Happy August! This summer has been one of the busiest for me in my career and I’ve really been enjoying the hustle and bustle. I’m one of those people that gets a lot more done the more that needs to be done. I’ve been noticing that prospective buyers are really getting off the fence and […]
August 2024 SFPD Ingleside Station Newsletter
On 08/06/24, Ingleside Station is proud to host the National Night Out. National Night Out is our opportunity to welcome you and your children to the station and meet some of our officers, take a look at some of our vehicles and equipment, enjoy fun filled games, raffles and snacks. In this edition of our […]
Glen Park Hardware is closing
In a blow to the neighborhood commercial corridor, Glen Park Hardware is closing after just six months under its most recent ownership, a limited liability corporation named Rikbull with a mailing address in San Carlos in San Mateo County. As indicated by the nine signs in the store window, everything is 50% off; store hours […]
District 8 July 2024 Newsletter #2
District 8 July 2024 Newsletter
I’m writing this during the most sweltering 4th of July weekend. Wow, it’s been really hot for a long time! I have a listing in Novato and was over there the other day – 107 degrees and almost impossible to grab the steering wheel to drive when getting back in my car. I think this […]
Pigeons–a political mess
About a week or two ago, a curious sight appeared at the Glen Park BART station plaza–a young woman with a a hawk perched on her finger. The Glen Park News wasn’t able to approach her to see what she was doing there. Fortunately the San Francisco Standard was on it and we can report […]
Glen Park Greenway Work Party–Saturday, July 13
Our July Work Party is just over one week away. If you can see beyond the Independence Day weekend, I hope that you can visualize joining us on the Greenway on Saturday, July 13. Many thanks to those who have already contacted me to say that they will join us. Please reply to this email […]
July 2024 SFPD Ingleside Station Newsletter
Happy July! Everyone at Ingleside Station wishes you a wonderful, crime-free month! June is Pride month, and we would like to extend our warm wishes to our LGBTQ friends and allies. June also marks Juneteenth on June 19th, and we are eagerly looking forward to supporting Pride and Juneteenth celebrations! This month, like the others, […]
A plague of water main breaks causes woe for neighbors
A couple of years ago, a spokesperson for the SF Public Utilities Commission, in response to a water main break in the neighborhood, noted that San Francisco averages 200 water main breaks per year. It would seem Glen Park accounts for more than our fair share. Recently on June 21, a water main break caused […]
Canyon Market Bakes
(Steiman retired in 2019 after 35 years as an editor and writer at Wine Spectator magazine. Prior to that he was food and wine editor at the San Francisco Examiner and hosted daily radio programs on food on KCBS and KNBR. He lives in Glen Park.) Photos: Harvey Steiman Glen Park is asleep at 3am. […]
Glen Park’s Nicki Michaels nominated for prestigious award
Nicki Michaels, resident of Glen Park since 2007, has been nominated along with two collaborators for an Eisner award, the “Oscar” of comics and graphic novels. There are 32 categories of awards. The trio was nominated in the Best Comics-Related Book category for Flamed Out: The Underground Adventures and Comix Genius of Willy Murphy. (Fantagraphics […]
Reminder: Tile-making event June 15
As you will recall from our May 15 post, an invitation went out to the community to a tile-making event sponsored by Burnside Mural+ in collaboration with the Glen Park Library. The response has been enthusiastic! All available slots for tilemakers were reserved soon after the event was announced in the GPA blog. We can’t […]
We are officially moving into summertime! With many schools already out for summer, people will start leaving town for their eagerly awaited vacations. This, coupled with our San Francisco counterintuitive cold summer weather, typically results in a summertime real estate slowdown. That said, there are a lot of buyers out there, and those who are […]
June 2024 SFPD Ingleside Station Newsletter
Happy June to you and everyone in the Ingleside Station Community! Summer is just around the corner, and we are looking forward to it. However, it’s not all fun and games. Summer brings the law enforcement community some different challenges. Summer is the time when many of us go on vacation, leaving our homes unattended. […]
Glen Park Greenway Work Party–Saturday, June 1
Please put Saturday June 1 on your calendar for our next Work Party. Spring has almost run its course and soon we’ll be feeling the earth drying as the grasses turn to summer gold. There’s plenty for us to do to protect the Native Meadow from weeds and prepare the Oak Woodland for the summer. […]
Cecil Williams, longtime champion of the poor, co-founder of Glide Church, dies at 94 (SF Chronicle)
In addition to his great works for the city of San Francisco, Cecil Williams was a decades-long resident of Hiliritas Avenue in Glen Park. Upon his death last month The San Francisco Chronicle published this extensive obituary detailing a most extraordinary life. https://www.sfchronicle.com/sf/article/cecil-williams-obituary-17820200.php His memorial was held on May 12, also written up in the […]
And just like that it’s May! I’m a little late getting this information out as I’ve been quite busy. Things are really heating up in the housing market with short periods of cooling off whenever the rates jump back up again. Everyone was talking about how the rates were going to continue to go down […]
May 2024 SFPD Ingleside Station Newsletter
Happy May to you and everyone in the Ingleside Station Community! Summer is just around the corner, and we are looking forward to it. However, it’s not all fun and games. Summer brings the law enforcement community some different challenges. Summer is the time when many of us go on vacation, leaving our homes unattended. […]
Noe Valley Garden Tour Saturday, May 18
Mark your calendars for this year’s Noe Valley Garden Tour, which is on Saturday, May 18th. The Garden committee has finalized the gardens to be included on the Tour and you will be amazed at what the massive El Nino winter rains have done for gardens this year. Come be inspired! Featured gardens will showcase a […]
Happy Spring! Wow, we are right back in the swing of things again. The numbers are showing slightly less inventory coming on in the second half of March than in previous years (citywide), but more properties pending and selling… so that’s our supply and demand crunch right there. I’m happy to have gotten three clients […]
April 2024 SFPD Ingleside Station Newsletter
Hello Ingleside Community! March 2024 proved to be a busy month for Ingleside Station. Officers responded to calls for service, participated in operations geared to reducing retail theft, traffic collisions, robberies and burglaries. All the hard work and outside the box thinking that the Ingleside Staff members have done is paying off. We have been […]
Two of San Francisco’s highway bridges with “major defects” are in Glen Park
In a scary article, the San Francisco Standard printed the locations of 18 San Francisco bridges which are in “poor” condition. Only one bridge traverses a body of water; the rest are highway overpasses or, in one case which is in Glen Park, an overpass above the J-Church Muni line. Here are the locations. Read […]
Free earthquake warning app and preparedness info now available
Disasters like earthquakes can occur at any time with little warning. The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) and Earthquake Warning California are encouraging Californians to have an emergency plan in place and download free resources like the MyShake App, available in the App Store or Google Play. You might wish to spread the word on […]
Good advice from a neighbor
Regarding your story about mailbox theft: It would be good to remind folks to register for Informed Delivery on the USPS website to get notifications of what is coming in their mail each day so they know what was stolen.
Glen Park Greenway Work Party — Saturday, April 6
Please put Saturday April 6 on your calendar for our next Work Party. The Greenway is blooming, leaves are unfurling, and the Equinox will happen this evening. There’s plenty for us to do protecting the Native Meadow from weeds and preparing the Oak Woodland for the summer. I hope that you’ll come and enjoy it […]
Are you a victim of mailbox mischief?
The mailboxes of several Glen Park apartment buildings were forced open overnight on March 25/26, and mail from a building on the unit block of Joost Avenue was found around the corner, scattered on the lawn of Glen Park School. While walking his dog at 6:00 am on March 26, Glen Park resident Dan Goldes […]
YEP, OPEN–Glen Park Hardware under new management
Glen Park Hardware is under new management as of February 11, 2024. Neighbors say the store, a mainstay of the neighborhood, has been noticeably scant on stock for more than a year. There has been a Glen Park Hardware store in the space at 685 Chenery Street for 61 years. Ed Josephson owned the store […]
Glen Park Resident Johanna Pinther and the First March for Suffrage in the United States
March is Women’s History Month and the Glen Park News is pleased to reprint this piece of Glen Park women’s history from the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project newsletter by founder and director Evelyn Rose. Our jaws dropped upon making the discovery. Johanna Pinther, a resident of Glen Park over a century ago, is featured in an image […]
District 8 March 2024 Newsletter
WHAT WE’RE WORKING ON CELEBRATING LUNAR NEW YEAR! On February 10, we celebrated Lunar New Year in Chinatown, and on the 24th we rode in the ever-amazing Chinese New Year Parade! Happy Year of the Dragon to all! CELEBRATING BLACK HISTORY MONTH! As part of the Board’s recognition of Black History Month, I had the […]
Mike Isaacs, a founder of the Glen Park Association, has passed away
Mike Isaacs was one of the founders of the Glen Park Association. The GPA was formed when some neighbors had concerns with the proposed larger scaled construction in downtown Glen Park. Many wanted to retain the character of the neighborhood whose homes went back to the early 1900s and some even to the late 1890s. […]
Here we are, knocking on the door of springtime with plenty of rain behind us. Another year without drought is here and we can look forward to some super blooms. Along with that we are starting to see the blossoming of inventory and the many buyers out there are hopeful that this influx continues. In […]
Arbor Day Fair Saturday! DPW Open House in April
We have our annual “Arbor Day Fair” happening on Saturday, March 9th from 9am-1pm. We’ll have fun activities for the whole family. Although this is happening in District 5 at New Tradition Elementary School at 2050 Hayes St., it is a city-wide event open for everyone. Also, we have our annual “Open House” at Public […]
Our Local Connections with African American History
For Black History Month, we’re reprinting a story from the Glen Park Neighborhoods History Project by founder and director Evelyn Rose. The revisionist, understated, or forgotten aspects of Black history makes research in this area particularly challenging. In research to date, the rediscovered histories of Glen Park and its neighboring districts in the American period […]
Glen Park Merchants Assn. VP named Ingleside Station’s Citizen of the Month
Congratulations, Marian!
Refuse Refuse: Building Community One Piece of Trash at a Time
(Glen Park News staff note: This story is reprinted with the permission of Marcia Schneider from her newsletter, Social Correspondence, which she created ten years ago. Marcia retired as Chief of Communications and Outreach for the San Francisco Public Library. You might know Marcia as the spouse of the late Murray Schneider, who for […]
Glen Park Greenway Work Party–Saturday, March 2
Please put Saturday March 2 on your calendar for our next Work Party. The pace of life on the Greenway picks up as the days lengthen into spring. So the pace of our work picks up too! Protecting the Native Meadow from weeds and preparing the Oak Woodland for the summer will give us plenty […]
Supervisor Mandelman office hours at Higher Grounds Saturday
Join us on Saturday, Feb 24th at Higher Grounds Coffee in Glen Park for office hours! Secure your slot at mandelmanstaff@sfgov.org!
The World Came to Him: On the Bridge Beat with CHP Officer Jack Symons
Since it opened in 1937, at least 2,100 people have jumped from the Golden Gate Bridge, according to the Bridge Rail Foundation. Glen Park resident and CHP officer Jack Symons was assigned to the bridge beat from 1953 to 1956. During that time at least four people died by suicide from the bridge while Symons was […]
Glen Park gets spiffied up on District 8 cleanup day
“Weeding, digging, hauling, shoveling, planting–so awesome!” That’s how Carolyn White of Arlington Street described her experience in the February 10 D8 cleanup day. It was a spectacular day in the midst of soaking rainstorms. TLC was doled out at the Bosworth Street median by a crew from the Geo Re-entry program, a nonprofit that helps […]
Now that we are a month into the new year the bump in activity is becoming evident. Open homes are getting busier. Shockingly, open homes on Sunday Feb. 4th during the torrential downpour were filled with steady traffic. Buyers are coming out and they are serious. They are seeing change in the wind and beginning […]
Glen Park Merchants Association President and former Canyon Market owner Janet Tarlov appointed to SFMTA Board
The Glen Park Association congratulates Janet Tarlov on her confirmation to the SFMTA Board of Directors! We’ve known Janet as an essential merchant in our neighborhood for 17 years; an active member of our community who spearheads and participates in neighborhood improvement projects; and a caring advocate for Glen Park. Below is the press release […]
CHECK IT OUT AT THE LIBRARY–Make a Date With Your Library This Month!
February is here, and Glen Park Library is buzzing with an array of new events to warm your heart. From informative sessions for adults to engaging activities for tweens, teens, and families, there’s something for everyone. Here are just a few new and notable February events we’d love to see you at! Visit our website […]
The Superbowl: Local traffic tips from the Ingleside Station
On Sunday, February 11, 2024, the San Francisco 49ers will play the Kansas City Chiefs in Super Bowl # 58, with kickoff scheduled for 3:30 PM. The Ingleside Police district is home to very enthusiastic 49ers fans. If the 49ers win, Ingleside Station anticipates post-game celebrations spilling out into the streets within the Ingleside Police District. […]
Last call: Limited number of legacy tiles available for Burnside tiled stairway
Burnside Mural+ is thrilled to report that the process for making the tiled stairway is underway! Aileen Barr and Colette Crutcher, our wonderfully talented artists, spent the month of January creating a full-scale mockup of the stairway. It consists of six-foot-wide brown paper with lines for each of the 69 risers, the outlines of the […]
District 8 cleanup: Two great opportunities to beautify our neighborhoods
In a program called “Love Our City,” every month San Francisco Public Works sponsors neighborhood cleanups in one supervisorial district. Volunteers help keep San Francisco beautiful through landscaping and gardening projects, graffiti removal and litter cleanup. And Saturday, February 10 is our turn! There are two great projects to choose from. What to Expect The […]
Glen Park Greenway Work Party || February 3rd
Please put Saturday February 3 on your calendar for our next Work Party. The start of February marks the beginning of the end of winter when the Greenway turns the corner towards springtime. Every creature senses the days becoming longer and many of the plants start a heroic growth spurt. This, of course, becomes a […]
Need earthquake retrofit for your home? See if you qualify for Earthquake Brace + Bolt
Online registration for Earthquake Brace & Bolt (EBB) is now open, and it will remain open through February 21, 2024. Complete details on the EBB program can be found on their website. Earthquake Brace + Bolt provides grants up to $3,000 toward a seismic retrofit for qualifying homes. The program is now available in 815 […]
Shelter animals *say* thank you for the towels–food donations now being welcomed
Good afternoon everyone, Our Officer of the Month, Officer Johnny Vong, has done a tremendous job managing the Ingleside Towel Drive for San Francisco Animal Care and Control (S.F.A.C.C.), and he made yet another delivery of towels this week. S.F.A.C.C. informed us that because of the overwhelming and generous response from those in our community, […]
Glen Park Association announces grants program
The Glen Park Association is happy to announce that we will be awarding $5,000 in grants this year! The maximum for any one project is $1,500. The deadline to submit applications for beneficial neighborhood projects is February 29. Grantees will be announced at the end of April. Further details and an application form can […]