations to Urban Angels
The Glen Park News found a web page that gives a lot of good detail on donations to Urban Angels: what’s needed, what isn’t (and makes more work for the volunteers), how to find the drop-off point in the Diamond Heights shopping center, and how to check in advance before donating. https://www.urbanangelssf.org/clothing-drive Thank you, Urban […]
This is Ohlone Land
Among the many charming features of Glen Park are the unpaved lanes that welcome the wanderer from the city concrete–it’s instant nature, although with reminders of civilization: backyards, fences, garages, tire tracks. Walking through, one can see how the people living just beyond have lovingly tended (or neglected) these borderlands. One does not expect to […]
Virtual Community Coyote Talk on March 30
Join the Recreation and Park Department, Animal Care and Control, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Project Coyote on Tuesday, March 30 for a presentation on coexisting with San Francisco’s resident coyotes beginning at 6 p.m . Keli Hendricks, the ranching and wildlife coordinator with Project Coyote, will present virtually and host a question […]
Calling all wannabe Glen Park News carriers
The Glen Park News needs volunteers to deliver its quarterly newspaper, which resumes hard copy publication with the Spring issue. The effort involves delivery to a specified route four times a year and no more than 45-60 minutes to deliver the Glen Park News to the stoops of Glen Park neighbors. The next issue is scheduled […]
Neighbors still say Hi in Village of Glen Park
If you think this headline was written today, think again. Think about over twenty years ago, May 26, 2000, when this was the headline in SF Gate, followed by a rundown of the people and places that make our neighborhood cozy and warm. After you read the SF Gate story, look at the “footnotes” that […]
Specific Donations for the Unhoused Accepted on Saturday, March 20, 1:00 3:00 pm at the Diamond Heights Shopping Center Parking Lot
Message from Nelson Barry, Founder & President, Urban Angels SF, Diamond Heights Shopping Center: WILL YOU HELP??? Support a new and wonderful joint program between the Buddhist Church of San Francisco and Urban Angels SF to collect supplies for the unhoused. PLEASE COME AND DONATE ALSO SPREAD THE WORD TO YOUR FRIENDS, FAMILY, NEIGHBORS AND COMMUNITIES (FAITH-BASED AND […]
Welcome, new Ingleside Station captain
As we transition into March, we find ourselves in a state of change here at Ingleside Station as well. As many of our readers are aware, district station captains are rotated throughout different assignments in our department, with both newly-promoted and tenured captains being transferred to new assignments. With that said, please join us in […]
Have you always wanted to write for a newspaper?
The Glen Park News has been publishing in various forms since 1977. It’s now a quarterly newspaper, and has been delivered to your door in Glen Park until last year when the pandemic made it go online temporarily. Read our current and past newspapers on the Glen Park Association website here: https://www.glenparkassociation.org/glen-park-news/ Historic issues are […]
Notes from the Glen Park/Diamond Heights Public Safety Town Hall
Several crimes involving firearms have rocked our two neighborhoods in recent months. In response, a town hall public meeting was held on February 17. The latest incident was a drive by shooting on Sunday, January 24 at 3:00 p.m., at the intersection of Chenery Street and Brompton Avenue. A young man had dropped his mother […]
Zoanne touched many lives in many different ways
Jeff DeMark, a longtime friend of Zoanne, wrote this poem in tribute to her. Gum Tree Girls For Zoe Nordstrom Walking through Glen Park Canyon Cold December afternoon Eucalyptus trees towering Swaying and dancing Tended paths meander through bushes And a fairy altar in the rocks: “An old gnome home” Couples and families strolling […]
Fire along San Jose Avenue
At around 10:00 a.m. this morning, a tree was in flames on the east side of San Jose Avenue going north. It was near the J-Church streetcar line stop for Glen Park. SFFD responded with multiple fire engines, trucks and an ambulance. By 11:30, the fire was extinguished, and crews were mopping up among the […]
“Twin Peaks for All” proposal and public meeting
The proposal includes opening the Portola Drive gate to vehicle traffic at all times and keeping the Burnett Avenue gate closed to vehicle traffic at all times. People walking, biking and rolling would be able to access Twin Peaks Boulevard and Christmas Tree Point Road through both gates. This option (also called Option 2) provides […]
Mrs. Abby Fisher, Freed Woman of Color, Cookbook Author, & Culinary Entrepreneur: What We Now Know.”
As part of Black History Month, don’t miss this virtual presentation at the SF Public Library this coming Wednesday, February 24, when Director Evelyn Rose presents, “Mrs. Abby Fisher, Freed Woman of Color, Cookbook Author, & Culinary Entrepreneur: What We Now Know.”. Rediscovered at auction in 1984 and authored by Mrs. Abby Fisher, “What Mrs. […]
Zoanne Nordstrom, 12/21/1933 – 2/15/2021
ZOANNE NORDSTROM, 12/21/1933 – 2/15/2021 Glen Park has just lost one of its all-time champions. Zoanne Nordstrom, of Surrey Street for over sixty years, passed away Monday morning, February 15, at age 87, of the Covid-19 virus. Anyone out and about in the neighborhood would run into Zoanne, whether in earlier days when she was […]